Official State of the Union Oddsmaker Odds

By John Galt
January 25, 2011

As usual this public service is provided to my readers. Please contact your short term investment broker is you wish to wager on any of the odds posted. You’re on your own with regards to payouts, etc., don’t email me about it….

Odds – Wager

1000:1 Against Obama mentioning any of the attacks or persecution of Christians in the Islamic world.

1:2 In Favor of the word “recovery” being said 10 times or more

3:1 In Favor of Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and Peter King (R-NY) being seen holding hands at some point during the telecast

5:1 In Favor of Weiner and King kissing on television

2:1 In Favor of “Bush” or “The Prior Adminstration” being blamed for something more than once

6:1 In Favor of a declaration of victory in the “War on Terror”

1:3 In Favor of new programs for teachers and/or education being outlined as our most pressing national priority

3 1/2:1 In Favor of some program being mentioned as “for the children”

8:1 In Favor of Obama saying more jobs were saved or created than at any other point in U.S. History

2:1 In Favor of the word “Green” being said more than 10 times

5:1 In Favor of a Republican being seen picking his/her nose

50:1 Against a Democrat being seen picking his/her nose

4:1 In Favor of the phrase “vitriolic rhetoric” being used by someone on television tonight

3:2 In Favor of Obama jutting his jaw out like Mussolini more than 10 times during the speech

1:1 Against the Republican response being anything but a snorefest

3:1 In Favor of Michelle blowing a kiss to Obama when the cameras pan to her on script

2:1 In Favor of 60% of the U.S. population contemplating using a power drill with a 3/4″ bit on their skulls after watching this.