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Thread: A Lesbian Couple Walks into a Muslim Bakery...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    WA Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Faroe View Post
    You are implying the owners ought to change the name of the bakery? Why?
    Actually, I'm not. However, I don't think that anyone would go to a halal market for a pork roast, because they are aware that it is a halal market. On the other hand, a bakery with a name that does not indicate any particular set of beliefs may attract people who want non-denominational cakes.

    I think the question is interesting because it would immediately reveal whether or not lesbian wedding cake purchasers are crusading or just want a cake. If they changed to a name that indicated their Christianity or even just put up a sign that indicated that and subsequently got more requests for sin-cakes, that would be a pretty clear indication that people are out crusading. If they got less requests, which is what I would expect, that would indicate that people are more likely to patronize bakeries that want their business, so long as they can tell before they walk through the door.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    The name has nothing to do with requests, religion or customers. I grew up in a family owned cake shop named "Shirley's Cake Shop" and we repeatedly had requests for penis cakes, vaginal cakes, boobs, turds and anything else that can cross their disgusting minds. Every privately owned business has the right to refuse service to anyone. This bakery did not promote lesbian cakes and therefore does not have to make them, regardless of their religious beliefs.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ejagno View Post
    Every privately owned business has the right to refuse service to anyone.


    I have been to many places that had this posted on the wall.

    I never was offended, just thought it was their right, as a freedom loving person.

    You seek out the merchant who specilizes in what you want, as an example Kosher foods use.

    People now days want to burn it down or rub your nose in it.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default The Explanation is Simple

    "Every Knee Shall Bow".

    That is, the socialists wish to establish a society where government has a monopoly on all authority, and where that authority knows no bounds.

    To do this, they must first destroy and displace all existing sources of authority such as:

    * the family/parental authority (see Scotland's plans for minders)
    * the church, the supreme authority of God over that of Man
    * the military, where purges and replacements have occurred and
    which is being dithered away in relatively obscure corners of the
    globe, killing people and breaking and partially rebuilding things
    in particularly creative and expensive ways, all the while eroding
    combat readiness and morale. (See Marines/no hot meals, or
    Veterans medical care, or PTSD, or Gulf War Syndrome, or Agent
    Orange or DU.....).
    * noncooperative political forces, such as the visibly co-opted and
    politically castrated GOP.
    * The Constitution and its limitations on government, which clearly
    must be targeted, and has been. (see MIAC report for example).

    Once the authority of these institutions has been crippled, that authority will be -or already has been- replaced, by that of the socialists.

    Examined from this broad perspective, these seemingly frustrating and bizarre trends and events suddenly focus into disturbing clarity, and one is able to glimpse a view of the intended future, a world illuminated by a dark sun indeed.

    To the generations present at the time of the rise of the German Nazi party, these trends seem to be a historical echo of a dark time. One need not recite 'never forget' when the repetition of the events is in the present and in your face.

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