Quote Originally Posted by Look4Truth View Post
I'm sure there were the same type of responses from the Blue team about the Bushs'.

It's too bad people can't put two and two together and realize the entire system is rigged and wrecked. At this point it doesn't really matter, some diehards who post here will never wake up to the scam. But, slowly and surely some people are waking up, that's good enough for me. A half-empty life raft is better than a packed sinking Titanic.
And your goal is to change the world how?

It took the left including Rev. Wright,the Weather Underground and who knows who else 40 plus years to get Obama in there programmed to do their bidding...They protested,did domestic violence and who knows what else..
Now besides getting online and persuading others their vote is futile what are you and the rest of your clan doing to make sure somewhere down the line someone is elected to do your bidding..
I find it troublesome you show back up when the next election cycle is starting and do your best to keep possible conservatives from voting..
As far as I am concerned you are the false messiah sent here to help Hillary in her quest...
So when Hillary is the next president all your minions will be here telling us how every other candidate would have done the same thing shes doing..
And Judas just keep spouting bible verses while you're leading us to the depths of hell...