My daughter is a freshman at a local university and although she is getting good grades, she wants to drop out and go to culinary scool. She is basically going to a re-education camp at this university, as are most universities these days. The liberal professor asked the students if the fed. gov. should get more involved (monetarily wise) in our educational sytem or cut taxes on americans.EVERY ONE (except my daughter) of her 26 classmates voted that the gov. should spend more money on education.My daughter feels like she's virtually alone in her political views and wants to get away from the indoctrination.The culinary school is a 1 year program and my daughter is very excited about the possiblities. Because I very much respect the views of many here on TTOL, I am curious as to what you all think about the value of a college diploma vs a young adult who gets into the bottom rung of the work force and works her way up the ladder? My daughter does not fit in with the vast majority of the students because she knows her history and where this country is headed. 99% of the students are clueless dolts and are very easily led. In other words, they are little socialists/Marxists and they don't even know it because the brainwashing of our kids has been so successful
.Personally, I m good with her learning a trade and getting into the work force asap so she will have a jump on the rest of the college grads. IMO, probably half of the college diploma's are worthless pieces of crap and will not get most of the grad's a decent job. Sorry to ramble on, but I wanted to give you a complete picture. Any ideas/opions?