Use all whole wheat flour and add cayenne as well as an extra dash of sugar and a dash of cinnamon. Use tomato paste for pizza sauce and add fruit jelly to it.

My recipe for whole wheat crust is:

1 cup of warm water + 3/4 teaspoon of yeast + 1 teaspoon of unprocessed sugar
2 teaspoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
2 cups of whole wheat flour (add more if dough is still wet)
A dash of cayenne, or more if you want
A dash of sugar
A dash of cinnamon

Heat the water with the sugar in it, turn off the heat, and wait for it to stop steaming if it is steaming. Add the yeast when it stops steaming. Stir for a minute. If the yeast does not foam after 2 minutes then turn the heat on very low and allow it to heat some more, but don't let it start steaming. It should be warm, but not hot. As warm as you could drink a liquid without discomforting your mouth, really. I don't use a thermometer.

Dump your olive oil, salt, flour, extra teaspoon of sugar, cayenne, and cinnamon into a bowl.

When the yeast has foamed for 5 minutes let it cool, or it will make the dough too sticky. If you add the warm water to the mix stir in more flour until it becomes dry and dough-like. Knead the dough a little bit, and pour a teaspoon of olive oil into the bottom of the bowl and coat the dough ball in it. Let the dough sit covered for half an hour in a warm place. It should rise to twice its size.

You may have to fiddle with the yeast amount depending on your elevation. 1 teaspoon should work for sea level.