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    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    August 18, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, many faithful take My Eucharist for granted, and some Roman Catholics do not even believe that I am truly Present in My consecrated Host. It is good to have a homily on My Real Presence so the faithful could learn to give Me reverence by genuflecting to Me in the tabernacle, and on two knees when I am Present in the monstrance. This quotation of John 6:54-55 has the most important lines in the Bible: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ Some of My people stopped following Me because they thought I was calling them to cannibalism. It takes true faith in believing that the words of Consecration cause a transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. Believe in My Real Presence in Holy Communion, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, if you truly believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, then you will give Me reverence by not receiving Holy Communion with mortal sin on your soul. If you have a mortal sin on your soul, you need to come to Confession so the priest can forgive you, and absolve your sins. Those people, who have mortal sin on their souls, commit a sin of sacrilege if they receive Holy Communion in a sinful state. Some people do not believe in My Real Presence, even though I am still Present in the consecrated Host. If you truly love Me, and believe in My Real Presence, then such people will come to receive Me in daily Mass, and they will visit Me in daily Adoration. When you love Me in return, you want to be with Me as much as you can. My daily adorers are My special believers, and I hold them close to My Heart.”

    Sunday, August 19, 2018: (Mass for Jeanne Marie Bello)
    Jeanne Marie said: “My dear husband, Al, how I love you so much, and I wish I could show you more somehow. I miss being with you. You were and still are the joy of my life for the few years we were together. Remember all the spiritual things that I shared with you. I am praying for you every day, and I am watching over you like your second guardian angel. I thank John and Carol for coming today to my Mass intention, and for bringing us together. Life with you was a blessing, and I thank the Lord for the gift of being with you. Keep close to Jesus and Mary, and I am waiting for the day when we could be back together again in heaven.”

    Monday, August 20, 2018: (St. Bernard)
    Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some large earthquakes recently, and those earthquakes under the ocean floor can cause tsunamis. This vision of a large wave of water coming ashore is another example of a natural disaster. Earthquakes, volcanoes, or fires are other kinds of natural disasters that are happening even now in some parts of your country. I have warned you of an evil event that could be triggered by the HAARP machine. This machine could be used to cause droughts and earthquakes. I also have warned you about the destruction of your Freedom Tower that could be caused by terrorists. An event that would change the way you live, could come from a Yellowstone eruption of a super volcano, or an event that could cause a martial law. Be watchful also if you have an EMP attack that could ruin all of your microchips and stop your vehicles, banks, and electricity. Trust in Me to protect you when your lives will be in danger. If your way of life is changed, you will need to come to the safety of My refuges.”

    Jesus said: “My people, today, many people own cell phones, so they can keep in touch with their family and friends. This convenience has a price, so others can track your whereabouts as long as you do not disconnect the battery on your cell phone. People with cell phones are also affected by microwaves that could cause cancer, especially if you hold it up to your ear. It is better to use ear buds to keep away from the microwaves that are close to your head. If you do not have a cell phone, and you keep your charge cards in aluminum sleeves,the one world people cannot track you, unless you charge something. The one world people want to control everyone. This is why they want you to have the mark of the beast in your body so this chip could control your mind to make you into their slave. Avoid taking any chip in your body, so you can retain your free will. Even if they threaten to kill you, refuse these chips. When you come to My refuges, your cell phones will not work, so throw them away. Trust in Me fully for your survival, and I will fulfill all of your needs. I will help you both physically and spiritually for all that you will need to endure the coming tribulation.”

    Tuesday, August 21, 2018: (St. Pius X)
    Jesus said: “My people, what does it profit a man to gain all the world’s wealth and lose his soul? (Matt. 16:26) Your true wealth can only be found in Me, because only I can give peace to your soul. Some people on earth strive to accumulate wealth so they can live comfortably in this world. Instead, you should trust in Me only to give you what is needed. This is why you love My saying: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides.’ (Matt 6:33) It is better to trust in Me than your wealth, that will rust and disappear. The rich people will have a difficulty to be saved, because such people make money their god. You cannot have any gods or idols before Me according to My First Commandment. So focus your lives on loving Me and your neighbor, instead of loving your cold possessions that will never love you as I do. You were put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me of your own free will. So follow the path of My Will, and you will have eternal life in heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My son, I have directed you in many projects how to get them completed. It takes faith that I will find solutions to help you solve your problems. For man some of your problems seem impossible to solve, but for Me, all things are possible. Trust in Me in faith that I can fix the problem with getting your solar charge controller working to charge your new batteries. It is still a good idea to have some solar power working during the winter to run your pumps. You may have to remove the snow, but you can have some power working for you. Pray your rosary for a good outcome when the solar man comes to make the needed repairs.”

    Wednesday, August 22, 2018: (Queenship of Mary)
    The Blessed Mother said: ‘My dear children, you have been faithful in your devotions to praying my rosary and wearing my scapular. I hear all of your prayer petitions, as I take them to my Son, Jesus. You are also my faithful pilgrims in your travels and in sharing your faith with others. There are many souls that need converting, and this is one of your prayer petitions. I also see some refuge builders who need help in finishing their preparations to receive my children during the tribulation. Keep storming heaven with your prayers, and trust my Son to answer your pleas. Continue your prayers for Queenship Publishing that they will be able to carry on their business.”

    Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a jar of honey to remind you of how St. John the Baptist lived in the desert eating locusts and wild honey. You remember well when you went to Israel, and you visited the Jordan River in the place where St. John the Baptist baptized people. He called out to the people to repent and convert their lives by being baptized in the Jordan River. He was even brave enough to call out Herod for living in sin with his brother’s wife. I call My prophets of the end days to follow in St. John the Baptist’s footsteps, by going out to all the nations, and speak My words of the Gospel to save souls from hell. I send My angels out with you for protection at your talks. So do not be afraid to go forward to preach My Word of salvation to all those people who listen to you. Today, you had your solar worker come out and fix your solar charge controller, so you could charge your new batteries with your new solar panels. You prayed for the success of his work, and your prayers were answered. Now you can pray some prayers of thanksgiving that you have a working system that could work in the winter when you remove the snow off of the solar panels. I told you that I would solve your problem, and you trusted in My Word, and you were rewarded. You are seeing again how I am helping you with all of your projects. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you and all of My refuge builders.”

    Thursday, August 23, 2018: (St. Rose of Lima)
    Jesus said: “My people, many times I have spoken of how you are all invited to My wedding banquet in heaven. All of you in My Church I consider as My bride, and I am the Groom. I am speaking of My invitation to confess your sins and accept Me as your Savior in order to enter heaven. In another parable I told you about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins. The Bridegroom was slow in coming. The five wise virgins were prepared for My coming because they bought extra oil for their lamps. When the foolish virgins tried to light their lamps, their lamps went out, and the foolish virgins had to go out to buy more oil. When they returned, the door was shut, and the gatekeeper said: ‘I do not know you, for you know neither the day nor the hour.’ (Matt. 25:21) This is how it will be for those souls who do not follow Me in faith, nor have confessed their sins in sorrow. Those, who are prepared to enter heaven, will be allowed into My wedding banquet, but those, who refused to accept Me, will fall into hell. ‘For many are called, but few are chosen.’” (Matt. 22:14)

    Jesus said: “My son, you are going to have good days and bad days in your life, but it is how you react to life’s events that you need to be watchful. Once something happens, it cannot be changed, and you may be humbled in difficult situations. You make the best of your situations, and try not to repeat any bad actions. I am always willing to forgive you, but other people have a choice to forgive you or not. Pray to Me to help you through your problems, as I have helped you in the past. Pray also for any people who you may have offended in any way.”

    Friday, August 24, 2018: (St. Bartholomew, apostle)
    Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching and listening to the news report of Hurricane Lane coming into the Hawaiian Islands. I was asking you to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for any people who might die from this storm. This storm is the second natural disaster to strike Hawaii, in addition to the increased lava flow on the main island. Because of America’s sins that you are not repenting for, you will continue to see more natural disasters. You are also seeing an increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in various parts of your country, in addition to the fires in the West. Israel also was chastised for worshiping idols and false gods. America is worshiping idols of money, fame, and possessions which are sins against My First Commandment. Keep focused on Me, as I should be the center of your lives.”

    Jesus said: “My people, as you come to the time of the tribulation, you will see the masons and those who are led by the demons who will be destroying all of My churches. They will crush the statues and the stained glass windows. They will burn down My churches. My angels will come and rescue My consecrated Hosts in all of the tabernacles. None of My tabernacles will be destroyed. My faithful will be led to My refuges to protect their lives and their souls. Every day I told you My angels would give you Holy Communion, if you did not have a priest. The Hosts that they will be giving out, are the Hosts that will be rescued from all the tabernacles of the destroyed churches.Give praise and glory to Me for showing you where all these Hosts would come from, because they need to be consecrated at a Mass by a priest.”

    Saturday, August 25, 2018: (St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz)
    Jesus said: “My people, I want to give you a lesson in trusting in Me all of the time, because I can do the impossible for each of you, since I love all of you so much. When you think about how you are to make a living, what you are to eat, or where you are to live, do not worry about these things because I always take care of My people. If you have trouble finding a job, pray to Me to find one, and you will find a job. When you need a home and the mortgage to pay for it, trust in Me, and pray to Me, and I will find a shelter for you. When you have true faith and trust in Me, you will have no worries, no fears, and no anxieties. These are the fears that the devil will tempt you with. Pray every day and trust in My love, and I will satisfy all of your needs that are proper for your soul. Pray to follow My Will and you will have all that you need. When you repent of your sins, accept Me as your Lord and Savior, then you will be on the right path to heaven. Give everything over to Me, and I will provide for all of your needs. In a word trust in Me for all that you do and all that you will need, then you will find true salvation for your soul in heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing certain situations where you could sense evil beings were present. If you can leave easily, then it is good to avoid evil temptations or haunted places. If you are confronted with evil spirits, then you need to call on Me to bring My angels to protect you. When you have Me with you, do not be afraid, but call out My Name for the demons to leave.You must have faith and confidence that My Name will make them leave. When you had to face possessed people, you were strong to stand up to the demons, as you had confidence that My Name could heal them. Have trust that My power is greater, and the spirits will leave you, and the person you are praying over.”

    Sunday, August 26, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how civilizations rise up and how they fall. Some like the Roman civilization, fell because of their spiritual decay when their families were broken with the sexual sins of their day. America started out following Judeo-Christian morals as you had Me mentioned in your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution. Your civilization has lasted over two hundred years, but now you are seeing a similar decay in your morals, similar to the Roman decay. Your families are seeing more divorces, and you are even seeing homosexual marriages. Because your people are more promiscuous, some couples are living in fornication without marriage. Your society is less focused on Me, which is why you have so few people coming to Sunday Mass, and even fewer are coming to Confession. When families stop praying together, it is hard to pass the faith down to your children. This is why family prayer is so important to keep families together. Your morals have decayed as well, so you are seeing abortions and drugs which are ruining your society. I have mentioned how important it is to stop the legalization of recreational marijuana. This drug can lead to cocaine and heroin, which destroys your youths and kills brain cells. America needs to repent of its sins and change its sinful lifestyles, or you will see your country fall and face My punishments from your natural disasters. Come back to Me in faith and love, and your country will continue to prosper, instead of decaying in your sins.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I am thankful to be able to share Myself with everyone at today’s Mass. When you receive My consecrated Hosts, and consecrated Wine, you are receiving My very Body and Blood of My Real Presence. Give praise and thanks to Me for loving you so much, that I leave you My very Self in your soul every time you receive Me in Holy Communion, worthily. In the second vision you are seeing Me at the center of a large pool to indicate that I need you to place Me at the center of your lives. When you let Me lead you in all that you do, then I can use you to fulfill the mission I have given you. So continue to pray to Me every day so I can lead you to do the right thing in all of your activities.”

    Monday, August 27, 2018: (St. Monica)
    Jesus said: “My people, you are the Light of the world, and you need to share your faith out of love for your neighbor and love of Me. Just as you are drawn to My Light, so people will be drawn to your Light of faith. So be a good example and practice what you preach about Me. You do not want to be a hypocrite like the Pharisees who I told the people not to follow in their selfish example. St. Monica prayed persistently over thirty years to convert her son, St. Augustine. My people need to imitate St. Monica when you pray persistently for your relatives and friends to be saved and converted to the true faith in Me. Be a shining example of faith in your good works and persistent prayers for souls.”

    Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a snake trying to upset your mission. It is not by accident that every time you come to see your spiritual advisor, he has just had a snake come into his house. You also heard of a large snake that came into your daughter’s house. It was very frightening to see these snakes, as it took some doing to capture them and get rid of them. Serpents can be a sign of evil among you without being invited. Continue to pray your St. Michael long form prayer to protect yourself from any demon attack on yourself or on your relatives and friends.Trust in My protection all of the time, even when you are confronted by demons in the form of serpents.”

    Tuesday, August 28, 2018: (St. Augustine)
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was criticizing the Scribes and Pharisees for being hypocrites in their actions. They proclaimed the Mosaic Laws which I told people to listen to, but not to follow their actions. This is true for My followers who need to practice My Christian teachings in all that you do. It is by your good example that people can see My love in you, so they could be converted. If you act in a non-Christian way, then you too, could be called hypocrites. The more that is given to you, more will be expected. So imitate My life in all that you do. If you follow My ways instead of man’s ways, then you will have your reward in heaven.”

    (Mass intention for David S.) Jesus said: “My people, at times it is good to walk in a quiet place for contemplative prayer as in a quiet forest. As you walk the trails, you could be praying your rosary for your intentions. It is good to walk amidst nature and My creations. When you see how beautiful everything is, you can see My touch of beauty in the trees and the animals. You need to give Me thanks for giving you life, and a gift of faith to know and love Me in return.”

