Propane is definitely a luxury. But oh, how I love it.

When we first moved to our place, a friend let us borrow some freezer space in town. Traveling 40 minutes round trip for a bowl of ice cream isn't much fun.

Before we moved to our place, I made a list of modern items in order of their quality of life value. In other words, I would have the first one before the others if I had to choose.

1) Truck--hauling and transportation
2) Chainsaw--cutting a year supply of firewood by hand is too time consuming.
3) Refrigeration, propane--saves money and some things just taste better fresh or frozen.
4) DC water pump--we used a pitcher pump for 5 years. I love my running water.
5) Instant on-demand propane water heater--definitely a luxury but I love it.
6) Washing machine--hauling a family worth of clothes to the laundromat sucks. Washing in the bathtub by hand is even worse.
7) Phone--we didn't have one for a couple years. After my daughter caught meningitis and we were borrowing a phone to play phone tag with the doctor's office we realized what an important tool it is.
8. Computer and internet
9) Battery operated drill driver--almost a necessity
10) Hand mixer--must have for our families favorite frosting--Seven Minute Icing and easier to use for making whip cream.

Yeah, these are all luxuries and we lived without many of these for years. But they sure make life easier.