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  1. #1
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    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

  2. #2
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    Data analysis

    Swiss want more guns despite lower crime

    By Jessica Dacey

    Society Law and order

    in depth: Gun violence


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    Apr 1, 2016 - 16:00 Police say affordable guns could be one of the reasons why there's a rise in gun permits


    Across Switzerland, there was a surge in people applying for gun permits in 2015. Was crime a driver?

    Switzerland is becoming safer. Police recently flagged up that crime rates fell by 7% in 2015, reaching a seven-year low. In 2014, homicide was actually at its lowest level in 30 years.

    Most homicides are carried out with sharp instruments like knives. Between 2012 and 2014 homicides and homicide attempts by guns decreased from a high of 51. But in 2015, the number doubled - from 18 to 36.
    The number of serious injuries with a gun has remained the same since 2011, and after a spike in 2014 fell 64% last year. It should be noted that just 3% of serious injuries last year were a result of a gun – most involved a sharp instrument or physical violence.
    When it comes to other crime, guns were used in 15% fewer robberies last year. They accounted for 12% of all robberies, with most carried out using physical violence.
    So last year gun-related deaths were up but gun-related injuries were down. Is there a correlation elsewhere?

    A survey by shows gun permit applications were up almost everywhere in Switzerland in 2015.

    But it doesn't seem that crime is a driver for people buying more guns.
    The small canton of Obwalden – a mountainous tourist area with around 36,000 residents – reported the biggest spike in gun permits granted, 149 compared with 100 in 2014. Crime figures have remained relatively steady there over the past five years, with a 9% decrease in 2015.
    When it comes to numbers of gun permits, canton Aargau – one of the most densely populated regions of Switzerland – processed the most: 478 permits more than in 2014. There, crime has fallen by 23% since 2012.
    Jura, a canton reliant on watchmaking and agriculture, was the only canton to issue fewer permits, going from 230 to 221. Its crime figures rose slightly in 2013 and then fell.

    Obwalden police commented that the rise in permits could largely be attributable to the trend toward using a variety of weapons at shooting ranges, which would require more permits. Other explanations might be the “traditional gun-friendly culture in rural areas of Switzerland”, with many people collecting guns, and the strong Swiss franc versus the “very moderate” price of second-hand weapons. The canton’s high number of trainee hunters could also be a factor. However, they stressed all this was only speculation.
    Police in Aargau cautioned that a rise in gun permits does not automatically equal more weapons in people’s hands. Some permits are requested for guns being sold or already in circulation, for instance.
    Martin Boess of the Swiss Criminal Prevention told Swiss public television, SRF, in December that problems arise when “new weapons come into circulation and people don’t know how to use them. There is great potential for danger. That is not a good situation for Switzerland”.
    Gun culture
    Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world because of its militia army. The defence ministry estimates that some two million guns are in private hands in a population of 8.3 million. An estimated 750,000 of those guns have been recorded in a local register. Under the militia system soldiers keep their army-issue weapons at home.
    Voters in recent years have rejected tighter gun controls. In 2011, voters rejected a proposal to restrict access to guns by banning the purchase of automatic weapons and introducing a licensing system for the use of firearms.
    Contact the author on Twitter @jessdace
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

  3. #3
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    Tommy Robinson: Case Dismissed!

    Posted on April 14, 2016 by Baron Bodissey

    Tommy Robinson appeared at Peterborough Magistrate’s Court this morning for his trial in the assault battery case against him. Seneca III was present in the gallery, and sent a series of brief emails on what happened, all of which arrived before I turned on my computer this morning.
    Here’s the sequence of events in brief (times BST):

    10:00am: Waiting begins.
    11:00am: TR’s counsel just left the courtroom went down towards the front desk looking very frustrated then returned, gathered up TR and what I presumed to be a defence witness, and left.
    12:40pm: Bench retired to consider dismissal or adjournment. Could go either way. It’s hard to hear everything behind our glass screen; relying mostly on reading body language. The defence is excellent; prosecution on the whole floundering. Don’t know how long we will have to wait.
    1:00pm: Case dismissed with costs!
    Seneca III promises a full report tomorrow. I don’t know what “with costs” means — does that mean Tommy will be reimbursed for his legal fees?

