Quote Originally Posted by Seditious View Post
the VA needs to be abolished ....
Seditious, this is all well beyond the narrow confines of my field of expertise but I will say ... write this down, provide some detail and submit to the incoming crew for review and implementation.

I would only add two things and I'm going to walk on that thin line betwixt socialism and this cancer often hailed as free market capitalism. At the basic local level, yes but beyond this is taxpayer funded, government controlled industrial grade bidness.

Your healthcare plan must be available to our society in it's entirety if for no other reason than to avoid the perception of a divide ... and it's just the right thing to do.

Secondly the AMA who is complicit must be abolished as well in addition to AIG returning the trillions provided them by the previous traitor in cheef.

I suppose what I have in mind is a kinder, gentler Pol Pot sweep ....
