I was wondering something about crates.
If a young dog can't "hold it" when free how can they go hours in a crate and not mess it?

Molly's quality of life is being diminished and I feel bad about it.
But not bad enough to stop

Molly now has two places. Outside with me or in the crate.
I can't let her loose in the house for now.

Yesterday, she was out a lot and for pretty long periods of time.

When we came in, she'd leave doggy dumplings on the floor. She did this several times.

She was in the crate for about 7 or 8 hours over night.
I had her out for about 20 minutes this morning and she tinkled only.
But she did check out the cat and explore the perimeter.

I let her wander where she wanted hoping she would find her spot.
She didn't.

Back in the crate.

Getting ready to take her out again. Even if she does go, she is quite capable of coming in and dumping again.

She is one tough little girl.
I hate crates but feel I have no choice