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Thread: Angels Watching Over Us?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Spiritual Encounter #5

    This encounter was mentioned in " My Story " a testimony of how I got saved, and Jesus Christ became my Lord and Savior in 1975. God does have a plan for your life, and I have a testimony to prove it.
    At the time of this spiritual encounter I was seeking work, having been unemployed for 4 months, and desperately needing work to provide for my family. I was spending a lot of time in Gods Word and seeking His help in finding a job soon. Was this job opportunity from God or was it me making the decision to except it?

    It had been a long time since I done any field, are shop work, I was praying that wouldn't be a problem for me. It was a couple of weeks later, I received a phone call wanting to know if I would be interested doing some duct work, and installing a ventilator hood, in Pop Pies Chicken, I excepted the job, even if it was to last only two weeks.

    Getting up and going to work was no problem, it just meant I would have to get-up a little earlier to pray before I had breakfast and head-off to work. My first day working on the roof installing a hood fan went real good. The second day I was praying in my garage as I was walking around, now for me to do that was not unusual at all, done that many times. As I stopped for a moment, I though, I heard the Holy Spirit, say pray for your back, then I though it happen again, but putting that though away, I continued praying for family and love ones as usual.

    It was inside around noon I had to finish caulking a ventilator, just before lunch break, I was climbing up the ladder when one of the legs kicked out, and I lost my grip and fell, to the concrete floor on my butt. The men working in and around me wanted to know if I was OK, I said sure, just so I wouldn't be sent home. I had my lunch and worked the remaining part of the day, in such pain, moving my legs was almost impossible. I managed to drive my car home, I had to have had Gods help, because my back was broken in two places, with a crushed disk, at the third lumbar, meaning I would be in bed for several weeks, before I could walk again. Wishing now that I would of listened to the Holy Spirit, and covered my back in prayer, that morning. How many times do we not listen to God, and go on doing our own thing, another lesson for me, pay attention, to the Lord, because Satan has come to kill and destroy us, but Jesus Christ has come that we can live under his protection, and have eternal life.

    I'm very hard headed, we need to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying, because He knows, what is best for you, and your family. We now live dangerous times, when our Faith will be tested, in full measure, as we put our trust, in Our Savior Jesus Christ. He will never leave us or forsake us.

    The Lord told me later He was going to heal my back, and He did, when I got back to Reno NV. I was able to give testimony to his healing power, and how God does have a plan for each one of us.

    In one Full Gospel Business Meeting that we held for "The Right of Passage" a prison for underage kids, all in their early teens, more than 50 of them came forward crying they wanted Jesus Christ as their Savior. The Holy Spirit moved mightily in this grope of young teenagers.

    God Bless

    To Be Continued:

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Upstate NY


    Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Spiritual Encounter #6

    As I remember this sixth encounter took place in the early 1990's, now as I write and try remembering just how this all came about, back then, was me putting my faith, and trust, in the Lord every day of my life, it just becomes a natural way of living with Jesus Christ, as your Savior, and best friend.

    This story begins with my friend Roland and I flying from Reno NV. to Lake Havasu City AZ. for a weekend, in his 180 Cessna Turbo-Prop airplane. We had to move a few things, out of his condo down there, back up to Reno, because he sold it, plus we could also get some time fishing on the Lake Saturday, before we headed back on Sunday.

    We got up early Sunday to head back home, but not before we checked out the weather, for our return to Reno. Everything was a go, so we had some breakfast, and took off as planed. Now there is one thing I need to mention, we had loaded the airplane with a few items we were taking back with us, so we had to be careful, because we had a weight issue, we were loaded to the max aloud, for this airplane and the two of us for flying.

    The weather was sunny and warm for a spring day, the ride was smooth, with no wind problems, I fell asleep in the copilot seat after a couple of hours flying, when I woke-up, I looked over at Roland, he had his oxygen mask on, he said there was only enough oxygen left just for the pilot, meaning him, where are we I ask, he said over Nevada just south of Tonopah NV. Looking out the window and flying above 14,000 ft we were headed into a spring storm, that hadn't show-up on the weather report earlier, this can happen when flying in mountainous country.

    Roland said we have to get down and find a place to land, because we where at the point of no return, meaning not enough fuel to go back, as we where now in the storm front, with the airplane rocking from the wind, not being able to see anything below, in the cloud bank, he ask me to look for a opening so we could get down under the clouds, and see where to land. We new we were close to the Tonopah airport but without visual site we could not land the airplane.

    Saying a short prayer for the Lord to open the clouds so we could get down, we soon spotted a small hole just ahead, where it was big enough to do just that, we were able to get our bearings where we were, and land at Tonopah a small airport about 7500 ft up in the mountains of Nevada. We climbed out of the airplane, and quickly tied it down so the wind wouldn't damage it.

    We no more then got in the airport terminal, when it started snowing, it snowed so hard, we had over 6 inches of the white stuff fall in just a hour, we had to wait out the storm there, and have Roland's brother and wife that lived close by to drive us 200 miles to Reno. It would be a few days later when they drove back to Tonopah to get the airplane.

    The strange thing about that opening in the clouds is this, as we waited out the storm in the Terminal, we meet a man and his wife from Florida who was headed to Idaho, they were behind us caught in the same situation, they had to land their airplane. Now the opening in the cloud lasted long enough for them also, as it closed up, and the storm proceeded. The couple from Florida said it was a miracle for that small opening in the clouds, to be where it was, close enough to the airport, where we could all land safely. We all agreed it had to be answered prayer.

    God Bless

    To Be Continued:

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Spiritual Encounter #7

    It was a beautiful spring day in Reno NV. when my youngest son and I got up early to go fishing. We had decided a few days earlier to go fishing at the Stampede Reservoir on his day off from work. In early spring the temperature here in Reno can be in the middle 30's or low 40's, but up at the mountain lakes, it can be 10 to 15 degrees cooler, so we had to take our heavy jackets with us.