    For David S.: Jesus said: “My son David died a little young, but he had a good life in doing My work. Give thanks for the gift of his life, and pray for all the family who miss him dearly. Keep praying for his soul, and with some Masses for his intentions. Pray also for Claire, his family, and their business.”

    Wednesday, August 29, 2018: (Passion of St. John the Baptist)
    Jesus said: “My people, you have a contrast in personalities between King Herod and St. John the Baptist. King Herod loved to flaunt his authority, and he even put St. John the Baptist in prison for criticizing him for marrying his brother’s wife. He was later humbled for promising Herodias’ daughter anything she wanted, for performing a dance for him. When she asked for the head of St. John the Baptist, King Herod was too proud to refuse her request, and he had St. John the Baptist beheaded. St. John the Baptist was fulfilling his mission to prepare My way, by calling sinners to repent and be baptized. He was a righteous man, and he even corrected the King for marrying his brother’s wife. This was dangerous to criticize the King, but St. John stood up for the truth, no matter what the consequences he would face. In the same way I call all of My faithful to stand up for the truth, especially in spreading My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone. You may not be martyred, but you need to witness against those people who are fornicating and having abortions. Reach out to save souls from hell in My Name, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

    Jesus said: My people of America, you are seeing storms in the Atlantic Ocean moving toward your country in the vision. September is the peak of your hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean. You have had little activity there, but now you will see storms coming one after another. You have had a lot of activity in the Pacific Ocean, but you are now seeing storms starting up in the Atlantic Ocean. The vision of a swirling storm, is a sign that you could see at least one storm hit the mainland. Some of your forecasters were showing the destruction of Hurricane Katrina which happened about this time of year. In your technology advances you have a lot more forecasts of when and where a storm could hit, which gives you more time to evacuate. Your people need to be alert to any storms that could hit land. I have warned you that such natural disasters will be your punishment for your sins. Last year you had to endure three storms that caused major damage. This is why your people need to be ready to endure another hurricane season. Call on Me to protect your people from any harm, so you can minimize any deaths. Pray for all the people who will be enduring any storms.”

    Thursday, August 30, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, ‘Stay awake’ are the first words of warning in today’s Gospel. All of My faithful are awaiting My return to the earth when I will judge everyone if they are either with Me or not. Those people, who are faithful and without serious sin, I will welcome into My Era of Peace at that time. But those people, who are not prepared and have serious sin, will not be accepted, and they will grind their teeth and cry out in the flames of hell. This is like the parable about the five wise virgins who were prepared to meet the Bridegroom with extra oil for their lamps. They were welcomed into My Wedding Banquet, and the door was shut. The five foolish virgins were not prepared, and they went away to buy extra oil for their lamps. When they returned, they could not enter the closed door, and I told them: ‘You cannot enter because you know neither the day nor the hour.’ So keep your souls free of sin by frequent Confession so you will be ready with a clean soul for when you have to face Me at your judgment.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, your schools have become a place to teach the students more about the world without teaching them about prayer to Me. Your colleges have been purged of any teachers who teach about Me as the Creator of this world. Even the textbooks have distorted the history of your country and any mention of Me. You have taken prayer out of the schools, and the students are brainwashed with atheism. People with faith come out of college with their minds emptied of any devotion to Me. This is why Bible study is needed, and parents need to encourage their children to come to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. Pray for your children to be strong in their faith by your example.”

    Jesus said: “My people, some of your politicians are claiming falsely that there is nothing wrong with using marijuana. Some extracts may help pain, but this drug being promoted, will cause addictions and lead to more serious drugs as cocaine and heroin. This drug kills brain cells, and it could cause accidents while driving and smoking. Marijuana should never be promoted as good, because the bad effects are worse.”

    Jesus said: “My people, awhile back your Congress passed a Real ID law that mandated states to issue drivers’ licenses with a microchip in them. Your states have been slow to carry this out. Now the states are being forced to implement these chips, or they could lose Federal funding. This is all about the one world people trying to control you with more chips to track you. Pray for your authorities to vote this down.”

    Jesus said: “My people, these new smart meters are supposed to make it easier to read your water meter from the street. This smart meter puts out a microwave radiation that may not be good for your health, and it could be considered an invasion of your privacy. Some people are fighting against such a mandate. There is an alternative by installing an analog meter without the radiation. Pray that your people can stop this forced invasion into your homes.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you can see various rich people who are trying to use their money to buy elections and votes to change the policies of your government. You are even seeing political cleansing of any conservative voices from your social media. The socialists are making a big push to change your government’s decisions. This is why there will be a strong attack against your incumbent Congress people and Senators. Pray for your country to come closer to Me in prayer and repent of your sins. Choose to support people who defend My ways.”
    Jesus said: “My people in the end days you will see an increase in earthquakes, famine, and pestilence. Earthquakes and volcanoes are increasing in activity all along the Ring of Fire. You also will be seeing more viruses that will cause a pestilence. There is a goal of the one world people to reduce the population, so they will use viruses to kill many people. I call My people to have masks, and take Hawthorn pills to build up your immune system to protect you from these viruses. When you see people dying in large numbers, this will be a sign to come to My refuges, where you will be healed by looking on the luminous cross in the sky.”

    Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are using flu shots to break down your immune systems and cause more harm than good.Avoid taking these flu shots as I have warned you in the past. This is another means for the pharmaceutical companies to make more money from your government without proving that their shots stop the flu. Pray for your people to have good health with hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins, which will stop some of the harmful effects of the laboratory made viruses.”

    Friday, August 31, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, if you saw a small child drowning in the lake, you would take immediate action to try to save the life of that child. All life is precious, and you should also reach out to mothers to stop having any abortions of the small child in their womb. It is also important to reach out as quickly to save the souls of children who are in danger of losing their souls in hell. You are seeing teenagers who are engaged in vaping and addictive drugs that could endanger their lives and their souls. The demons are trying to steal souls from Me through addictions. So pray deliverance prayers for the youth of today so they are not killed with opiod overdoses. Continue to fight against legalizing recreational marijuana to help prevent more youth and adults from drug addictions. You can help save souls from going down the wrong path to hell.”

    Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you saw a fire truck racing down the street to put out a fire. This vision is how in the spiritual world the priest puts out the fire in your soul in Confession. People in mortal sin have their souls on fire, and they need to come immediately to the priest, so with absolution, he can put out these flames of sin on their souls. Once you receive the grace of absolution of your sins, you have peace in your soul and rest in your spirit. Rejoice every time you have the opportunity to come to Confession.”

    For Margaret: Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of Margaret you are seeing her dressed in a white wedding dress with a white veil. She was smiling and happy to be with her Bridegroom in heaven. She is thankful for all the prayers and Masses that were offered up for her intention, so she could be released from purgatory to come to heaven. Give praise and glory to Me for My death on the cross that has enabled souls to be able to enter the gates of heaven.”

    Saturday, September 1, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about My coming to the Cana Wedding with My Blessed Mother. When the wine ran out, My Blessed Mother told Me, and she told the servants: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ These words referred to the wine problem, but they could also be directed to everyone to follow My example in life. I told the servants to fill the six large stone containers with water, and take some to the head waiter. The waiter remarked that they had saved the best wine until now. This first miracle of changing the water into wine, also helped My apostles to believe in Me and My mission. There is another lesson in this miracle, because at the Last Supper I changed the wine into My Blood, and the bread into My Body. This gift of Myself in Holy Communion is one of My lasting miracles that far surpassed the multiplication of the bread and fish that fed the 5,000 and the 4,000. Give praise and thanks to Me for feeding you My Real Presence whenever you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion at Mass.”

    Sunday, September 2, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you heard the deacon give a good homily on faith and works. Faith is a gift I offer to everyone out of My abundant love. I offer it freely, and it is up to your free will to believe in Me or not. If you truly believe in Me, you will return your love for Me. It is mentioned by St. Paul that if you do not have love of Me and your neighbor, then all of your works are as nothing. When you have faith in Me, then you will desire to follow My Commandments which are based on love of Me and love of your neighbor as yourself. When I am the center of your life, then you will want to help your neighbor in good works out of love for Me. This faith that you have in Me, is like My love, because you need to share it with as many people as possible for all those people who listen to you. If faith and love for Me is lacking in your family or friends, then you need to pray for them to be open to My love. I desire that all people will come to know and love Me, and I use My faithful as My instruments to spread the Good News of My Resurrection upon everyone. Those souls, who accept Me, love Me, and repent of their sins, will be rewarded when I lead them up the steps to heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke of all the filthy sins that come out of your hearts as sinners. Many people are quick to judge others’ bad actions, but they quickly forget their own sins. I am the only One to judge all sinners, so avoid judging others. Recently, you have been seeing some clergy accused of abusing young children, and some of these events happened years ago. It has been a bad example that many of these cases were hidden from the public, and possible prosecution. Since all of you are sinners, you all need to pray for sinners and especially for your priests who are being criticized. So instead of judging or criticizing others, you all need to practice what you preach without being hypocrites. Give good example to everyone, because your actions are seen by people on earth, and all of us in heaven.”

    Monday, September 3, 2018: (Labor Day)
    Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating Labor Day, and the gift of working to earn money for your families. It is common to see both parents working to help pay for the expenses of your children. Single parents may even have to work two jobs to keep up with paying for shelter and a car. You are fortunate to have enough employers to provide good paying jobs. Running a household takes patience and skill to meet all of life’s demands. In the Gospel you are seeing why prophets can have problems with the people’s belief in the prophet’s hometown. Because the people of Nazareth did not have faith in My healing, I could not heal people in My hometown. Pray for your priests and prophets so they can fulfill their missions to My people. Your retired workers need to be paid their pensions and Social Security as a reward for the many years of paying into their retirement plans. Social Security for retired workers was earned, and it is different from welfare recipients. You will not find much justice in this world, but you will in your next life.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how progressives control the schools, the newspapers, the television programs, and the social media. It is very difficult for a conservative voice to be heard, let alone a true reading of history. Through all of these channels the progressives can brainwash the students in the schools and colleges, and brainwash the people who watch the television programs. It is hard to determine the truth of anything because of the fake news and disinformation. You are seeing the communist tactics carried out in front of you every day: ‘If you tell a lie often enough, you can get people to believe it as the truth.’ This is also a tactic of the devil when it comes to faith in Me. The devil is full of lies to deceive you into hell. If you want to know the truth in the Catholic faith, you need to read the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’. This has all of the truths of the faith that the devil and the evil ones are trying to hide from the people. If you follow the Catechism, you will see the liars who claim there is no hell, or that hell is not eternal. Eventually, you will see New Age teachings take over parts of the Church, but they only worship things, and not Me.You will need to discern which voices are telling the truth, and which ones are telling lies. Call on Me to help you stand up for the truth in My Good News, that I died on the cross to save all souls who will believe in Me.”

    Tuesday, September 4, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing someone in a confined space, which represents times when you are asked to go outside of your comfort zone to help someone. It is easier to help people when it does not take much effort, as in giving a token donation. It is much more of a challenge if you are asked to make a substantial donation, or to help someone for an extended period of time. It is also easier to help a close relative than it is to help a stranger in need. When you go the extra mile to help someone, you will have your reward in heaven, because I see your extra effort. So when you are asked to pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory, this does not take much effort. So be willing to include these intentions in your daily prayers, because you can help people spiritually as well as physically.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    September 5, 2018: (Bob Farnand Memorial Mass)
    Jesus said: “My people, when I went to St. Matthew, the tax collector’s house, there were many sinners and tax collectors at the supper. Some of the Scribes and Pharisees asked Me why I ate with sinners. Those people, who are well, do not need a doctor, but those people, who are sick, need Me to heal them. It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifices of animals. Since you all inherited Adam’s original sin, then you are all sinners and in need of My forgiveness of your sins. So come to frequent Confession at least once a month, so you can have clean and healed souls. You are all in need of My grace, and a cleansing of sins from your souls. It is better to be a repentant sinner, than a self-righteous person who thinks he is without sin. Bob Farnand is in purgatory and he needs your prayers and Masses.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some damage caused by hurricane Lane in the Hawaiian Islands, and tropical storm Gordon in the Gulf of Mexico. You are also seeing more storms in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, as you are entering the peak of your hurricane season. These are more natural disasters on top of the previous storms and fires. You are also witnessing more 90 F summer days in your area than you normally receive in two or more years. Your weather has been changing all over the world with hotter than expected temperatures. I have mentioned before that warmer temperatures could be coming from a stronger solar wind, as your magnetosphere is losing the strength of its magnetism. Be prepared for more weather extremes that are a punishment for your sins. My refuge builders also need to get their projects done, because their preparation time is running out. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs during the tribulation.”

    Thursday, September 6, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have had a long hot and dry summer, so this rain is refreshing your lawns and the farmers’ fields. Just as your ground is refreshed with water, so your souls need to be refreshed with My graces. Many souls are also dry and parched, because they are too weak to come to Mass or Confession. If you are in mortal sin, your soul could even be burning in flames. You need to put out the fire with My grace of forgiveness in Confession. Just as you crave a nice glass of ice cold water on a hot day, so your soul also craves to be satisfied with the grace of My sacraments. Encourage the weak sinners to come to Me so they can be refreshed with My ‘Living Water’. This is the same ‘Living Water’ of the Holy Spirit that I promised the woman at the well in the Gospel. There are many people searching for My peace in their souls, but they have lost their way to seeking Me, their Creator. Pray for these lost sinners to find their way back to Me, and pray that they could open their hearts to receive Me, so I can refresh their souls with My graces and My ‘Living Water’.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, I pray that all churches could afford to have a large crucifix placed on the altar. When you have My corpus on the cross, then it is a true crucifix. A cross without My corpus does not convey how much I suffered on My cross. Crosses with a resurrected corpus also do not show My suffering. When you look on My crucifix, this reminds you of how much I love all of you, that I would die for your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I do for you.”

    Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that certain people are paying others to cause a disturbance at this hearing. Judge Bret Kavenaugh has answered most of the questions that did not involve speculative answers. He is a qualified judge, but he is being tested by the committee on many subjects. It will be up to the Senators when they vote on his confirmation. He is filling a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Bless this process that is being seen before everyone.”

    Jesus said: “My people, Philadelphia is the same place that your forefathers established your Constitution that still governs your country to this day. Your Bill of Rights and the Amendments have established an individual’s freedoms in your country of laws. Many of the discussions of your Supreme Court candidate have focused on how he will interpret the Constitution and uphold today’s precedents in previous proceedings. Give thanks that I have guided your leaders to interpret your laws justly. You still have many decisions and accepted laws that violate My laws. So pray that your evil laws could be changed to follow My laws.”

    Jesus said: “My son, I have guided you in your refuge projects, and now you have installed a second solar array that is on the first floor. Your solar charge controller is functioning now for your off grid system that is powering your dehumidifier during the day’s sun. You have tested it for running your water pump, and you will be testing your sump pumps shortly. This was installed so when there is no electricity during the tribulation, you will have power in the winter to run your pumps, once you remove the snow off the panels.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you have installed a water well that will supply water to your toilets and sinks. As long as your sewer drains work, you could use your water system. If they back up, then you will need to use your backup outhouse with a hole in the ground. You have done well to provide fuels for heating in the winter, food to eat, water to drink, and beds to sleep on. You have everything in place, but you will need to pray for My multiplication of your food and fuels. My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. You will continue your perpetual Adoration with My Hosts during your trial. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs. You may want to have one more practice run to test all of your preparations.”

    St. Meridia said: “I am St. Meridia and I stand before God in His service. I am proud to be your prayer group angel, and I bless all of you here tonight with My protection. I am also proud to be your refuge angel as well. Even now I am placing a shield of protection over your refuge from any damage. I am reminding you that during the tribulation, only those people who have a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into your refuge. Give thanks to God for all that He is doing to direct me for your protection and guarding your refuge.”

    Jesus said: “My people, please pray for the safety of your students and teachers from any terrorist or mental people that may try to kill these school people. Pray that their classes will train the students to help them in life. Even if there is no prayer in the schools, you can still pray for the students’ success in their studies. I love all of the children, and I do not want to see any harm come to any of them.”

    Friday, September 7, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My son, I long to be with you, and all of My people who love Me so much. When you come before Me in Adoration, you appreciate My love for you, and you are giving your time to share your love with Me. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, this is your closest taste of heaven that you could have while you are living on earth. I am the One who should be the center of your life at Mass, in your prayers, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Everything you do should be done out of love for Me, as you consecrate yourself and your daily actions up to Me. When you are fully focused on Me, then I can use you to fulfill your intended mission for this life. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you, and I bless all of your actions and intentions.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the devil has encouraged man to take the discovery of DNA, and make it into GMO products that are not natural food for your bodies to consume. This is what is causing your allergies and ruining your immune systems, which is causing more disease and cancer. It is better to eat organic or natural foods which the body can digest without side effects. You have problems with your artificial medicines that are not natural products either. The more medicines you take, the more chance you have for bad interactions in the body that can cause disease, and harm your liver and kidneys. You may have some cures for certain diseases, but you also can have side effects. When you eat natural food and use natural medicines, there is harmony in your body’s functions, without side effects that could damage your organs. The more you use natural things in your diet, the healthier your body will be, because that is how I created everything in perfect balance and harmony.”

    Saturday, September 8, 2018: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
    Jesus said: “My people, America is a collection of immigrants and the native Indians. Life before electricity and cars was much harder than what you see now. Many of your inventions are dependent on electricity, and various means of transportation. Even your fuels have not changed much for heating your homes. You have moved to natural gas to replace oil, coal, and wood. When you will lose your electric grid in the tribulation, you will need your solar panels and your old fuels of wood, kerosene, and propane. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your physical survival. Your priest or My angels will provide your spiritual survival in My daily Holy Communion. At My refuges you will be living like in the early days without many of your current comforts. Your hot water and air conditioning will be a rarity at most refuges. Learn to live simply with more prayer in your lives, because this will be what it will be like living during the tribulation with angel protection.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some serious storms bearing down on your East coast, and near Hawaii. I told you that you would see one event after another. Your people need to prepare for some hurricane force winds that could cause a lot of damage. Once you see the place of landfall, people may have to evacuate inland or further away from the storm. Other people will be stocking up on food and batteries. I have been urging people to have food on hand for just such emergencies. Have some lights, solar, or generators for backup power if power lines go down. Call on My help to get you through this hurricane season.”

    Sunday, September 9, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many droughts and less rain in some areas. This has caused some dried out lawns, and even the farmers are getting little rain for their crops with hotter weather than normal. In the spiritual realm I am raining down My graces on everyone, but if your heart is not open, then many souls will remain parched. It is the souls who are free of mortal sin, who can accept My graces and prosper in their spiritual lives. You have solar panels, but when the clouds are heavy, you make little electricity. When souls are black, they cannot receive My graces. As I look down on the earth, I see many black souls and a parched earth of evil. My faithful need to share their faith and wake up these parched souls so you can have them seek Me for the forgiveness of their sins. Even among Catholics there are black souls because they are not coming to frequent Confession. Encourage your family and friends to come to Confession. Too many souls are spiritually lazy, and they are not benefitting from My free graces of My sacraments.”

    Monday, September 10, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, the Scribes and Pharisees wanted to criticize Me for healing people on the Sabbath. I even asked them if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath, but they had no response. After I healed the man, they were outraged at My healing, and even more so that I defied their strict interpretation of the Mosaic laws. At times you are called to do good deeds as well, but the devil will always taunt you through people around you. Do not be afraid of any criticism for a good deed, but help your neighbor when he or she is in need. You can also reach out in faith to try and evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell. Such attempts to save souls, will receive even more contempt from Satan, for trying to steal his souls wrapped in sin. Pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory who need your help.”

    (Briana Nadine Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, when you build a house, you need to have funding from savings or a mortgage to be able to buy the lot, and enough money to complete the building. In addition to the mortgage you will need to pay for land taxes, and the utilities. Each person needs to build their house of faith on a solid foundation of the Church, and the rock of St. Peter. I give everyone enough grace to carry out each person’s mission with the talents I have given people. By calling on My help, you can build up your own faith, and you can help build up My Church by evangelizing souls to the faith. Keep praying constantly for all the souls of your family and friends. You have heard how people build their mansions in heaven with the good deeds of their lives. Continue to do good deeds for your neighbors, so you will have the tools and boards for your own mansion.”

    For Briana: Jesus said: “Briana needs prayers and Masses since she is in lower purgatory.”
    White and Blue light: It represents the white Light of Jesus and His graces, and the blue Light is a lesser light of the Blessed Mother, and all of her prayers for us in the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

    Tuesday, September 11, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in most areas you are seeing a decline in Sunday Mass attendance. There has also been a decline in the number of priests, as fewer are becoming ordained. I am encouraging My faithful to continue to come to Sunday Mass, and give good example for your children to come. You also need to encourage your family and friends to pray more, and come to Confession once a month. I am showing you this pew to help you see the need to pray for your priests, your family, and for your country. There are not enough people praying to counter the evil in your country. As you see more violent natural disasters, this may bring you to your knees in prayer. I continue to thank all of My prayer warriors who are the heart of your families. Keep up your rosaries and Holy Hours for My Blessed Mother’s intentions.”

    (Twin Tower anniversary 2001)
    Jesus said: “My people, in 2001 on this day, you saw the terrorist take down the Twin Towers which represented the wealth of your country. Many people were killed, and still more are dying of cancer from the dust of the towers. Out of your pride, you built the Freedom Tower to defy the terrorists. Your original Twin Towers were destroyed where George Washington consecrated your country to Me. This was a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. When you rebuilt the Freedom Tower, you did not repent or change your evil ways. Instead, this is a defiance of My judgment on America. So this tower will be taken down also for building it in defiance of Me. In addition to the destruction of this tower, you will be seeing more punishments from natural disasters. Your hurricanes are an example of this destruction. Pray for your country to stop your abortions, and your evil lifestyles, or you will be brought to your knees before Me.”

    Wednesday, September 12, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, recently I mentioned to you how America needs to stop its abortions, and your sinful lifestyles, or you will be brought to your knees through natural disasters. There is a message in the fact that you are seeing three storms all at once about to come ashore in three areas of your country. You have the large Hurricane Florence about to cause damage on your Eastern coast. You are seeing a tropical storm Olivia about to hit Hawaii after Hurricane Lane. You also have a storm in the Gulf of Mexico about to hit Texas on the coast. This is not coincidental, but it emphasizes how I am bringing My punishment upon America for your pride to be humbled, for your sexual sins, and for your abuse of My babies in abortion. I told you if you did not stop your abortions, I would stop them with My punishments. I call on your people to repent of your sins and come to Confession so I can forgive you, and absolve your sins. Change your bad lifestyles into one acceptable to My laws. If you do this, you will be blessed, but if you do not, then I will bring you to your knees. I am offering you the blessing or the curse. It is up to you to choose the right way to love Me and love your neighbor.”

    Thursday, September 13, 2018: (St. John Chrysostom)
    Jesus said: “My people, all the things in the world that you consider as valuable, are as nothing to Me. What is valuable to Me, are the souls of all the people who I want to save from hell, and to love Me. I do not force My love on you, but I want you to choose to love Me of your own free will. I am all love, and I love the good and bad souls. In today’s Gospel I want My people to imitate My love by loving both your friends, and your enemies as well. I want you to pray for your friends and your enemies. You are still believing in an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I am asking you to help your friends and your enemies. I call you to evangelize all souls who are open to your word. You all are sinners, and you all need conversion to My laws. Your mission is to help save all souls, both the good and the bad. So reach out to help everyone, no matter what they have done in the past. My grace and My rain falls down on the good and the bad, and it is those who repent and accept Me in love, who will be saved from hell.”

    Jesus said: “My people, yesterday you experienced a power outage for a few hours when a car crashed into a pole carrying electric lines. You had a little problem with the garage door opener, but your power came back after you returned from the restaurant, so you had lights at night. With the hurricane coming ashore, the winds and flooding could cause many power outages for a long time. (800,000 without power at the height of the storm) You were praying your Divine Mercy Chaplet for any souls that could die. With a lot of rain, it will be hard to find a dry shelter, and there could be no power for pumps, lights, or air conditioners. You could see food and water shortages with no refrigeration, and the power lines not working. Pray for the people who will find it hard to provide food and water. If possible, you could donate money to help people restore their lives back to normal. The people in the rest of your country need to come to the aid of the storm victims where they can help. I will bless all of your efforts to help the storm victims.”

    Friday, September 14, 2018: (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
    Jesus said: “My people, this day you are celebrating My feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In My day I was crucified on the cross as a common criminal, but I committed no sin. Some people may think this is a failure of My mission, but they did not understand that My death on the cross was My victory over sin and death. My death was a supreme sacrifice of My Body and Blood that is given up for all the souls of mankind. It is My Blood that washes away your original sin at Baptism, and My Blood washes away your actual sins in Confession. My crucifixion is outside of time, so you can join your pains and troubles with My pain on the cross. You are blessed to have a relic of My true cross that you have used to pray over people, especially over some possessed people. Do not have fear of the evil one, but trust in faith that I can heal even possessed people. Pray deliverance prayers over addicts so they can be healed of their demons. Pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer to heal all of your family members, and make a cross with holy water on their pictures. Trust in faith that I can heal those people who you are praying over. If the person to be healed believes that I can heal him, then that person can be healed. Pray today for all the victims of your current hurricane. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who will die from this storm, and for all those people who will die today. Those people who believe in My saving death on the cross, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Holy Cross, and you are seeing a prefigure of My Holy Cross in the first reading when Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole. When people who had been bitten by the seraph serpents looked on the bronze serpent, they were healed. People who look upon My Holy Cross and confess their sins in Confession are also healed in their souls. At the time of the tribulation My faithful will be called to My refuges of protection from the evil ones. My angels will protect you with invisible shields. Those faithful, who have a cross on their foreheads by My angels, will be allowed to enter My refuges. When you enter, you will see a luminous cross in the sky. When you look upon it, you will be healed of all of your ailments, and your souls will be cleansed as well. All of My faithful, who take up their daily crosses and follow My ways, are on a path to eternal life in heaven. Give praise and thanks to your Savior for dying on the cross to save you from your sins.”

