Which brings us back to the thread's 'theme'. If Jesus was making in Himself, One new man, by removing the dividing wall that created "baseless hatred" between "Jew" and "Gentile", why then does it seem to be still in place in the minds of many? Since we are all 'one' in Christ Jesus, or are supposed to be, why does hostility still remain? Jesus, of course, taught love. Even, love for 'enemies'. Forgive me, forty9er, but it has seemed that you consider me an enemy. I wish it were not so, but I understand your skepticism, as you seem to think I am perverting the gospel that you have come to accept. I can appreciate that skepticism, because we are warned by the Messiah Himself, to beware and see that we are not deceived. For many have 'come in His Name' saying that He is the Christ, but have deceived many. This contending for the true faith can often seem to produce 'enemies', but I trust that the Messiah will straighten us out, eventually. We often appear as 'crooked branches', but I harbor no ill will toward you, that I am aware of. I have appreciated your sharp iron used to help me grow, too. Someday, I hope, we will all come into the unity of the truth, that is prophesied. May God's will be done and may His Kingdom come!