Thank you McConnell. Thank you Trump for being such a stupid big mouth.

I knew there wasn’t gonna be a red wave.

McConnell sure as well didn’t want it. And the stupid Republicans stayed home watching their Faux News, porn and sports thinking that they’re conservatives. conservatives are some of the laziest mother fellas on the planet. That’s a fact, since the Dems voted while Maga sat home as usual.

Mark Theissen is absolutely correct when he said:

There is a broader issue, and think about this: We have the worst inflation in four decades, the worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in U.S. history, we have Joe Biden, who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave,” Thiessen said.
“That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that, and looked at the Republican alternative, and said ‘no thanks.'”