    Saturday, September 15, 2018: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
    The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have seen many of my statues that are weeping, because I see some of my children suffering. You, my son, carry the oil of my tears from Maureen’s house, and you see its healing power. Right now my eyes are tearing again because my children are suffering from Hurricane Florence in North and South Carolina. When you are praying your rosaries, make these suffering people one of your intentions. You have read of my seven sorrows, as when Simeon told me a sword would pierce my heart. I also suffered when my Son, Jesus, was lost and found in the temple at twelve years old. I suffered watching Jesus carrying His cross, and when He died, I held Him in my hands at the foot of the cross. My children will also see sorrows in your lives, but I have suffered before you, so call on My help to comfort you and support you through all of your troubles. When you pray your rosaries, I hear your intentions, and I give them over to my Son, Jesus. Trust in me that all of your prayers are heard in heaven, and we will watch over you and protect you. We will provide all that you need, and you only have to be faithful to Jesus and all of His laws.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing the devastating damage caused by Hurricane Florence. You have seen some deaths, many power outages, and considerable flooding in North and South Carolina. This is causing major damage that has not been seen in this area in decades. You had three major hurricanes last year, and this year you are seeing Hurricane Florence, tropical storm Gordon, and Hurricane Lane all strike America. You could still face more storms this year. Not only are you facing warmer temperatures this summer, but the heat is causing more severe storms. Pray for all of your storm victims, and that flooding will be minimized. Your State and Federal governments will now have to provide aid to get power back, and clear any damage. If your churches call for aid to the storm victims, you could make a donation to help these people. Trust in My help and keep praying for all of those affected by this storm.”

    Sunday, September 16, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you heard My identity given by St. Peter when he said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for his faith that was given to him by the Holy Spirit. I then told My apostles that I would be crucified, and I would die to save the people from their sins. St. Peter did not want Me to die. I told him: ‘Get behind Me, Satan, because it is man’s desire for Me not to die, but it is God the Father’s plan for the salvation of mankind that I die for your sins. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you must be free of mortal sin. If you receive Me in mortal sin, you commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. If you have mortal sin, you must come quickly to Confession so you can be restored in My graces. Before you receive Me, I ask that you pray a sincere Act of Contrition, so you can cleanse any venial sins. This prayer does not cleanse mortal sin, but you need Confession to cleanse mortal sin. In the second reading you heard that faith without works is dead. If you have true love of Me and believe in Me, you will love your neighbor by helping them with good works. Such works are a sign of your love for Me in your neighbor. So reach out to provide for your neighbor’s physical needs, and share your faith evangelizing your neighbor’s spiritual needs. I love all of My people, and I desire to save all souls. It is your free will decision to love Me and your neighbor. Those people, who repent of their sins, and do good works for their neighbor, will be welcomed into eternal life with Me in heaven.”

    Monday, September 17, 2018: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
    Jesus said: “My people, all of heaven is watching your every action, as you are all on the stage of life. If you profess to be a Christian, you need to show it in your actions every day. I love all of you, and I desire that you love Me and your neighbor. Each day you need to consecrate everything and all of your actions up to Me. You need to make some quiet time for Me in your day, so you can pray to Me and give Me your petitions. If you can come to daily Mass, then I can share My love intimately with your soul in Holy Communion. If you make time for Me in Adoration, again I can share My love with you, and you loving Me. I need to be the center of your life, and you need to make every action a means of following My Will for you. Trust in Me to direct your lives in following your mission on earth. I give you your talents and the graces to carry out your mission. So walk in My footsteps as you imitate My actions on earth. Learn from My Scriptures so you can do the right things without offending Me in your sins. I bless you all day, as you are called to evangelize souls to help save them from hell. I will forgive your sins when you repent and ask My forgiveness. When My faithful come to their judgment, I will say well done, enter into My heavenly court where you will take your place among My angels and saints.”

    Jesus said: “My people, now that Hurricane Florence is gone, the people of North and South Carolina are dealing with floods from record flood stage on their rivers. Many of these people, who have water damage, do not have flood insurance. You are also seeing an increasing death toll from many flood incidents. Continue to pray your Divine Mercy Chaplets for those victims who have died. Pray also for the flood victims who will have to rebuild their water damaged homes from their own pockets with little Federal aid. It may be difficult to get food, water, and other donations to the people who need them. Pray for these victims that they will receive the needs for their survival, and repairs to their homes. Your people need to understand the connection between your sins, and these natural disasters as your punishment.”

    Tuesday, September 18, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw Me touch the dead man, and I said: ‘Arise’, and he came back to life with the power of Myself and the Holy Spirit. There is also a healing of a dead soul in mortal sin that can be brought back to life by absolution in Confession. I must tell you that I am looking at many dead or black souls on earth, and they are all in need of My forgiveness in Confession. In the vision you are seeing people drinking My ‘living water’ when they accept the Holy Spirit in My sacrament of Holy Communion. My people need to come to Confession at least once a month, or sooner if you are in mortal sin. You do not want to risk loss to hell if you are called to your judgment in mortal sin. You also want to be reunited in My love by confessing your sins and seeking My forgiveness. With a clean soul you are now worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. Keep close to Me in My sacraments, and take advantage of any opportunity to confess your sins to My priest sons. I love all of you, and I want to see you in a pure white soul.”

    Wednesday, September 19, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, years ago My Blessed Mother gave a message after World War I. She said if the people do not pray the rosary and change their evil lifestyles, an unknown light will be seen in the sky, as a sign of another war as World War II that is about to happen. With this vision of a ball of light in the sky, the people on earth are being given another choice to pray the rosary and change their lives, or they will see such a light in the sky to signal the beginning of World War III. Do not take this message lightly, since My justice is about to come over the earth, because of man’s sins, and how fewer people are worshiping Me on Sunday. You will see a war that will kill many people, and My faithful will need to seek the safety of My refuges. Keep praying your rosaries to lessen the severity of this war, so fewer people will die.”

    Thursday, September 20, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have plenty of food and enough money to live comfortably for most people in America. You can see many needs for help in North and South Carolina, as well as in Puerto Rico. There are also many poor countries in need of food and donations as well as your own country. You have several groups you could give donations to help areas without enough food. You can even donate to your local food shelves to help your neighbors in need. There are also spiritually needy people who need prayers, and even sharing your faith to bring them closer to Me, so I can feed them with My graces. Where possible you could encourage relatives and people to come to Confession so they could clean their souls and change any sinful lifestyles. You have so much sin around you, and these people need your prayers and spiritual encouragement in the faith. Give your good example to those around you.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more politics and accusations going on with your latest Presidential nominee for the Supreme Court. You will see the accuser have her day in court, and the Senate will take a vote on any testimony.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an armed camp where several nations have nuclear weapons. I continue to request your prayers for peace in the world. There are dangerous moves in the Middle East that could trigger a World War III. By keeping negotiations going between your warring states, you can keep relations calm without a world war. Several people have had visions or messages of a world war, which is possible. Using nuclear weapons cannot win a war, but you are risking the loss of many lives. Pray that such a war does not happen.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several communist states that are using totalitarian control to force atheism on the people. This communist control over some countries is a purge of My people who live in these countries, as they are persecuted for their faith. Pray that such atheistic communism does not take over your country or any other country.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have heard reports that church attendance on Sunday in Canada is a lot worse than in America. This number of church attendees is a fair measure of how faithful a country is to Me. Canada has been losing attendance to church over a period of years with a more rapid decrease than America. This is another reason to pray for a firm faith in your country, because it is very difficult to stop the current trend. You have heard Me say: ‘Will I find any faith on the earth when I return?’ There is a great battle for souls going on, so pray for your families to live a good Christian life.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you need to have souls who will leave themselves open to My love. If you have an open mind to accept My love into your hearts, you have a chance to be saved from your sins. It is those souls, who have closed their souls completely to My love, that are on a path to hell. Without even a small opening, it is very difficult for a soul to come to Me with no love in their heart. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners, and pray for My grace to open the cold hearts, so they will have a chance to be saved.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your candidates have many different stands on what they believe. You all can express your free will in choosing your candidates. I have urged you in the past to vote for those people who hold life as precious at all ages. When your people have spoken in your votes, it is proper that their wishes should be carried out, and not overruled by your media. Pray for your country that you can follow My ways and not man’s evil ways.”

    Jesus said: “My people, families today should be praying together now more than ever. The devil is attacking your children through drugs, vaping, and pornography. Parents should communicate with their children, so they know what they are being taught in school, and what kind of friends they have. Children need a good faith formation early with an emphasis on Sunday Mass, daily prayer, and monthly Confession. You are seeing fewer young people in church because the parents and your society are not doing their job. Pray for your children and consecrate them to My Blessed Mother to watch over them.”

    Friday, September 21, 2018: (St. Matthew)
    Jesus said: “My people, I called Levi, the tax collector to follow Me, and he left his place of collection immediately to follow Me. That night I went to his house for dinner. While I was there, the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. I told them that the sick need a physician, and I came to save sinners and not the self-righteous. I am calling all of My faithful not to judge people, because I am the only One to judge people, since I know everyone’s faults. Just as I called Levi to follow Me as Matthew, so I call all the people to follow My ways as well. When you become My disciple, you need to count the cost of giving up your old sinful habits, and make a new life with Me. I teach you how to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself. Not everyone will desire to follow My way of life in the Spirit, which means giving up your will over to My Will. Some people are selfish, and they want to be in full control of their lives. If you love Me and accept Me as your Savior, then you will pick up your cross and carry it through the rest of your life. It was not easy for St. Matthew to give up everything to follow Me in faith. But this is what I call all of My faithful to do for love of Me. Trust that I will lead you on the right path to heaven.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

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    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    Tuesday, September 25, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people not to take the flu shots because they can do more harm than good. The Pharmaceutical companies make millions of dollars on the flu shots every year in the fall. It is the government who subsidizes the cost of these shots, so they can be given out for free. These companies make a calculated guess as to what virus strains that will be prevalent during the year. This is because it takes six months or so to make the flu shot batches. This is why with mutations of the flu, that these shots may only be 30% effective. The side effects of these shots make some people sick, and they can have a bad effect on your immune system that could be harmful to some people. It is better to take your Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Many flu causing symptoms are caused by the chemtrails in the sky. When virulent viruses are used to reduce the population, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges. When you look upon the luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your sicknesses. Trust in Me to protect you from physical and spiritual harm at My refuges.”

    Sunday, September 30, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, many of you have been waiting for things to begin the end times with My Warning. Some people have even complained that this should have happened sooner. You do not know how evil it will get before I bring My Warning.
    Once you see the two suns in the sky, you will see My Warning, when everyone will have their life review at the same time all over the world.After reviewing your life’s actions, you will face a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will have six weeks to convert your family and friends. You are anxious for My return, but you must first be tested by the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will send My faithful to My refuges at that time for their safety by My angels. Be prepared at My refuges. This is why I want you all to have one more practice run overnight with your prayer groups to test the readiness of My refuge builders. I am asking you to do this because this time is coming soon. This place where you are, is a refuge as it has been prepared for many years. Have no fear because I will be helping you to get through this trial. At the end of this trial, you will see My return in Spirit to renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

    Thursday, October 4, 2018: (St. Francis of Assisi)
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you black clouds coming over America, more from a political conflict than from a physical volcano. I told you more demons are coming up out of these volcanoes, adding to the evil you already have. The opposition party will do almost anything to take back power in the Senate and the House. They will flood your media with lies and disinformation to confuse your voters. They may even cause more riots at your election rallies. The goal of the one world people is a takeover of your government, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of a communist takeover. These black clouds indicate an increase in violence like you have never seen before. This attack on your President’s Supreme Court nominee, is just the beginning of the opposition’s desperate tactics. They could even resort to shooting your leaders, or some other means to eliminate their competition. Pray for the safety of your government leaders who will be coming under physical attack, and mob violence.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how the opposition party has done everything to block your current nominee to the Supreme Court. There have been many delaying tactics to block this confirmation. Just as you had to pray hard to My Blessed Mother to get President Bush and your current President elected, so you will need to send a novena of prayers again to get your Supreme Court nominee confirmed. There are many protests, but now is the time to take a vote.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have had some success in your tax cuts and trade talks from your current Administration. The upcoming elections could determine whether or not your President can continue his success in running your government. There is a thin majority in the Senate, and it could determine if your President could put more people on the Supreme Court. Pray for your country and its leaders to do the right thing for your people.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you may or may not know about the hundreds of detention centers all across your country. They have many foreign troops there, with the intention to imprison all those people who refuse to take a mandatory chip in the hand.Those people, who are captured, could be gassed and cremated in these facilities. Before you could be threatened by these UN troops,I will warn My faithful to pack up and leave your homes for My refuges. Call on your angel to lead you to the nearest refuge at the proper time.”

    Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are advocating for socialism, are really pushing for a communist takeover of your government. Listen to their deceptive campaign for complete government control. They will even try to take away the rights of your states for government control. If you allow the activists to get voted into office, you could lose your rights and freedoms. Be careful to discern what candidates you are voting for, so you know their intentions.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to pray for your country, and there are many intentions you could pray for at these rosary celebrations. My Blessed Mother’s rosary is a powerful weapon against all the evil going on in your country. Evil will appear to be winning for a while, but in the end our two hearts will be victorious over the devil, the Antichrist, and all the demons. Trust in My power which is greater, and continue to pray your daily three rosaries.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you are getting closer to the coming Warning and tribulation. When the evil ones will gain control over the world, I will warn My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges for your safety. My refuge builders have been preparing for My people to come to My refuges. By practicing your overnight stay, you can be better prepared for the real event of the tribulation. Learn from your experiences so you will be ready to endure this evil time. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs.”
    Jesus said: “My faithful people, you are the ones who have crosses on your foreheads, and who will be able to enter My refuges of protection.You will see My angels provide miraculous protection from all the plans of the evil ones. When you look on the luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your ailments. I will multiply your water, food, and fuels so you can survive the tribulation at My refuges. Have no fear of this time and trust in My protection. No one will be able to challenge the power of My angels.”