    As we headed up highway 80 toeing my sons boat and motor behind his big Diesel Truck, you could still see snow back off the highway in the tree line that hadn't melted yet, from all the winter storms, very picturesque. Once you leave the highway you clime up hill to the lake along the little Truckee river.

    Stampede Reservoir is a beautiful high Sierra lake, popular with anglers and water sports enthusiasts. The reservoir is situated at an elevation of nearly 6,000 feet, east of Donner Summit and 15 miles northeast of Truckee. Neighbored by Boca Reservoir, Prosser Creek Reservoir, and Donner Lake, Stampede is one of the leading kokanee salmon fishing lakes in the West, also plenty of brown, mackinaw, and rainbow trout.

    After arriving at the lake we headed to the boat ramp and launched the boat in the cold clear mountain water, anxious to start catching fish. We headed for the lake dam and spillway, slowly trolling and fishing on the way. We soon found out that fishing was slow, we had some hits but managed to land one in the boat, but released it back to the lake, since we had caught nothing all morning.

    It was round noon we decided to call it a day, and head back to the boat dock, the sun and the cool air was very pleasant, the snow lined banks of the lake and the tall Pine Trees was very quaint. As we neared the boat dock and slowed down, I was preparing to take the boat rope and tie us off, so my son could go get the truck and boat trailer, when this happened.

    I was standing in the boat up front, with the rope in my hand, as we came in contact with the dock, I placed my right foot on the boat top rail and the left foot on the dock, I must of pushed the boat backward as I was trying to get on the dock, as the boat moved my right foot slipped off the top rail and I fell backward hitting the right-side of my face on the boat rail, knocking me out for a moment, until I hit the icy cold lake water.

    I woke up struggling to stay on top of the water, but my heavy winter jacket and pants was socking wet, and no life jacket on, I was in big trouble, to stay afloat. My body felt like a big lead weight hard to move, there was a strong under current pulling me downward, it was like someone had a hold of my legs pulling me down, as my head went under the water, all of a sudden some thing pulled me back up.

    I want you to know this was all happening to me very quickly, it seems like time stops, when you loose consciousness, and then wake-up. What happened was this, a man happened to be standing there close enough to reach down and grab the collar of my jacket as I was being pulled under by the swirling lake under current.

    He helped me get up on the dock, I had to shed my heavy wet clothing to keep from freezing. I don't know how cold the water was but there was ice along the lake shore earlier that morning. My son had something in the truck to place over me like a tarp or blanket to keep the cool air off me as I was standing there in my underwear shivering.

    I thanked this man for helping me, and being there to grab hold of my jacket when he did, he said he was glad to be in the right spot, at the right time on that dock, where he could help me. I was able to get to a restroom close by and clean up a little. When my face hit the boat rail it knock off my glasses and put a deep cut above my upper lip that would require stitches, also knocking out 5 of my upper front teeth, requiring my Dentist to replace them with porcelain caps.

    I wasn't in that restroom very long, but the thought came to me, I would not be alive if this man had not been there, so I went outside looking for him, not knowing anything about him, his name where he lived, why was he there, was he fishing, and I wanted to thank him one more time for what he did for me, he was gone no where to be found and seen again.

    All of this took place in 2006 just ten years ago, about this same time of the year. I can't thank the Lord enough for being there when these life threatening events took place with me. I have a few more events where these spiritual encounters took place, but these 7 are the ones that standout in my memories the most.

    God Bless

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thank you for sharing your stories. My stories are of times not life-threatening. They are my flat tire stories. Every time I have had a flat tire or a broken fan belt or similar situation, immediately someone comes along to help me. Twice it was my own brother who was supposed to be in another county. My transmission failed directly in front of a transmission garage. Another breakdown was directly in front of my daughter's best friend's business. I had another incident on the interstate on the day I had forgotten my phone. Got help from a former student who I hadn't seen in twenty years. The Lord will provide.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    My Testimony of how Jesus found me in a time where I had no sense of direction or where I was going, It's My Story here with TTOL.

    God Bless

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Arrowcreek, I see that you don't post much but I wanted you to know, your stories made me rejoice in the Lord for His saving Grace and Mercy and gave me a deeper understanding in how God's Angels watch over us and lift us up in their hands lest we dash our foot on a rock...

    Thank you, it serves to remind us to bless the Lord and not to forget His benefits...

    Shalom and Amen...
    Pride Always Has A Better Idea.

    And it's not your job to mold me to your likeness!

    Mat 22:37-40 (msg) Jesus said, "'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.'

    This is the most important, the first on any list.

    But there is a second to set alongside it: 'Love others as well as you love yourself.'

    These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Dear Brothers & Sisters
    I’m supposed to have my Knee Surgery next week Tuesday the 16th of May. I have to be careful not to get hurt and stay healthy between now and then. I want to get this knee surgery over with so I can do my share and be helpful around the house. But pray for me I’m having these horrible head aches and BP problems that could cause me not to it have done. I meet with my Doctor this Friday at 9:20 am for Per-operation scheduling. Pray everything goes well for me.
    God Bless

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thanks for your prayers I'm doing real good after my surgery went well.
    God Bless

    "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

    “All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24:7-8

    "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise" Jeremiah 17:14

    " Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" James 5:16

    For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord," Jeremiah 3:17b

    "He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions." Psalms 107:20

    'I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.' Jeremiah 33:6

    “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15:26

    But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:3

    "Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise." Jeremiah 17:14

    "I shall not die, but live,

    and declare the works of the Lord." Psalms 118:17

    ​"My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:20-22

    "The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed." Psalms 41:3

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