Sweden’s Islamic rape epidemic: Almost half of the victims are children

July 9, 2017 9:16 am By Nicolai Sennels 14 Comments
AbuseRapes are rampant in Sweden, following years of Muslim immigration. An alarmingly high percentage of the victims are children.
Rape in Sweden has been soaring since the country started to take in large numbers of Muslim migrants and refugees. According to statistics, 92 percent of all severe rapes (violent rapes) are committed by migrants and refugees. 100 percent of all attack rapes (where victim and attacker had no previous contact) are committed by that same group.
The top-10 list of rapists’ national backgrounds shows only one non-Islamic country (Chile). Most rapists have an Iraqi background, followed by refugees and migrants from Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Gambia, Iran, Palestine, Chile and Kosovo. Migrants and refugees from Afghanistan are 79 times more likely to commit rape than Swedes.
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The same pattern is seen all over Western Europe, and in many places, it has an impact on demographics in public spaces. Just as in Islamic countries, many countries with a high number of Muslim migrants now have fewer women than men on the streets.
A Swedish survey shows that 34 percent of Swedish women, for fear of abuse, have chosen to take an alternative route or choose another means of transport in the past year. 12 percent say they have stayed home from something they otherwise planned because they were afraid. And 23 percent find that their quality of life is affected by increased insecurity, up from 13 percent the year before.
48 percent of German women say that they are afraid of walking in certain areas in their own neighborhood. 44 percent of them believe that their personal security is threatened with immigration from “Islamic countries.”
Borwin Bandelow, Professor of Psychiatry at Göttingen University, claims that the women’s fears are “well-founded.”
Also read: Sweden on the Brink of CIVIL WAR, National Police Commissioner: “HELP US, HELP US!”
New data from Sweden’s national bureau for statistics, BRÅ: 3,430 rapes was reported the first six months of 2017, up 14 percent compared to the previous half-year. In all, 9,680 sexual crimes was committed from January to June. According to a BRÅ report from 2013, only 23 percent of sexual crimes in Sweden are reported, which means that the real number of sexual crimes the last six months in Sweden amounts to around 42,000. With a female population of approximately 5 million, women’s risk of becoming a victim of sexual crime during a lifetime in Sweden is significantly high.
Full story at 10news.one