    Friday, October 5, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating First Friday in front of My Blessed Sacrament. I have left you My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. On Friday I died for everyone’s sins, and I did this out of My love for you. This is why I am showing you My Heart because I want to save all of My faithful. It is your free will decision to show your love for Me in return. I call everyone to love Me, and I bless those people with a gift of faith for those who love Me. This world has many evil distractions, and those people who are faithful to Me will receive My heavenly reward. I call My people to show Me their love by their daily prayers, daily Mass, Adoration, and monthly Confession. By staying close to Me with a clean soul, you will be protected from the devil’s temptations. Trust in Me and My angels to watch over you and protect you.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Wednesday, October 10, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the Good News of My Resurrection, and My faithful will be resurrected on the last day as well. This is the Good News that I want My faithful to spread to all the nations. I love all of My people, both the Jews and the Gentiles. St. Paul welcomed the Gentiles into the Christian faith with Baptism, and they were not obligated to follow all of the Jewish customs. I came to save all souls, and you need to seek My forgiveness of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior. By giving your will over to My Divine Will, you will be able to carry out your individual missions. To come to heaven you must love Me and your neighbor as yourself. By being faithful to My laws, and coming to frequent Confession, you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you were walking amidst a village of old houses that did not have electricity and very little running water from wells. If you have your electricity turned off for a long time, you would have little light from candles or your battery lanterns. If people do not have much food stored, they could die of starvation. I will multiply your food at My refuges, so trust in Me for your survival. This is why I am showing you My refuges where I will feed My people so they can survive the tribulation. Many people do not have much food stored, which is why I told you to have at least 6 months to 1 year of food stored for each member of your household. My refuge builders have been working hard to prepare their refuges to receive a lot of people. At My refuges during the tribulation, you will be living as back in the 1800’s, so be thankful that I will be providing for your needs.”

    Thursday, October 11, 2018: (St. Pope John XXIII)
    Jesus said: “My people of America, you have just witnessed Hurricane Michael at a category 4, strike your nation in Florida with great devastation and flooding. You have had several storms strike America, as I told you how events will happen one after another. Many of your people do not realize how these natural disasters are a punishment for all of your sexual sins and your abortions. In the vision you saw a flood of water from the storm surge that has inundated your Florida coast. You are still assessing the damage and those who were killed by this hurricane. You will need more help for all of these storm victims who lost their homes. You can also pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all the people who passed away to help save their souls.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting to see the pictures of destruction caused by Hurricane Michael. You are seeing floods and over a million people without electricity. It will take months or longer to clear the debris and restore the power. Keep praying persistently for the victims and for the souls who died. Each storm has been taking its toll on homes and businesses. Call on My help to bring peace to those who lost their homes. Trust in Me that people will wake up to the need for prayers to stop the abortions. These storms are a punishment against America.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your stock market rose to unusually high prices, and now concerns about interest rates and trade tariffs have taken its toll on these prices. You have seen serious drops in your market in October over the years. Pray for your people that your economy can continue to thrive. It is the speculators among your traders that have shaken the confidence in your prices. Trust in Me to protect America from further financial problems.”

    Jesus said: “My people, the first chore after a severe storm is to be able to clear the storm damage from the roads. Restoring power where homes are still intact will be the next stage. Rescue workers will be searching for people in need. Many people could see power outages for a long time. There are many line workers who are coming in from other states to help Florida to restore power. Keep praying that food and water can be brought to the storm victims in their need.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be voting for all of the House Congress people, and a third of the Senate. There has been a lot of division between your parties, and there is some concern over fair elections without cheating on the polls and election machines. The confirmation of your Supreme Court nominee reached new lows in protests, and it has made new precedents for future confirmations. Pray for peace among your people, and to quiet down the anger between your people.”

    Jesus said: “My people, not only are you seeing disasters in America, but you are seeing thousands of deaths in Indonesia and Haiti from severe earthquakes. It is unfortunate in these poor countries where it is hard for these people to recover from such destruction. These countries need to depend on more well-to-do countries to help them weather their disasters. Be observant of the need for help with food and water in these devastated countries. Now is a good time to help your neighbor in America and abroad.”

    Jesus said: “My people, there was an initial goal of protecting your steel and aluminum with some tariffs. As other countries reacted with their own tariffs, you can see increasing tariffs being proposed for other products, especially with China, because of the high trade deficits. As a result, you will be seeing some increases in the cost of many of your products in the stores. Pray for reason in all of your trade negotiations, so the economies of all the countries are not damaged.”

    Jesus said: “My people, having relics of the saints to venerate, is also a prompting to lead your lives in following the example of the lives of the saints. You have a rich treasure in the lives of the saints, and these relics can help focus your lives on how I want you to live. When you follow My laws and confess your sins often, you will be rewarded as you imitate My saints. Venerate these relics as you have devotions to My various saints. You are all working toward being saints, and it is comforting to see how some souls have achieved sainthood. It is possible to be a saint, so keep progressing toward your perfection.”

    Friday, October 12, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, this comfortable chair in the vision is how some people are taken up with a good life, but then you can have the destruction of a hurricane in an instant. In life you have to be alert to natural disasters so you can seek safety in an evacuation. People can also get comfortable with their spiritual life, but the devil never sleeps. You also need to protect your soul from spiritual destruction as well. By daily prayer and frequent Confession, you can protect yourself from the devil’s temptations. So just as you are alert in this life for your survival, so you also must be alert spiritually to protect your soul. Pray for all sinners and for the souls suffering in purgatory.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me complain of all the babies that you are killing in abortion. It is so evil, I can no longer look at the doctors and mothers who are killing their children. You just saw the Gosnell movie in the theater, and you saw the irony of how one doctor was killing live babies with scissors on their necks, and the other abortionist was killing live babies in the uterus with salt needles into the heart. Every abortion takes the life of a live baby, and they are all murders against My Fifth Commandment. America is allowing one million babies to be aborted legally every year. Very few are struggling to stop this carnage, and I keep asking you to pray for your abortions to stop. Abortion is the blood on all American’s hands, and you are paying for this in your natural disasters. Keep praying for these mothers to have their babies, and not to abort them. How can a mother kill her own child? This is not just a blob of tissue, but they are all human little babies that you are killing. The more sins you commit, the more evil will be compounded. Please stop your abortions, or your whole country will look like the Florida beach that was decimated by Hurricane Michael.”

    Saturday, October 13, 2018: (Our Lady of Fatima)
    Jesus said: “My people, you have viewed ‘Baby Boy A’ who was 32 weeks, and he was fully formed and living before he was brutally killed by using a scissors to cut his neck. This was from the Gosnell movie that many people should see, and it could change hearts, if people so choose. When people understand how grisly it is to kill your own babies, they could change to a pro-life position as many of the cast in the movie did. My Blessed Mother gave you a message that to do nothing to stop abortion, is the worst sin of omission. Even in the Gospel, I said how people should hear My words and act on them. You are praying to stop abortion, and some people even pray at the abortion clinics, and counsel women not to abort their children. Even in your upcoming elections, you should vote for the candidate who supports life, instead of those who promote death of the unborn babies you saw in the vision. America will pay a dear price for all of your abortions, and the decision of your Supreme Court to legalize abortion. Pray that this decision can be overturned, and that your mothers will wake up, and stop killing their children.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you could know all of the information in all of these books, and you would just be touching the surface of all the information I have of this world. So do not be prideful of having so many degrees, because you are far from knowing everything. Some people with college degrees may try to belittle people who are less educated. I am impressed more by your prayers and love of Me and your neighbor, than by how smart you are, or how many possessions you have. You should practice humility because all of heaven is watching you. By taking time for praying for your intentions, I will grant your requests that are good for your soul. Take time also to listen for the needs of the people around you, so you can help them physically and share your faith with them. You will see that everyone has the same basic needs for food, water, and shelter. Pray for everyone to be able to obtain the basic needs to survive, and pray for the souls of sinners to be saved from hell. I love all of you, and I will see to all of your needs both now, and during the tribulation.”

    Sunday, October 14, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel a rich man asked Me ‘What must I do to gain eternal life?’ I told him to follow My Commandments of loving Me and loving his neighbor. I also told him that he could give his possessions to the poor and follow Me. But he went away sad because he had many possessions that he did not want to give up. I told My apostles that is it more difficult for the rich people to come to heaven because they do not want to be humble in giving up their possessions. In life you will suffer as I did, and you would rather depend on Me to provide for your needs, than depend on your wealth. I can help you out of love, but your wealth is cold and can be stolen. I can do the impossible to help you, which is more dependable that wealth that can dissipate and be lost. Let Me lead you in life by giving up your will to follow My Divine Will. This is how you can labor in the world to help save souls, and share your wealth and your faith.”

    Tuesday, October 16, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, it does not matter if you talk about people in My time on earth, or now in your time, man still has the same weaknesses. The Pharisees were full of pride to follow the Mosaic customs in public, but they were not following the rest of My laws of love. Even today, some people put on appearances of being holy, but they are not Christian in the way they deal with people. The Pharisees also demanded the people to pay the temple tax, while they did not give alms to help people. Your people of today give token amounts to the church and other charities, but they lavish themselves with many expensive possessions, eating in restaurants, and taking expensive vacations. Many of your people could share some serious donations for church and charities, if they put more love into helping people, instead of being selfish. The lesson here is to have less pride and more humility. It is also to be willing to share your wealth with those people who are in need for their survival.”

    (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Sacred Heart) Jesus said: “My people, many of you have pictures displaying My Sacred Heart, and today’s St. Margaret Mary Alacoque promoted this picture of My love for mankind. She had opposition in her order, but she was persistent out of love for Me. Her visions from Me proved to the religious authorities that honoring My Sacred Heart in June was worthy of a special feast day. Most people, who have this picture, see a flame of burning love, and a crown of thorns around My Heart, indicating how I suffer for all sinners. I love all the people so much, that I died to forgive your sins, and I bring salvation to all souls who accept Me as their Savior. You also see many pictures of My Sacred Heart joined with a picture of the Immaculate Heart of My Blessed Mother. Our two hearts also has a special devotion. Love comes from the heart, and My Sacred Heart shows you how much I love everyone, and I ask you to love Me in return.”

    Wednesday, October 17, 2018: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
    Jesus said: “My people, in the early Church many Christians were fed to the lions in the coliseums of the emperors. This is why the early Christians lived and were buried in the catacombs for protection. It took a strong faith to be a Christian, because you could be killed for your faith at any time. This same persecution will be coming to this present age. When the lives of My faithful will be in danger, I will warn you when it is time to come to the new catacombs at My refuges. My prophets and faithful have been hiding from persecution for many years, and it will be worse during the tribulation. You have lived in a free society in America for many years, where you have had freedom of religion. But when the atheistic communists take over, you will be sought out to be killed by the evil ones.This is why I have asked certain faithful to set up refuges of safety that My faithful could enter for protection with My angels. Be thankful that I am providing safe havens for My faithful, where My angels will protect you and feed you.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing power being restored to places hit by your latest hurricane, especially in Florida. The vision of wire is how the linesmen string new communication wire and power wire to restore power and phone service. The searching is still discovering more dead people in the rubble. This storm moved through very quickly, but the surge and high winds have caused catastrophic damage. Keep praying for these victims who lost their homes, and are having trouble finding food, water, and another place to live. The storm damage was spread into several states, and it will take some time to restore many places back to normal. Your storms this year seem to be getting as bad, or worse than last year’s storms. The damage is taking a toll on your economy, and in some cases lost crops. These storms are sending you another message, that your people need to repent and change your evil lifestyles, or you will see more punishments. You need to stop your abortions, and all of your sexual sins, or worse storms will come. As you see cold weather moving in, you will be facing snowstorms soon. Be prepared for all of your winter problems that ice and snow can cause. Call on My help to get you through these daily trials.”

    Thursday, October 18, 2018: (St. Luke)
    Jesus said: “My son, these readings about traveling to spread My Good News, is very familiar to you, because you and your wife have been traveling to evangelize for over twenty-five years. You have been traveling more that usual this year, and for a longer number of days. You travel light with carry-on bags for your clothes and your books. You share My messages, and you bring rosaries and scapulars as well. The people need to hear My words on sin, and things they do not hear much in the churches, especially about purgatory and hell. In the Gospel it even mentions about how the laborer deserves to have someone put you up for the night, and provide for your food. In some cases when you fly by airplane, you also need help with your ticket. I have always provided for you in health so you could travel. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer before and after you go to a venue for your talks. My angels are also watching out for you against the devil’s obstructions to your travels. Trust in Me to help you in spreading My Word, and you will both have a prophet’s reward.”

    Funeral of Joseph Marcello:
    Jesus said: “My people, Joseph was a very industrious and kind man throughout his working life. He also served his country well. He will be missed by his family and friends. He will be watching out for his family, who he loves very much. He will be praying for all of them as well. Pray for his soul as you remember him in his pictures.”

    Prayer Group:
    God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is warning America about the plans of the evil inspired deep state.Their goal is to win the House or the Senate by whatever means possible. Your opposition party will again try to rig the voting machines to favor their candidates. The evil ones behind the deep state will try to outspend their opposition to gain any possible advantage. If they cannot win at the ballot box, they will try to cause a coup or revolution against your duly elected officials. Your President is thwarting all of their global plans, so expect a vicious backlash, if they do not win.Pray for calm in your country.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you can see the evil working against your government, when witches join together to send hexes upon your government officials. This is how desperate they are to take over your government. You saw the attacks on Justice Kavanaugh, and you will see even worse attacks on your Congress people running for election. Pray for civility among your people without any resort to violence.”

