The real racist

Rev. Al Sharpton responded Thursday to calls for him to address the Oklahoma murder of Australian student athlete Chris Lane, saying he is not protesting because the killing was not racial and “the system worked.”
Sharpton addressed the question in the Reply Al segment of his show, “PoliticsNation,” on MSNBC on Thursday, when a viewer asked whether he would be issuing a statement on Lane’s murder.

The civil rights leader, who was a leading voice in the protests over Trayvon Martin’s death, told viewers that police said Lane was the victim of a random act and there was no racial motive to the killing.

“I protest when I’m called in and when there’s an injustice. The three were arrested, there was nothing to protest. The system worked there, and racial? Not only did the police not say it was racial, one of the three were white,” Sharpton said.
Sharpton decried critics who have been saying his lack of outrage is hypocritical.

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