Trump will prick the 'big, fat, ugly bubble' sooner than later

With economic optimism soaring since the election, rising risks
to the economy and financial markets have fallen off Mr.
Market’s radar. However, there are a number of reasons to believe
Donald Trump and his advisers are well aware of these risks
and have already made plans to address them sooner rather
than later.

To this point, Mark Spitznagel recently wrote, “The ‘big, fat, ugly bubble’ in
the stock market that President-elect Donald J.
Trump so astutely identified during his campaign now becomes
one of the greatest potential liabilities of his presidency.”
From a political standpoint, the sooner Trump and his
administration deal with these risks the easier it will be to
blame on the prior administration. Allowing them to fester for
any period of time increases the likelihood they will take the
blame for the bubble’s bursting.