    It is thanks to you, the generous readers of this and other blogs, that Tommy Robinson is a free man today. Your contributions provided the best legal help for him. If he had not had a QC, that big iron door would almost certainly have clanged shut behind him this morning.
    Any monies left over in the legal fund will be held in trust to help Tommy’s family, and to defray future legal expenses — he is an Enemy of the State, and I don’t think the State is done with him just yet.

    Update: Breitbart has a report (hat tip Vlad Tepes):
    Tommy Robinson Walks Free From Court
    Tommy Robinson has had a charge of battery dismissed in court. He said the judge questioned the police’s motives for pursuing the case against him when they did.
    “My case has been dismissed. Even the judge made comments about the police’s motive of prosecution. Thank you all”, he announced on Twitter on Thursday afternoon.
    My case has been dismissed. Even the judge made comments about the police’s motive of prosecution. Thank you all
    — Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra) April 14, 2016
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

  4. #4
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    “What is happening in the Middle East will happen in Europe”

    April 14, 20169:07 am By Robert Spencer 48 Comments
    At last, a true bishop. Compare Isa Gürbüz, a man who isn’t afraid to face inconvenient truths, with Pope Francis and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who delude themselves and their people with soothing and suicidal falsehoods, telling themselves and those whom they should be warning and protecting that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that the cure for what ails the West is an inundation of Muslim migrants. Isa Gürbüz sees the future they are inviting, and sees why future generations of free people, if there are any, will regard them as dupes who helped bring about the destruction of Western civilization.

    “‘What is happening in the Middle East will happen in Europe,'” translated from «Was im Nahen Osten geschieht, wird auch in Europa passieren», Tages Anzeiger, April 14, 2016 (thanks to Othmar);
    Isa Gürbüz, the Syrian Orthodox Church leader in Switzerland, calls Christians to be vigilant. The agenda of Islam is to take power.
    “In 20 or 30 years there will be a Muslim majority in Europe. Half of European women will then wear a hijab.” This prediction doesn’t come from Michel Houellebecq or Thilo Sarrazin, but from Dionysos Isa Gürbüz, the Syrian Orthodox bishop in Switzerland. He resides in the idyllic Lake Zug Arth Capuchin monastery, with two monks and two nuns. From the monastery Mor Avgin, as it is called today, he oversees the 10,000 Syrian Orthodox faithful in Switzerland and 4,000 in Austria.
    Isa Gürbüz is busy preparing for the Easter services, which are celebrated in his church in late April. Then his coreligionists will flock in the hundreds to Arth. Together they will pray, sing and debate – in the Aramaic native language, the sacred language that Jesus spoke. The Syrian Orthodox Church is the oldest of all. In her home in the former Mesopotamia, today Syria and Iraq, they are persecuted. “Arth has therefore become a center for the preservation of our endangered religion and culture,” says Gürbüz.
    The fate of the Christians preoccupies the bishop.
    Easter joy may not come easily for the bishop. He is too busy with the fate of Christians in the Middle East: “What today has caused thousands to join the terrorist groups of IS, Taliban or al-Qaida, is the extension of the genocide of 1915.” At that time nearly two million Christians – Aramean, Syrian and Greek Orthodox – perished, and millions converted to Islam. The Bishop continues: “What is happening to us today began 1,300 years ago.” In the 7th century, the genocide of Christians began, then in the darkness, now in the media spotlight. The agenda of Islam has remained always the same to him, namely to expel the Christians from the Middle East. Also in the coming years, the spirit of terror will reign there.
    UN protection zone for Christians
    The 51-year-old bishop comes, as do most Syrian Orthodox Christians living in Switzerland, from the eastern part of Turkey, which formerly belonged to Syria. Living at Turkey’s border with Syria at the beginning of the century were still 230,000 Syrians; today there are virtually none left. Turkey is the enemy of Christians, says Isa Gürbüz. He was first a monk at the famous monastery of Mor Gabriel, left in 1989, and then went Southeast to teach Syrian and liturgy at the theological seminary in Damascus. In 1997, he became the first Syrian Orthodox bishop in Germany, before he came to Arth a decade ago….
    …Isa Gürbüz can hardly imagine a future Syria without Assad. A better man is not easy to find, he said. Before the war, Syria was the only country in the Middle East where Christians were left undisturbed to live their faith. “If Assad is eliminated, the same thing could happen as in Iraq, where after the fall of Saddam Hussein, democracy failed and Islamist groups took over the reins.” The Arab Spring was for Isa Gürbüz just a game, an interlude. “Because Islam ultimately accepts no democracy, but wants to impose Sharia law.”
    The bishop is traumatized by the persecution in the Middle East, so that for him it is a matter of urgency to call for vigilance, especially to churches that are intent on political correctness. It is naive to think that the millions of refugees who are now coming to Europe via Turkey will all adapt and live with the Christians in Europe in peace. Also among the refugees there are terrorists. “Why have the Gulf states, the Emirates and Qatar not taken any refugees?” Because it is their agenda to convert Europe to Islam.
    Isa Gürbüz already sees Eurabia in the mind’s eye: the number of Muslims with many children will grow rapidly, will take power and will begin the persecution, he believes. “What is happening today in the Middle East will happen here in Europe.” He do not call for hatred, insists the bishop. Only for him, 1,300 years of history of persecution have taught him not to trust Muslims. He sees the beginnings of fateful proselytizing in Europe by Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and the Turkish Ministry of Religion Diyanet, in mosques in this country….
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

