Sweden: 30 grenade attacks in 6 months in Muslim-dominated Malmö

August 4, 2015 8:52 am By Nicolai Sennels 17 Comments
While the Swedish elite celebrates itself by calling the former Viking land a “humanitarian superpower” for letting in hundreds of thousands of Muslims within a handful of years, the country is falling apart. Recently there were four grenade explosions in Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city and famous for its high percentage of Muslim

UK: Jihadi sentenced to 2 1/2 years released after 11 months

August 3, 2015 By Robert Spencer 24 Comments
“Sentencing, Judge Charles Wide QC told Ali he had made a ‘really determined attempt’ to evade justice. He said: ‘It is absolutely clear you are an extremist and you do support terrorism.’” Good thing he was released early. Maybe he can get a job in the Cameron government. “Extremist released: 31 months jail for terror […]