Could it be the rock the Christ spoke of be Revelation it's self? Since flesh nor blood revealed to Peter, But the Father in Heaven. Not all people spoken to are Prophets, be they Major or Minor. Just everyday people who commune with the Lord.

What about different offices of the Priesthood.. Mechelsidek to Aaronic. Some offices could perform some functions but others could perform all.
Not exactly sure of the verse, but some were to be Evangelists, some to be Elders and some to be Teachers... just bringing up the Authoritative aspect of it.

Reading everyones views and beliefs has kind of rekindled my own faith, but I have to admit, someone who is searching to know the body of Christ without having any type of Spiritual teachings would probably run for the hills after seeing the different view points and the ways they are being communicated.
But to the op...good question..and when you get down to it, and no other option available I think what is important is the intent of the Ceremony and maybe not the Legalities involved...But who am I ?