I will gladly accept your observations as to how some people get swept up in the Adoration of Mary. I will never tell anyone that Mary is a key to their Salvation. Do however indulge me, I'm also certain that in this world, many times, women and parents, who struggle in poverty, working so hard. Could look to Mary as an example of how a good child can be raised in a world filled with misery and sin. I will also agree with you, that it is rather a bit too much with the weeping statues, all of that.

I will also say, in the vein of going to far, that one of the FIRST slams out of the average Protestant's mouth going after Catholics is right at Mary. While I see no need to Worship Mary, I see the pattern going the other way.

In my ONE, and ONLY criticism of the Sola concept, AGAIN, I don't dispute with anyone, the Bibles Sacred status, it's inerrant status, or it's being the inspired works of God, through men.

My only contention with the concept, is that it diminishes the personal, human contact of love and witness by loving, Holy Spirit filled people. I Worship Christ, his teachings, and his example. I don't Worship this, or any book. Christ didn't write anything, he TAUGHT, he touched, he lived, and he gave everything. When he offered the bread, it was HIS portion for the day. To walk with Christ is to strive to do the same.

Try as one might, the same impression is really hard to effect from a book, even to a receptive reader, compared to that of loving human interaction. Why is that so hard to agree with?

Otherwise, I couldn't care less if anyone were to be led to convert Rome. It is telling that anywhere you go, and discuss this, it can't be done without the Sola crowd throwing turnips on the Catholics. I won't otherwise claim to say that in many peoples minds, Sola IS an assault on Catholicism. It does seem to be on the front line of those explaining the concept, as well as any argument over it. I have no intention to argue over it, the Spirit isn't in it for me. Again, I'm pleading for the Soul reaching out to another, in torment, alone, sick and in prison, I'm sure you've read that. A dusty Bible in that cell might be a comfort, but nothing like someone to talk to.

I also wish all of those evil crimes by those claiming to do so in Christs name never would've happened. The history of mankind is filled with the fruits of original sin. We as such love the darkness, without his Grace, we continue to walk towards it. All due to our sinful nature. While all of these crimes you say are historical fact, these were EVERY bit as well, the sins and crimes of MEN, not the Church Christ began.

You also forgot to give mention to the countless Saints who died willingly espousing the same values. Someone working with a bias only filters out or in what the bias is working for, so, even with Bible studies, it is good and proper to seek fellow Christians for sharing and comparing our perceptions of the Holy Writ, I'm sure you'd allow for that? even the occasional Sunday School?

Point me then, in the direction of the Congregation that isn't filled with sinners, that too, is where I'd like to go.

The gate has always been narrow, and the Bible can inspire, but to SEE, to WITNESS someone living a life going against the tides, shedding off temporal comforts, wealth, things of the earth, filled with the Love and Grace of the Holy Spirit, that is the Christ like example I'd like to follow. Show me where there's more people living the great Commission, because I for one can't get close enough, often enough, to the Holy Spirit.

I'm certain some can be swayed by reading a book, but to see and touch and be around that is where most will be drawn to. God must know the same, he became as Flesh, and did it for us, gave us a living example of what he wishes for us. He didn't just send the manual. He already tried that.

Perhaps what we're witnessing, are countless mini reformations? did you ever think of that? when someone feels that first presence of the Holy Spirit come down, when they REALLY know, REALLY FEEL Christ come into their heart, and that all powerful love inside of them, they want to keep that, to grow closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It may just be that they get a taste of some of the Churches, and they don't know HOW to say whats missing, but they know that the Spirit that filled them isn't in there, and they keep looking for it. Perhaps all too many Christians might not be able to throw Scriptures around as poison darts, to tear down, to destroy, but satan does, and thats ALL he does.

Sometimes it's better to love, than to be right. Even if Rome sucks, I still say, your hanging WAY too much on that one peg.