Ok, I love a good fight, but I don't think I will get it here. It seems most agree with me already.

You can blame Lincoln for being the start of the violation of the Constitution. While it may not neccassarily be totally true, he was the biggest violator of the time. It wasn't till FDR that someone beat him for that title.

Just for starters Lincoln had arrest warrants issued for the Justices of the Supreme court, even though they weren't carried out, they were signed and issued! The reason for this is because they disagreed with him.
He issued more Executive Directives (called Executive Orders today) then all other presidents combined up to his time. Executive Directives/Orders can be Constitutional, but for the most part are not.

The Emancipation Proclomation freed no one! It only said that the slaves were free if they were in Confederate held territory. If they were in Union held territory, they were still slaves..
Although it was a great political move on Lincolns part, becasue it kept France and Britain out of the war. They had already been suppling the South with materials, guns etc..

Yes I know my tag line says I'm a Union re-enactor. But I do have uniforms for both sides and you need both sides to have a battle. I also love being in command of a Comapny of soldiers and love the smell of blackpowder.. I love history, right, wrong, it doesn't matter I like knowing the history..

You know how it is, Some days it's good to be king