    Jesus said: “My people, every year you are seeing more focus on glorifying Halloween costumes, pumpkins, and even the emphasis on the day of evil demons and scary costumes. Have your children avoid evil looking costumes, and only give glory to Me, and not the day for the demons. When you glorify evil, you are inviting the evil spirits to have reign over you. Instead, glorify Me over the demons who have little power against Me. Do not let people bring evil over you on this day before All Saints Day. By loving Me and following My laws, you can put aside all the distractions of the devil.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are in a battle to support life in America, and not the abortion of your babies. It is very clear that the opposition party supports abortion and many other evil positions. It is up to your American voters to vote for those candidates who support life. You are being given a choice for life or against it. Call on My saints to help win your election for life. Be prepared, My faithful, because the evil ones are looking for any way to take over your country. Once you are taken over by the one world people, you will face relentless persecution that will require coming to My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you.”
    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some countries that were taken over by communist dictators, and the people no longer had freedom of religion. In communist and Muslim countries you are seeing Christians being killed by beheading them. So when you see people proclaiming socialism or communism, you know it is time to vote against such persecution. The time of tribulation is at your door, so be prepared to come to My refuges of protection during this evil time.”
    Jesus said: “My people, this is true that the devil and the demons will be allowed a short reign, but they will have limited control over My people. Fear not this time because I will have My angels protect you. The tribulation will be a test of your faith whether you want to love Me, or the world run by Satan. My faithful will be given the spiritual strength to endure the devil’s attacks, and you will be separated into the protection of My refuges.Those people, who refuse to love Me, will be persecuted and controlled by the demons. Have trust in Me, and follow Me to heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, be not afraid of all the evil that will briefly reign over the earth. This time of tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. You will be called to My refuges where My angels will protect you from all of the demons and evil people. The evil ones cannot enter My refuges without the cross on their foreheads.My faithful will be healed of their pains by looking upon My luminous cross. After all the evil ones have been cast into hell, I will renew the earth as a new Garden of Eden, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.You will live a long time without any evil, and you will be perfected for heaven as saints once you die. Rejoice after suffering this purgatory on earth, for you will soon be with Me in heaven.”

    Friday, October 19, 2018: (North American martyrs)
    Jesus said: “My people, you can see the hand of the devil in pushing an evil agenda against your current government. Hatred and outrageous threats are coming from activists who are funded by rich evil people who are trying to destroy your way of life. From social media and your TV networks, there is more hatred coming for the current Administration than you have ever seen before. They are talking and promoting violence, and these activists are trying to brainwash the people into following communist ideas and tactics. If your people allow a vote to favor the death culture, then truly you will see more floods and devastation come upon your country. It is time to choose life over death, or you will face the consequences of your choice.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your coming election is not just a battle against abortion and religious freedom, but there is also a battle against a socialist or communist takeover of your government.The opposition party is for abortion, and they want free health care, and free college education. There is no mention about how they are going to pay for health care and college, but it will be paid for by the taxpayer at an expensive price. These things are just the beginning for establishing an atheistic communist government. I have warned you that the deep state wants total control over your government, including mandatory chips in the body, or the mark of the beast.So all of your freedoms are at stake with this mid-term election. There are even threats to try and impeach your President if the House or the Senate is lost to the activists. This is all the more reason to pray special novenas for the pro-life forces to win this coming election on November 6th, or your country will never be the same.Once a takeover occurs, My faithful will soon need to come to My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil forces who want to kill My faithful.”

    Saturday, October 20, 2018: (St. Paul of the Cross)
    Jesus said: “My people, I am appalled at all the evil things people are doing in your society. You have heard the accounts of how I punished the evil people of Sodom with fire and brimstone. There was nothing left of that society but ashes and rubble. I had My angels guide Lot and his family out of Sodom before I destroyed it. Your society of today is even worse than Sodom, and I am not sending more destruction until I have separated My faithful in My refuges. Then you will see fire rain down, and there will be nothing left but the ashes of your evil ones. Notice even in the Bible how I speak of the separation of the lambs and goats, or the tares from the wheat. Even the evil souls will all burn in the flames of hell. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful, but some will die as martyrs.”

    (4:00 p.m. Mass, Mission Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing some spiritual pride in St. John and St. James who thought they could sit on My right hand and on My left hand in heaven. This would be like asking the bride’s parents if you could sit in the most prestigious seats of the reception. I told My apostles that if they wanted to be first, they must be the servants to everyone. God the Father chooses these reservations, and you are to be humble before Him, and accept what is planned for you. Even in life, it is better to earn the respect of others, than to presume you deserve respect. When you perform good works for your neighbor, you store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. Do what you can to make the best use of your time in gaining merits in heaven, rather than trying to accumulate earthly treasure that will be lost. When you follow My laws, you are only doing what is expected of My servants. Do not look for greater rewards, but be satisfied with your lot, and you will please Me by your love.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I want you to keep praying your 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese right up to election day.
    Pray to put angels of protection around your government officials. I am more powerful than these evil ones, and I will thwart any evil intent coming from these witches. Your prayers are more powerful than these hexes. Trust Me in your prayers now, and for your election of pro-life candidates. By keeping faith in Me, I will guard My faithful through the coming evil trials. Have trust in Me, and keep storming heaven with your prayers. Remember what I told you: ‘Ask in My Name, and you will receive your request.’”

    Sunday, October 21, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how each person in an orchestra has to make a good contribution, so all of the people in the orchestra are on the same page, and they can all play in harmony. I give special gifts to each person so they can make their contribution to your society. In order for people to work together in harmony, they all need to follow the conductor, like Me, and give their will over to Me. Once you all are on the same page with Me, then you can make beautiful music together. But if each person wants to do things their own way, then you have chaos, just as when the orchestra is tuning up their own instruments. If you want order in your society, then you need to live a proper moral life following My Commandments. Your country is in chaos now because the demons are influencing your people with your many addictions. Pray your deliverance prayers for your addicts, and work to fight the legalization of marijuana, because it is a gateway to opioid drugs that are killing your young people. When you are in harmony with My love, there is no need to search for anything else.”

    Monday, October 22, 2018: (St. John Paul II)
    Jesus said: “My people, I give you life, your soul, and your faith as the true treasures of this world. Remember you are here to know, love, and serve Me. You are not here to accumulate wealth, but to share it with your neighbors. Do not try to control people with your wealth, but use it to feed people and support them in their needs. By being gracious with your gifts, you will store up treasure in heaven. My faithful also need to reach out and share My Good News and your faith with others, so they can come to know and love Me. Your spiritual gifts and prayers are more valuable than all of your wealth and possessions. Look at the rich man in the Gospel who stored up riches for himself, but he did not prepare his soul to meet Me in his judgment at death. I give everyone a set length of time on this earth. So use your time wisely and do not forget to keep your soul close to Me with frequent Confession. By keeping your soul holy and clean, then you will be ready for your judgment on the day I call you home to Myself in death. Today, you are celebrating the feast of St. John Paul II, and you should be thankful for his gift of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You need to keep a copy of this book in your home, so you can use it to defend the faith against any evil heresies. Trust in Me to protect you from any heretics or evil people, for I am more powerful than all the demons.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you are making preparations for winter by taking in your hoses, closing your storm windows, and getting your snow blower ready. You also put away your lawn chairs and your window air conditioners. When it gets cold, you also will need your hat and gloves. Each season has its own things to get ready. Your spiritual life should be ready all year round with your prayers, Masses, Adoration, and frequent Confession. You always need to be ready to meet Me at your judgment when you will die. You could die at any time, which is why you should always be prepared for your judgment. Many people may be prepared for your seasons of hot and cold, but not everyone is concerned to be spiritually ready for their death. Death can come suddenly in an accident or a heart attack. Terminal cases, like cancer, can take some time, but the soul has time to get right with Me. All Christians should recognize their mortal nature, and be prepared to die. Some people put off their spiritual preparation because they think they have many years to live. Do not put off getting and keeping your soul clean, because you may not have time, if you die suddenly. You are not ready to live, unless you are ready to die and meet Me at your judgment.”

    Tuesday, October 23, 2018: (St. John of Capistrano)
    Jesus said: “My people, being patient in waiting for someone to arrive, can test your patience. When it is a wedding, it is a more formal occasion, so people are a little more forgiving, if someone is late. Even in traffic you may be tested by slow drivers, so learn to not rush so much. When you are waiting for the Warning, or for Me to come back to earth, this is even more than a formal event. People who lived before My birth, waited a long time for the Messiah to come. What you are seeing is that everything happens according to God the Father’s timing, and not before. So as you are patient for earthly times, do not criticize God the Father for not sending Me sooner. Some of you have little patience, and this could drive you to swearing in anger. Do not let delays upset you, and pray to be more patient. Your fast paced society expects everything to happen right away, but for heaven, time is not as important for when events are chosen.”

    October 24, 2018
    Monday, October 15, 2018: (St. Teresa of Avila)
    Jesus said: “My people, I told the people of My day that they were looking for a sign, and the only sign I will give them is the sign of Jonah. For Jonah told the people of Nineveh that their city would be destroyed in forty days if they did not repent and change their evil lives. The people of Nineveh repented, and their city was spared. I have told the people of America that you also need to repent and change your bad lifestyles, or you will see more punishments like Hurricane Michael. All of My prophets of the end days have had the same message, and some are asking the people to prepare refuges where My faithful will be protected from the evil ones during the tribulation. The devil’s times grows short, and soon I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Prepare to come to My refuges at the appointed time, because I will protect you and feed you what you need.”

    Jesus said: “My people, when souls become addicted to drugs, alcohol, or any number of addictions, they are controlled by the demon of that addiction. In the vision you are seeing a whirlpool of evil when souls allow themselves to be sucked into the power of the demon of their addiction. You need prayers of deliverance or an exorcism to break these addictions. If a soul knows about Me, that soul can call on Me to send My angels to break any hold of the demons on that soul. I am more powerful than these demons, but the soul needs a desire to break any addiction. When you give your ‘yes’ to an addiction, you are opening a portal for the demon to control you. This is why you also need to say ‘no’ to continuing any addiction to close such a portal. You also need to say ‘yes’ to My help by your deliverance prayers as the long form of the St. Michael prayer. You can also pray this prayer for your family members to deliver those souls from the demons of their addictions.Remember to pray this prayer often, because it is your persistence in prayer that can save the souls of your family and friends.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  5. #5
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    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved by the Church)

    Tuesday, October 30, 2018 (Fr. Michel Rodrigue message)
    30th October 2018

    From the Eternal Father

    My son,

    Listen and write​.​

    I demand that this message be communicated to everyone and everywhere that you have preached in United States and in Canada.

    Remember the night when Padre Pio brought you into Heaven to see the Holy Family. It was a teaching for you and for the people who have heard you. It was also a sign to recall the night when my Beloved Son Jesus was born into the world.

    Remember how my Evangelist Matthew wrote by the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit how the star stopped over the place where My Baby Son Jesus was born. It was a sign for the Wise men. Today, it is a sign for you and for all Christians and for all the nations.

    The Holy Family is a sign for every family, and we should model ourselves after them. I demand that every family, who receives this message, should have a representation of the Holy Family in their home. It can be an Icon or a statue of the Holy Family, or a permanent Manger in a center place in the home. The representation must be blessed and consecrated by a priest.

    As the star, followed by the Wise men, stopped over the Manger, the chastisement from the sky will not hit the Christians families devoted and protected by the Holy Family.The fire from the sky is a chastisement for the horrible crime of abortion and the culture of death, the sexual perversion, and the cupidity (lust) regarding the identity of man and woman. My children seek their perverted sins more than Eternal life. The increasing blasphemies and persecution of my just people offend Me. The Arm of my Justice will come now. They do not hear my Divine Mercy. I must now let many plagues happen in order to save the most people that I can from the slavery of Satan.

    Send this message to everyone. I have given Saint Joseph, My representative on earth, as a protector of the Holy Family, the authority to protect the Church which is the body of Christ. He will be the protector during the trials of this time. The Immaculate Heart of My daughter Mary and the Sacred Heart of my Beloved Son Jesus, with the Chaste and Pure Heart of Saint Joseph, will be the shield of your home, your family, and your Refuge during the events to come.

    My Words are my blessing over all of you. Whoever will act according to my Will, will be safe. The powerful love of the Holy Family will be manifested to all.

    I AM your Father,

    These words are Mine!

    Tribulation Protection -​ The Blood of the Lamb

    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    Wednesday, October 24, 2018: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how all of heaven is looking down on all of your actions, so you need to be on your good behavior in all that you do for Me in My Name. I want you to take to heart the words of the Gospel where the more that is given to you, even more will be expected of you. This means that it is the duty of My faithful to always preach how I was crucified, the glory of My Resurrection, and how I will come again in victory over the evil ones. You recite this in the Mass, but you need to live it, as you need to be prepared for My coming every day. You also need to keep your soul ready and pure by frequent Confession. Just as in My parable, you always must be waiting for the bridegroom to come, by having your lamps ready with extra oil, as the five wise virgins. I will bring My Warning first to give all sinners an opportunity to repent and be saved. Then during the tribulation My refuge builders will have My refuges ready to receive My faithful, and they will distribute the food that I will multiply at the proper time. Be grateful that My faithful, who have crosses on their foreheads, will be protected from the evil ones by My angel of the refuge. Do not be concerned about when or how this will happen, but trust that I will be separating the lambs from the goats, and My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen one of your worst hurricane seasons with Florence and Michael in the Atlantic Ocean, and many storms and typhoons in the Pacific Ocean. Each year your storms have taken a toll of damage on your buildings and your economy. Even your stock market is having its own problems. There is an increase in global warming that can enhance these storms, but it is happening on account of your decreasing magnetism of your magnetosphere, and from the HAARP machine. These storms are also a punishment on America for your many abortions as portrayed in the Gosnell movie. Your laws and decisions in your courts still allow legal abortions which are against My laws. You know deep down in your soul that abortion is murdering My babies, even if you do not want to admit it. This callous killing of babies I told you needs to stop, or I will stop it with even more serious disasters or wars. Listen to My words that America needs to stop killing a million of My babies every year. Keep praying to stop abortion and pray for pro-life candidates to win and change your evil laws. Keep praying your 24 Glory Bes to St. Therese so the mid-term elections can save your country from further destruction.”