  5. #5
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    Slave Region 10


    We Are Dinko Valev

    Porter / 2 hours ago April 17, 2016
    It has been said–specifically here–that natural selection favors not the most intelligent, but the least delusional. Of course delusion is a luxury of widely varying costs. Africans who devour albino genitals for their medicinal properties are delusional. As are those who cringe away nights in fear of conjugal visits from the tokoloshe. But these are comparatively economical superstitions, and only mildly maladaptive in a society that disgorges such colossal egg sacs.
    In contrast, Westerners behave as though they’ll receive refunds for every unused ovum. And are meticulous in not favoring what 1.3 offspring they do produce to the teeming scrum scratching at their borders. In space and microcircuitry, we have conquered the infinite and the infinitesimal. But put against incantations of contrived ooga booga words, and we fall prostrate like primitives before the Moon God. We are as enslaved to our own irrationalities as any plate-lipped cannibal.

    One of these superstitions is more costly than the other.
    Which brings me–perhaps surprisingly–to the Slavs. It can hardly be debated that this branch of our tribal tree has not reached quite so high as its neighbor in Europe’s northwest. The latter being the source of my own genetic endowment. Though nature is remorseless in her disregard for mere achievement. It is only those that avoid the dearest delusions who gain her favor for the future. And for all the incomparable Anglo-Saxon success in arts, invention, and civilization, it is the Slav who is set to trundle past his frenetically self-destructing peer.
    We’ve talked previously about the valiant Visegrad Group, and will discuss today an impoverished nation on its farthest periphery: Bulgaria. As a country sharing a lengthy border with Turkey, it has naturally become one of Eastern Europe’s many pedways to Merkelville. In response, a 59 mile razor wire No Trespassing sign was erected. As you will predict, honoring the intent of locked doors isn’t one of Our Values, and so foot traffic has continued largely unabated.
    This has generated something even more at odds with the values regime: a native immune response.
    Bulgarian Civilian Patrolling Border With Turkey Has Already Single-Handedly Captured 25 Illegal Migrants
    Dinko Valev came across his new hobby while riding ATVs with friends in the backwoods beyond his home – just miles from the Turkish border. When he was jumped by a man claiming to be a Syrian migrant screaming “Allah” and who tried to steal his ATV to make good his escape, Mr. Valev took the man and others prisoner.
    He is now calling for other Bulgarian civilians to join him in establishing unofficial “voluntary border squads” to support over-stretched police, and has even suggested the government start paying bounties for every illegal captured, to encourage others to get involved.

    “This is our country. Only jihadists, Syrians and the Taliban are trying to enter. In three sorties since August I’ve captured 25 men. Imagine how many people have passed through there in the rest of the time”.

