It seems to me that the entire 10 commandments are summed up in the command we are given post resurrection: Love God with your whole being, believe on Jesus as Messiah and love your neighbor as yourself. If one worked studiously at that, I don't believe one would break any commandment.

Now I will admit that loving God with your whole being may be accomplished and provide light in various ways according to how the Spirit moves each individual. Believing in Jesus may also cause different folks to act as they are moved by the Spirit not necessarily in lockstep with others, and as for loving our neighbor as ourself, well that is distinctly personalized isn't it.

Having said that, there is much direction and advice given in Scripture and also by listening to the Holy Spirit with respect to how we may utilize the gifts that we are granted. Therefore it seems wise to me that we each be careful about what we demand from our fellows as to what our work should be once we have repented and believed. It would also seem to be wise to spend more time looking inward and working on our own behavior and sharing the joy we find in our changed lives rather than the harshness of criticizing others for what they may do or not do.

Thank you Jesus.