This thread is in the graveyard, but I just had a lecture on this very thing, if ONE person reads it, and gains from it, then it's worth my five minutes! .

Of course, the Bible contains all of the information required to gain ones Salvation, The Holy Bible, albeit after countless manipulations by good, and bad men, books removed by the same, translations from the two major codex and the fine points of difference, after all of this, and more, I firmly believe even so, when one OPENS THEIR HEART, sits in a still place, and studies it, then the Word is written in that persons heart, and he speaks to us.

Of course, it is inspired by God.

It is NOT a book of no. Any idiot can sit there, and string together verses, to inform others they're doing it all wrong. The Bible can, and has too many times, been used as a weapon, it has been used by bad men, to take lives, take lands, split Churches and Congregations. When the Bible is used by either tormented Souls, or bad men, as a weapon, there is a foul spirit behind that effort, and as such, their position is so jaded, that I refuse to play the no game, the devil knows the Bible better than any of us would EVER hope to do so, and to play the war of the verses with him is futile.

Christians are people of the Word, NOT people of the book. Muslims are by their own terms, people of the book, and over time their books have been turned into weapons and books of no, and the same tools of ignorance are at work turning much of Christendom into heretical angry little men.

Jesus wrote nothing down, Jesus ASKED for nothing to be written down. Jesus TAUGHT us, he asked us to go, and TEACH the people, to DO this, in remembrance of me, to hold to the great commission. Of course he was well informed of the no's in the law.

Christians Worshiped Christ for about 300 years before there even started to be a complied Bible, they taught, they shared the light of the world, the Prayed, shared in the Holy Eucharist, and Worshiped as one Holy Family, being WITH one another, lifting each other up, bringing others with you.

OF COURSE, the Bible is the divine Inspired Work of God. It isn't that "sola scriptura" is completely invalid, it's that the attitude that comes behind it in the shadows, the same forces of fundamentalist discharge from reason that threatens thousands of years of progress and advances of Christs Church.

I don't ask anyone to buy into my post, but THINK about it. It's NOT that the slogan is wrong, just the end result of even a few generations of this lack of thought.

Pray on it, think about it. I'd be very careful throwing out thousands of years of Christian thought and writing.

Dark ages?