I know you guys get a lot of suggestions of stuff to listen to, and a bunch of it is really good, but not everyone has time to listen to everything - me included =). I've been listening to several teachings by this guy since early December. He preaches the Gospel 'full preach', with an appropriate emphasis on Old/New Covenant issues.

This teacher gives one of the clearest presentations of the Gospel I have ever heard....

This particular teaching covers so many of the bases regarding issues of Law and Grace, a topic that comes up time and again, really, really well. The first part of the teaching sounds like he's revving up for a teaching on the Gifts of the Spirit, but hang in there - around minutes 5 or 6 he gets to the main issues.

Be blessed! Download it to your phone or MP3 player - I listen to stuff while doing errands or chores at home - and am so glad that I've made the time to listen.


Be blessed!