Quote Originally Posted by A Simple Pine Box View Post
I'm sorry to hear about your illness. I have MS (diagnosed in 1989) and suffer the same type of symptoms. Are there support groups near you? Possibly your dr/clinic can help you find something.

My Father fought MS symptoms for years. He took B-12 shots,
his legs would buckle from underneath him sometimes, and he ended
up using a cane, but he didn't end up in a wheel chair. He was a
fighter and I think that was half of the battle. I am going back to the
neurologist, because the last MRI they did on my brain, back a few
years ago, there were dark spots, and when I read the report it kept
mentioning "demyelination"...........

A degenerative process that erodes away the myelin sheath that normally protects
nerve fibers. Demyelination exposes these fibers and appears to cause problems in
nerve impulse conduction
that may affect many physical systems. Demyelinization is seen in a number of diseases,
articularly multiple sclerosis.
Diagnosis is by functional observation and by testing for myelin protein in the blood.

Dad always wanted me to go be tested for MS, as he said that I
have quite a few of the same symptoms as he did.....he passed away,
and I had never gone for tests. The neurologist wants me to come
back for further testing. I seem to be the kid (out of four of us) who
has the same diseases/ailments as both of my parents, including

A Simple Pine Box, I'm sorry that you suffer from MS. What are you
taking/doing for it? It does affet different people in various ways, with
some becoming disabled quickly, while not affecting others as fast.