    Thursday, October 25, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are surely living in the end days. As in the vision, the curtain is opening on the last act of the evil ones. During the tribulation, it may seem that evil is winning, just as I was being crucified seemed to look like evil was winning as well. But fear not because this evil time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. At the Warning I will give every sinner a chance to repent and change their lives. You will have a life review and a mini-judgment to wake you up to how you have offended Me with your sins. Some people will be converted, but there could be divisions in families where some will believe, and others may not be converted. Work to have your family members believe so they can have a cross on their foreheads. Only those people with such crosses will be allowed to enter My refuges. You will see chaos and evil so bad after six weeks from the Warning, that it will be necessary to come to My refuges.The angel of your refuge will protect you and multiply your food, water, fuels, and even your buildings. After this trial, you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for Pope Francis and for all the priests who are being accused of any improper activity with children. You are seeing several cases being brought forward for civil trials in various states. It is sad that some priests, who have committed crimes, are giving a bad name to all the good priests. So pray for all of your priests so they could continue in their proper ministry to provide you Mass and the sacraments.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen thousands of people intent on coming into America despite your border laws. This is not the proper way to enter any country without an invitation, and they should be waiting their turn for entry. There are even reports that terrorists from other countries are joining this invasion of your laws. America is within its rights to refuse entry for this caravan. Pray that no violence will occur.”

    Jesus said: “My people, these actions appear to be focused on disturbing the upcoming elections by their timing of a few weeks before your elections. There could be some devious people who are trying to steal the current headlines for political purposes. Pray that the perpetrators can be brought to trial for such crimes.”

    Jesus said: “My people, many of your markets are manipulated for gains, or even for political reasons. Some traders appear concerned about interest rates and the latest tariffs. Earnings have driven some moves, but there appears to be some unusual reasons for the latest down trend. Pray for your country’s economy which is doing better than some people are not admitting.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before to beware of illegal use of your voting machines to change votes. There also are some people who are not citizens or dead people’s names being used to vote that is illegal. A closer inspection should be made to verify if any people are voting twice or more. It is such manipulation of your voting process that is being used to put some people into office in close elections. Pray that you will have a fair election without such cheating.”

    Jesus said: “My son, call on My angels of protection to guard you from any harm from the weather at your talks. Have your people pray for your safety, as you reach out to share My messages with the people at your venues. It is important to help save souls, and I will help protect you and keep you in good health. The evil ones will try to throw stumbling blocks in front of you, but go forward in faith because My power is stronger than any evil demons. I will go before you to protect your travel.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how important the upcoming elections are for your country’s survival. The opposition party continues to support abortion, and some are promoting a socialism takeover. Your country will decide whether you will choose a democratic republic or a socialist government. Getting out to vote is important to preserve your country’s freedoms. Remember to pray the 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for your pro-life candidates to win, and keep praying this prayer every day up to election day.”

    Friday, October 26, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who do not believe in the existence of the devil, but there truly are many demons on the earth tempting people with sin and addictions. All addictions have a demon attached to it, and that is why it takes deliverance prayers, exorcisms, or miracles to break any addictions. During the coming tribulation, if the demons had physical bodies, they would blot out the sun. I am more powerful than all of the demons, so have no fear of them, and call on Me and My angels to protect you from their attacks. It is only when souls give their assent that they are opening portals for the devil to enter and control them. So bring souls to Confession so I can heal them and close any portals to the devil. I love all sinners, and I want to save every soul. It is by the soul’s free will choice to choose to follow Me that will help save that soul. Those souls who reject My love, are risking hell, if they do not change before they die. Pray for your soul, the souls of all sinners, and for the souls in purgatory.”

    Saturday, October 27, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, soon I will bring the Warning experience that you have been patiently waiting for. Everyone will have their life review at the same time all over the world. Your soul body will come up out of your physical body, and you will be outside of time as you will come to My Light.You will know that I truly exist, and you will have a life review where you will be able to remember all of your unforgiven sins. You will see your individual mini-judgment of heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will have a taste of whatever judgment you will be given. You will be placed back into your body so you could decide to follow Me or not. You will be given six weeks of time to convert your lives, and an opportunity to try and bring your family back to the sacraments. Those people, who are converted, will receive their cross on their forehead, and they will be able to enter the refuges.This Warning is a part of My Divine Mercy for all sinners to change their lives and be saved. Give thanks and praise to Me for all the gifts I give to all of My faithful.”

    Sunday, October 28, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the Gospel of how Bartimaeus, the blind man, called out to Me to be healed. He called out to Me as the Son of David. When you listen to the Gospel of My genealogy, you see the line of succession passing through King David. I healed Bartimaeus of his blindness, and he rejoiced that he could see Me, and he danced around. He had faith that I could heal him, and so his request was answered. I love all of My people, and I want all of My people to love Me from their hearts. I want you to take away this brick wall image, so you can see My loving Heart, and you can join My Heart in love with your own heart. Once you have established this daily love relationship with Me in prayer, I will protect you from any attacks and addictions of the devil. Once the scales of your spiritual blindness have been removed, you will see Me clearly, and you will want to be with Me always in your prayers, Mass, Adoration, Confession, and in your good works. Once My love envelops your heart, you will want to share My love with all of the people who desire to love Me. So take away this brick wall of your spiritual blindness, and rejoice in your love relationship with Me.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to hearing breaking news on your TV or in your newspapers, but this news is temporary, and the truth could be different. It is My Good News of My Death and Resurrection that is forever, and forever true. If you have My Word of love in the Bible, then why are you not reading the Bible every day? You would rather read the bad news in your papers, than My Good News in the Scriptures. When you read the Bible, you should read it slowly in your prayer room, and meditate on it, as well as acting on it. Do not just leave your Bible on the table to collect dust, but you should read a few pages at least every day. My words are forever, but your words are thrown out and discarded the next day. Remember My words of love that should be imprinted on your hearts forever. I love all of you so much that I died to save your souls. Give praise and thanks for all the gifts and blessings I bestow on you.”

    Monday, October 29, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to be visiting an old Abbey of St. Benedict that dates back to the 1860’s. The priest gave you some history of this Abbey. Every viable monastery is a blessing and a place of refuge. These monasteries may not all be preparing for the end times, but My angels will bring food and water for the people to survive. The angels will also provide bedding when needed. My people need safe havens for protection during the tribulation, and these monasteries will fulfill this role. Pray that the monks will have sufficient funds to survive this time. I will bless them, and put My angels of protection around them. My people can also pray for them and help support them where possible.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how I was persecuted by the religious leaders of My day in the Pharisees. They chastised Me for healing a woman with a back problem on the Sabbath. I called them hypocrites because they preached the Mosaic law, but they themselves did not obey My laws of loving Me and loving their neighbor. My son, you also have been rejected and even criticized for proclaiming My words and My laws. You have been rejected by some priests to talk in their parishes because they fear the truth, or being against some bishops. Do not be afraid, My son. I want you to continue giving your talks, but you may have to avoid speaking in the churches, who do not want to hear My words. Pray for your priests that they could be healed of any addictions. Pray for the souls of the priests who are constantly being attacked by the demons. I love My priest sons, who are offering Mass and providing the sacraments for My faithful.”

    Wednesday, October 31, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am telling My faithful to enter heaven through the narrow gate. I call everyone to be reconciled for your sins, and work on loving Me in all of your actions. Those people, who repent of their sins, and seek My forgiveness, will be recognized by My Father in heaven. But those sinners, who refuse to repent, and refuse to accept Me as their Savior, I will not witness to them before My Father in heaven. My faithful will be welcomed into heaven, because many are called, but few are chosen. The unfaithful sinners will shout out Lord, Lord, but I will tell them I do not know you, and they will be cast into the flames of hell.Now is the time to get your soul right with Me in frequent Confession. Establish a love relationship with Me by your prayers and good works, and you will become My worthy disciples. Go out to all the nations and share My Good News, so people can believe in Me, and be saved by your evangelization efforts.”

    Jesus said: “My people, some people treat Halloween as a time to think of witches and demons, but you saw some cute little children asking for trick or treat candy. I have mentioned before not to use ugly, scary costumes for your children, and indeed the children you saw were dressed well. This is not a day for demons, but it should be a preparation for All Saints’ Day. You could use the lives of My saints as models to follow for your own lives. It is not easy to strive to be a saint with all the evil distractions of today’s possessions and desires for earthly things. It is better to desire heavenly things and perform good works, than to focus on pleasures and comforts of this world. So do not let the demons mislead you with their lies, but focus more on My love and the beauty of My creations.”

    Thursday, November 1, 2018: (All Saints’ Day)
    Jesus said: “My people, today there is a great celebration in heaven among all the saints, which includes all the people who have made it to heaven. Many of you have favorite saints, and you call on their help with prayers of intercession. Everyone in heaven is looking down on all of you, as My faithful are ‘saints in progress’. Continue to follow Me, and keep on the right path, so you can come to heaven one day. You are tested on earth among all the demons, and most faithful need purification in purgatory. Those faithful, who live through the tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth at My refuges.Once I purify the earth of the evil people and the demons, I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. There you will be perfected as saints, and on your death, you will be brought into heaven.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you how the persecution of prophets and good priests will get worse, as the demons gain more power. Some of your persecution will even come from within the Church. If you see unusual and heretical things being said in a church, then leave that church for a more traditional church. Eventually, many churches will not be teaching properly, and you will need to come to the safety of My refuges.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages how there will be a schism in My Church that will be divided between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. If you see New Age teachings and Reiki healing being taught, then leave this church that is infested with demons.My faithful remnant will teach what the apostles taught, and if you see the churches teaching another Gospel, then you will need to come to My refuges.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the darkness of the demons spreading all over the world in some churches, schools, and in the media. Persecution will come to My faithful, so be prepared to come to My refuges when I give you the word. Once I tell you, call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Your angel will put a shield of invisibility over you for your protection. Angels will protect you at My refuges and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Trust in My power which is greater than all the demons. You will have daily Holy Communion given to you at every refuge.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you read in today’s reading from Revelation how the faithful people will be marked with a cross on their foreheads. You will see these crosses during the tribulation. Only those people, who believe in Me, will receive their cross from My angels. At the Warning those people, who are converted to the faith, will also receive their cross on the forehead. Work to bring your families back to the faith so they can have a cross on their foreheads. Only people with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed to enter My refuges. Those people without a cross on the forehead, will not be allowed by My angels to enter My refuges.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of those media who are supporting abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual lifestyles. I tell you these media will collapse under the weight of their own evil weight. I will punish those people who are teaching and promoting evil lifestyles. My faithful may be persecuted now by these evil ones, but soon I will bring My justice down against these evil ones, as they will be cast into the eternal flames of hell.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you will encounter evil people in all of their evil lifestyles. They will criticize you for not following worldly ways, but disregard their taunts, and continue to follow the faithful ways of My saints. When you face evil attacks, call on My saints and angels to protect you and support you in your battle against evil. My power is greater, and I will come to your aid in any situation. In the end I will win the victory over all of the evil ones, so be patient for you will be with Me in the glory of heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who may doubt how I will provide enough food for all of My faithful at My refuges. You know in the Scriptures how I multiplied the fish and bread for 5,000 and 4,000 people. Nothing is impossible for Me. I only ask that you store some food, water, and fuels, so I can multiply what you have. I will provide you daily Holy Communion at My refuges, and you could survive even with My Eucharist alone. Fear not, because I know what you need to survive, and you will have it in abundance, even as they collected seven and twelve baskets of fragments from the original two fish and five barley loaves.”

    Friday, November 2, 2018: (Funeral Mass for Peggy Spiegelman)
    Jesus said: “My people, it is always hard to lose a mother, but she was a good woman and faithful to Me. Peggy needs prayers and Masses, and she will be praying for her family and friends. Pray for peace in the family, as life is too short to not love each other.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a massive corona discharge from the sun that could harm your communication satellites. Such an effect on the earth will cause a large aurora borealis at both poles. This will be like the strange light that was seen before World War II started.The Blessed Mother told the people then to pray the rosary and change their bad lifestyles. They did not listen to heaven’s warning, and a strange light appeared in the sky, followed by World War II breaking out. A while back the Blessed Mother also called the people of today to pray the rosary and change their lives, or a grave punishment would come upon the earth. This great light that will be seen in the sky, will be a precursor for World War III. Your prayers could minimize the deaths, but this war will happen in the Middle East similar to the descriptions of the Battle of Armageddon.Keep praying for peace and for less people being killed, but this will be a punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins.”

    Saturday, November 3, 2018: (St. Martin de Porres, First Saturday)
    Jesus said: “My people, I performed My first miracle of converting six large jars of water into the best wine in Cana. I am always generous in My miracles, and I fulfilled My Blessed Mother’s request, for they had no more wine. My Blessed Mother leads you to Me with her rosaries that you pray every day. She also was a strength for My apostles after I rose into heaven. The Holy Spirit emboldened My apostles to have no fear, as My apostles went out to spread My Good News. From the cross I gave My Blessed Mother over to the care of St. John the Evangelist. Give thanks for My Blessed Mother to lead you.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your society has reached new lows in your morals. Few people are coming to Confession, and few people are living in a proper married state. Many couples live in fornication and adultery, instead of proper marriage of a man and a woman. Some continue to use birth control devices and abortion to control the live births. Your elections are coming in a few days, and America has a choice between voting for a socialist, communist government, or a Constitutional democratic republic. You have heard the lies and false accusations by the opposition party, but now your people can vote for those people who are speaking the truth. Your election will determine which way your government will be run. Pray for your country to correct its morals, or you will see more punishment in your natural disasters.”

