The question is........What will amnesty for millions and millions of illegal immigrants do for you and your children?

The problem is, if those here illegally are not actually deported, it will be amnesty no matter what they title it. They stay and live among the is amnesty.

Here is a live stream of the Senate Floor where they are, and have been... debating the coming immigration bill.....


The Market Ticker ® - Commentary on The Capital Markets

Posted 2013-06-18 09:29
by Karl Denninger
in Editorial

Amnesty Will Destroy America

Marco Rubio has repeatedly claimed he "wants more" from the Amnesty Bill now moving through Congress.

Yes, folks, it's an amnesty bill. Let's cut the crap and call it what it is, because only through calling something what it is can we debate it.

"Legalization" of those who are here illegally today is amnesty. I don't care whether it leads to citizenship now or later, the fact of the matter is that it rewards criminal activity by allowing those who stole from Americans and their resources to keep what they stole and remain here in America.

There is no restitution. There is no penalty of consequence. There is nothing except benefit for them and a gigantic magnet pulling even more illegal immigrants to America.

America is a nation of immigrants. I'm the offspring of immigrants and odds are you are too. Unless you're 100% native American, you are a son or daughter of immigrants, directly or a few generations removed. Even if you can trace your heritage to the original colonists, you are the product of immigration.

But your parents, grandparents or other ancestors probably came here legally -- unless you're Hispanic. Then the odds are that your parents, grandparents or perhaps even you personally came here illegally.

Everyone wants to talk about "compassion" for the millions who are here already. But that's exactly identical to apologizing for bank robbers after you disarmed the guards and allowed millions of people to rob banks. After the fact you now want "compassion" for those who took the money?

And let's not kid ourselves -- that's exactly what happened. These people have come here, they have consumed our resources, they have sucked off the government tit. They don't pay taxes and by and large they don't cover their own costs. They have children who go to our schools, get free or reduced-price food that they rest of us pay for, they evade the taxation that pay for those schools, they show up in our hospitals with no money and no medical insurance, they drive on our roads with no insurance and when they wreck and injure or kill us by doing so our insurance bills go up to cover the uninsured motorist -- them.
