Intentionally misleading!!!!

Lone Wolf and other legal, law abiding firearms dealers were "pressured" to violate federal law. They were "known to sell illegal guns" at the forceful "request" of the ATF. Known hell! They were doing what the ATF directed them to and now they are "known to sell illegal firearms". It should have read they were supporting the abysmal fiasco known as "Fast and Furious" that agents warned leadership were going to spill blood. The investigation has never been concluded. Contempt of Congress Eric Holder was given Obama's first "executive privilege" to legally shut his pie hole!!!

Why would we the people want to be concerned about an administration that claimed "90% of the guns used illegally in Mexico came from America" then turned around and pushed illegal sales through lawful dealers and the methodology used to track them is after being found in the use of a crime!!!

Brilliant, just brilliant, see all these American guns being used in Mexican crime. Our lax gun laws caused this!!!

The only thing that became of Fast and Furious is Obama created yet even more gun laws, buy 2 rifles in border states and get put on a list. Our failure to seek the guilty out and serve justice has lead to yet even more corruption with the DOJ, State Dept. and IRS. The precedent was set with Fast and Furious and only served to embolden a corrupt administration.

You can scroll back through the Gunwalker archives here or read Katie Pavlich’s excellent book on Operation Fast and Furious for background on this bloody fiasco. (Also, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s archive) One point to emphasize is that Lone Wolf Trading was “known” for selling guns illegally because it was pressured by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms into cooperating with this “felony stupid” program, one that supplied guns to Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the deaths of over 300 Mexican civilians, police, and military, as well as two or three US federal officers.

It must be noted that Soofi bought his gun not as a straw buyer for the cartels, and the system did at first flag him, then let him pass. But questions abound: why was he flagged in the first place? Was he thought to be a cartel-buyer? Did they have some other reason to suspect him? Would he have been blocked, having lied on his forms, if not for Operation Fast and Furious? And why was the hold released?

Though Soofi wasn’t walking the gun to Mexico, he did try to kill Americans for the horrid crime of exercising their right to free speech and criticizing Islam. And he may well have used a gun he obtained with the help of the United States Department of Justice and its subordinate agencies, all headed by then-Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama.

We’re not done bleeding for their incompetence.

via Katie Pavlich