    Mr. Valev is deeply unconvinced that the men he is capturing are what might be called genuine refugees. He remarked: “In France, those that did the attacks, were they fleeing? They destroy, they want to conquer. They try with a screwdriver to stab me, saying “Allah, Allah”. Here at the border, it is hell.
    …in a separate interview with Bulgaria’s EraTV Mr. Valev explained in his neighbourhood “if we don’t help ourselves, no one else will”.
    Of course. The wait for a foreign savior is almost always terminal. If we don’t help ourselves, no one will. We are Dinko Valev.

    Yet obviously not all parties are as sanguine about Slavic ascendance. Video of Bulgarian Vigilantes Tying Up Migrants Highlights Political Xenophobia, Say Rights Groups
    The release of another amateur video showing a Bulgarian vigilante group aggressively detaining migrants has sparked outrage among human rights groups who say the government is encouraging citizens to act outside the law and inciting violence against migrants.
    Human rights groups. That’s an interesting euphemism. Though it’s gratifying to know how judiciously these organizations marshal their finite outrage on inconveniences to foreign invaders, rather than squander it on the misery of innocent Europeans. Unfortunately Eastern European natives don’t always share the same priorities.
    In another instance of official approval, last week members of an ultranationalist group called the Organization for Protection of Citizens were personally presented with an award by border police chief Antonio Angelov for detaining 23 migrants.
    “The authorities are effectively institutionalizing these groups, who are frankly bandits,” said Margarita Ilieva, Legal Defense Program Director for the Helsinki Committee in Bulgaria. “The actions of these groups are in violation of national criminal law [in Bulgaria] and international human rights law… yet you have the director of the police awarding them for these crimes and the prime minister thanking them.”
    Authorities praising men who defend their land from foreign incursion? These bigots are no better than George Washington. Too bad we didn’t have a patriotic Helsinki Committee at Concord.
    The Helsinki Committee has called for vigilantes such as Valev to be prosecuted for their actions and has also written open letters requesting the Attorney General investigate several senior officials, including the country’s prime minister, for inciting racially motivated violence.
    What malevolent Finn could possibly be sponsoring this Helsinki outfit, I wonder.
    The Committee is a nonprofit organization entirely funded by donations. In recent years the largest donors have been public and private organizations such as the Leon Levy Foundation, Open Society Foundation…and the United States Agency for International Development.
    Readers will recognize Open Society as a US Government front and the Agency for International Development as the Soros umbrella–or is it the other way around? The distinction is immaterial.
    But being unfamiliar with the Leon Levy foundation, I found its charter as follows:
    The Leon Levy Foundation’s mission is to continue Leon Levy’s philanthropic legacy, encouraging and supporting development in six areas: understanding the ancient world; Arts and Humanities; preservation of nature and gardens; neuroscience research; human rights; and Jewish culture.
    I’m uncertain as to whether it is nature and gardens or neuroscience that is advanced by prosecuting Bulgarian patriots, but imagine only an expert in Jewish culture could say for sure.
    Regardless, the skirmish lines are drawn.
    However a recent survey by Bulgarian National Television found widespread public support for the vigilantes, with 84 percent of respondents saying they thought the groups should be recognized and supported by the government.
    So it is 84% of a sovereign nation’s citizenry v. Hebrew Spectre and Uncle Sam for control of the Bulgarian state. Looks like an uphill climb for the Bulgarians.
    And that is why today we celebrate the courage and pluck of men like Dinko Valev. Slashing at the Soros tentacles on an ATV in a track suit. Godspeed Slavs
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

  6. #6
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    Missouri Becomes Latest State To Dump Common Core…
    Via Washington Examiner:
    The Associated Press reports that Missouri is getting rid of the controversial Common Core educational standards and replacing them with alternative standards.
    Common Core covers only math and English, while the new Missouri standards will also cover social studies and science. “Major changes include more emphasis on research in language arts and reorganizing math benchmarks for kindergarten through second grade,” the AP says. Elementary students will be expected to learn cursive writing.
    Schools will have to design their own curricula to help students meet the standards.
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

  7. #7
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    as usual; language warning:

    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    “As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.”

    "You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass."

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