Shelby Foote is one of the many well known Lincoln worshipers. Just google "Shelby Foote Lincoln Apologists" or even "Lincoln Apologists" alone.

Of all of the presidents, Lincoln has arguably had the most impact on this country since its founding and the present way things are, next to FDR, so for better of for worse, we are directed to praise them for it every President's day. The winners write the history.

On Lincoln history, I'm not suggesting that you stop reading Footes' masterpiece. But when you are done, pick up two short books by Thomas Dilorenzi; The Real Lincoln, and Lincoln unmasked. He has excellent bibliographies for further reading as well. Along the way, the following brief paper does a nice job of identifying some of the problems with "scholarship" and "bias."

For some, "Lincoln saved the Union and ended Slavery," and it doesn't matter what the evidence may be, because to mess with that belief, is to mess with many other layers of belief, and that would make Reality way too sticky to deal with.

But, if you are one that wants to find out the truth, read on, and discern.