Ok, so I put out a review of my recently acquired Country Grain Mill. One of the main questions was how much flour does one cup of wheat berries make. Well the consensus was that it was a 1:1 ratio (berries/flour). Today I finally took out some berries and the mill and went to work.

Initially I just filled the hopper and my youngest and I just had some fun with it (more the novelty of it and all). So we did four grindings and ended up with the talcum like flour we have from the store, but better of course. The hopper was about 2/3's full and gave us 4 cups of wonderful flour - but I had no idea how much I put in.

For the second run I measured one cup of hard white spring wheat berries that I picked up from wally world. The first grinding was comparable to a fine corn meal texture and it yielded 1 1/2 cups and probably a teaspoon, but at a minimum a cup and a half. So I put it through two more times to get us very close to commercial grade unbleached flour and remeasured. The third grinding yielded the same 1 1/2 cups with an extra 2 teaspoons or so left over in the catch bin.

So there ya have it; a real world run on the Country Mill. For me 1 cup of wheat berries = 1 1/2 cups of flour, no matter how grainy or fine I'm still getting the same finished yield.

Now I'm going to toss in all the usual internet disclaimers; YMMV, FWIW and IMHO.

I just wanted to pass this along because I wasn't the first to ask or wonder about it. Hopefully this will help someone else.

For the math (in my kitchen anyway...see disclaimers above):

1lb hard white wheat berries = ~2 cups (actually a touch more than 2)
2 cups HWWB = 3 cups of flour (2*1.5)
3 c flour = 1 loaf of bread (in our house)

If you extrapolate that out based on many food calculators for a family of four that state you need 600lbs of wheat berries for a year you get.........drum-roll please.....

600lbs HWWB = 1200 cups
1200 c HWWB = 1800 cups of flour (1200*1.5)
1800 c flour = 600 loaves of bread (1800/3)

OR 1.64 loaves of bread a day.

Hopefully my math is about right.....

Thanks for reading!! Hope this helps ya figure out where you are or whatever!