    Monday, November 5, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an armed camp where many nations could use enough nuclear missiles to destroy most of your land all over the earth, and cause a nuclear winter. Most of your weapons are for a deterrent, and you hope they never have to be used. You even have anti-missiles to try and take down offensive missiles. When a major war breaks out, it is a threat to your human survival if you resort to using these nuclear missiles. This is why you need to pray for peace every day so such a catastrophic war does not come about. Trust in Me to warn you of such a danger, so you have time to get to a refuge for protection from a nuclear or virus attack.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for all of your prayers to elect pro-life candidates. This small house represents how there will be a close election for who will control the House of Representatives. If you pray in faith, you can have the House remain in the hands of the current party. This vision of the unfinished house, represents how it still remains to be decided. It is your people who will decide the direction of your country. Continue to pray your 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for the pro-life candidates to win. Pray also for a fair election without any cheating at the polls. I will send My angels to protect your votes from any cheating.”

    Tuesday, November 6, 2018: (Election Day)
    Jesus said: “My people, today your country has an opportunity to vote in the pro-life candidates to protect your rights in a democratic republic. It is your civic duty to get out and vote for the persons of your choice. America stands at a crossroads between socialism and your Constitutional way of life. Your abortions are the worst sins of your country, and that is why you need to vote for pro-life candidates to help stop the abortions that are causing your punishments in your natural disasters. Continue to pray for a fair election with no manipulation of votes, and no votes from people who should not be voting. Pray for My angels to guard your votes against the evil ones who are trying to falsify your election.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  7. #7
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    Dec 2007


    deleted....dupe in posting

    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    Wednesday, November 7, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, this scene of whale bones and a massive tsunami of water is a sign that many of your people will die from natural disasters. This scene was caused by a large earthquake on the floor of the sea. Because your people are not repenting of their sins, and they are not correcting their sinful lifestyles, your natural disasters will continue to get worse. America needs to understand the connection of your sins to your physical punishments, or none of your cities will remain standing. Pray for the conversion of sinners, especially in your own families.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how I provide for all of your needs in My creation. Mankind has changed My creation with your GMO crops, which are making people sick. You have abused the earth with your pollution, and you are disobeying My laws in your spiritual life. You will see an evil time of tribulation by the evil one, but I will shorten this time for the sake of My elect. I will protect you at My refuges. I will then bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth as My original creation with the Garden of Eden all over the earth. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and you will be prepared to be saints. When you die, I will bring you to heaven. Rejoice in My coming victory over sin and death. I will provide for your needs, and you will be rewarded for being faithful to Me in heaven.”

    Thursday, November 8, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, every soul is valuable to Me, which is why I died on the cross to offer salvation to everyone. It is your free will choice to repent of your sins and accept Me as your Savior. I am all love, and I want you to love Me, but without being forced. It is sad that I reach out to save everyone, but the devil puts many earthly distractions in front of people, and they forget to love Me. I am the most important Person in your life, but many people refuse to focus on Me, and instead they focus on their pleasures and possessions.

    Remember that everything on this earth is passing away, and when you die, you cannot take anything with you, except your soul. You should be more concerned about your eternal destination of heaven or hell, than anything on earth. Do not put off getting your soul ready to meet Me at your judgment. You need to repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness, if you want to be with Me forever in heaven. Those souls, who show their love for Me and repent, will be saved. But those souls, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent, are on a path to eternal loss in the flames of hell. Choose to come to Me now while you have time, or you will be too late, and you could be lost in hell.”

    Prayer Group:

    Jesus said: “My people, now after your elections, you will have a split Congress with the House of Representatives going to the opposition party. You saw record numbers coming to the polls for a mid term election. There is a hope that you will see more compromising, instead of a hard and fast bipartisan battle. Some people are talking about less fighting among your Congress people, but you will need to pray for political peace. Your Congress people should work together to make your government work without corruption and cheating.”

    Jesus said: “My people, it is always a tragedy to see so many lives lost. This man had warning signs of some post war trauma, but he was not treated for his illness. This may be a lesson to help your war veterans more with psychological problems. Pray for these souls with your Divine Mercy Chaplet so they could be saved.”

    Jesus said: “My people, even after your election, some of your media people were mean to your President in not sitting down, nor giving up the microphone. The same rude behavior continues to harass your President. Pray for your media to have better manners and be more civil in their behavior. There are different views, but you are seeing attacks even on the homes of your conservative announcers. Pray for less anger in your society, and treat such activity as crimes.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing caravans of Hondurans and others, who have suspicious origins that by some reports are being funded by the opposition party. There is a huge debate about claiming asylum when there are other intentions. If these caravans come against your troops, you could see some possible violence. Pray that no one is hurt, but your immigration laws are not protecting your citizens from abuse of asylum.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you have been invited to come to Mexico, even though there are some concerns about a new leader, and some caravans coming to Mexico City. I have told you to go where you are invited, and I will send My angels to protect you. You are coming to the Shrine of My Blessed Mother’s Guadalupe appearance, so enjoy coming to this miraculous image. Trust in My power that is greater than the devil and the evil people. Pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection.”

    Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you are honoring all of those parishioners who have died in this last year. You just celebrated All Souls’ Day, so you can have Masses offered up for the dead, and pray for them so they could gradually leave purgatory for heaven. Do not forget the deceased by having their pictures in front of you so you can remember to pray for them.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I keep warning you to repent and change your sinful lives, or you will face more natural disasters. Many of your people do not want to hear My words from My prophets for not obeying My laws. Your people need to come closer to Me in prayer, because your society is getting more evil every day. If you truly love Me, you need to evangelize sinners.”

    Friday, November 9, 2018:
    David said: “My dear parents, we are happy to give you a word of how we are praying for both of you in your mission. We are also praying for our sisters Jeanette, Donna, Catherine, and their families. Just as you desire, we both do not want to lose any family member. We are concerned about Catherine that she should be coming to Sunday Mass. Missing Mass is a serious sin which is why we are encouraging her to follow your example in coming to Mass on Sunday.We are both grateful even for the short lives we had on earth, but you both gave us life and a soul that will live on forever. I thank you for visiting my grave and for putting my picture on the refrigerator. You also have Mary’s message and my picture in your chapel. I was happy to intercede for the women you prayed over to help them have children. You can continue to pray intentions to me, and I will give them to Jesus. Thank you for all you did for us, and for all that you do to help the Lord in your work.”

    Saturday, November 10, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are always in a battle between God and the devil. I have told you that you can only have allegiance to Me or your money. You can only have one Master. You will love one and hate the other. So put your faith and trust in Me because I love you, and I know what you need. I will find a way to support you and your family. I will find you a job and a shelter when you are in need. Your money will not help you, so it is better to trust in Me. I know your needs both physically and spiritually. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you in all of your problems.”

    Sunday, November 11, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, this vision refers to a Gospel reading when the Pharisees criticized Me and My apostles for not preparing for eating by the washing of hands and pots. I told them it is not what passes through your lips that condemns a man, but it is what comes forth out of your lips from the evil of one’s heart that will condemn him. In the first reading you saw how Elijah called on God to multiply the flour and oil, so the widow, her son, and Elijah could survive the famine of that time. This is how I will multiply the water, the food, and the fuels at the refuges, but the people must have some food stored so I can multiply what you have. Trust in Me that I will help all of My people to survive the tribulation, except some who will be martyred.”

    Jesus said: “My son, I asked what would you ask if you had one wish to change the world? You answered to be able to stop all abortions. Your answer is near and dear to My Heart, because I too, am greatly offended by the mothers and doctors who are killing My little babies. The angels of these aborted children are coming in front of Me to testify to each death of an aborted baby. You have killed more babies than all of the soldiers who died in your wars. Your abortionists are so cruel in how they dispose of My babies. They use My babies for body parts and to make beauty creams, and flu shots. These evil ones do not even think about death certificates, but they treat My babies as human garbage. Some abortion people do not even want to accept that unborn babies are even human, which they are from conception. What am I to do with the mothers who kill their children, or the nations who have legalized the killing of My babies? I told you before, if you do not stop your abortions, then I will stop them with My punishment of natural disasters. Learn the connection between your severe sins and the increase in your natural disasters.”

    Monday, November 12, 2018:
    The Holy Spirit said: “I am the flame of love in the heart of Jesus, and I give life to every soul. You are My Temple where I dwell until the end of your life. You know My seven gifts and how I inspire you to give your talks, and I help you to write down your messages. Every time you make the Sign of the Cross, you are invoking My power. I bring you the deep longing to be with all of Us, especially in the Real Presence of Jesus in His Eucharist. It is a shame that some priests do not recognize the Presence of the Holy Trinity in every Holy Communion. All Three of Us Persons of God are present in every Holy Communion, and We do demand reverence for our Presence. In the Bible it says how you all must kneel before Us, and give glory to Us. All the angels both good and evil, must bend their knee to their Creator at the Name of ‘Jesus’. All humans must also bend their knee when you hear the Name ‘Jesus’.I call on all of Our faithful to stand up for your belief in the Blessed Trinity and defend us against all heretics and heretical teachings. Even if you may be killed as a martyr, you must maintain your allegiance to Us every day.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you saw the widow’s mite as she placed a few copper coins into the Treasury, but it was all she had to live on. Some people only put in a token amount in the Sunday collection, when they could donate more. My people should be willing to share 10% of their income to My Church, your food shelves, and other worthy charities. I love a cheerful giver. The more you share, the more graces you will be storing up in heaven for your judgment. So do not be selfish and be willing to share meaningful donations. When you share what you have, you are thanking Me for all the gifts that I have given you. When you give your donation, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. In other words, give freely without holding back. Your wealth is temporary, and it will pass away, so use it to help people while you still can.”

    Tuesday, November 13, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, when you think about your survival during the tribulation, you should be planning your storage of food, water, and fuels. Do not be concerned because I will multiply what you havein faith, so the people who come to your refuge will have enough food to eat. I will even send deer or other game to your refuge, and they will die so you can cut them up for your protein.For fuels you can cut down your trees for wood in your fires. The water is supplied from your well as you turn your pumps on. You may not have enough water for showers, but you will use sponge baths. You can grow crops in your garden, and I will multiply your dried foods, MRE’s, and canned foods. I told you how many would die without electricity, but if they stored food, they will still survive. You can have solar panels that will provide power for your sump pumps, water pumps, and your lights. You will need your propane ovens and wood fires for cooking. You have provided enough beds and cots for the people to sleep, along with the needed pillows and blankets.
    You also have water to flush toilets, or an outhouse if the drains plug up. You can even remove some snow from your panels in the winter to supply power. Trust in Me to provide for your protection from the evil ones with My angels, and I will also provide for your other needs. Your people will not go out beyond your land perimeter where your angel will protect you.I have given you projects to help your people, and you will all need to work and get along with each other in prayer. You will have daily Holy Communion from the angels for your spiritual survival, and each of you will have an hour of daily Adoration.You will be praying more in the tribulation, as you will come closer to Me after the Warning.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a cave carved out of a mountain, and this is a refuge or hiding place for My faithful remnant. A time is coming when the evil people will be trying to kill Christians and My prophets. This is why My refuge builders are building refuges for hiding that are stocked with food, water, and fuels for survival. When your lives are in danger, I will send an inner locution to all of My faithful that it is time to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge in twenty minutes.Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame and there will be an invisible shield placed over you as you leave your home. Once you arrive at My refuges, only those people who believe in Me, and have a cross on their foreheads will be allowed to enter. My angels are marking an invisible cross on the foreheads of My faithful, and converts after the Warning will also have crosses on their foreheads.The angel of the refuge will not allow any other people to enter if they do not have a cross on their foreheads. You will see a luminous cross in the sky over My refuges, and when you look upon it, you will be healed of all of your illnesses. You will stay at My refuges for less than 3½ years, and then you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

    Wednesday, November 14, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about the healing of the ten lepers, is a lesson for all of you to be thankful for everything I do for you. Only one leper out of the ten returned to give thanks to Me for healing his leprosy. The other nine should have thanked Me as well. You remember how St. Therese thanked Me for every little thing in her life. So I want you to do the same, and thank Me for everything I did for you today. Thank Me for your safe plane flight, even if it was late. Thank Me for the wait and final return of your luggage. Thank Me even for the little trouble that you had as you eventually found Marissa and Jorje. Thank Me for getting you to this Mass today. Thank Me for receiving Me in Holy Communion. Thank Me that you could see this beautiful church and hear the beautiful choir. You can live your whole life thanking Me for all of My gifts, and I will say go, because your faith has saved you.”

    Thursday, November 15, 2018:
    Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to see all of you again at my Shrine of Guadalupe. I love all of you so much, and I lead you to my Son in prayer. You can see all of my beautiful Mexican people. Have no fear of any of your troubles, because my Son and I are watching over you. We will solve your problems, so do not lose your peace. Trust in my Son’s help in all that you do. The devil will test you, but have faith, and we will protect you from his temptations, and any physical problems. We love you, so go forward to save souls by your evangelization efforts.”

    Friday, November 16, 2018: (St. Gertrude)
    Jesus said: “My people, I am calling My people to enter heaven through the narrow gate. Do not be like the pagans who try to enter heaven by the broad road that leads to the devil and hell. Give your mind, soul, and spirit over to My Divine Will, and you will receive your heavenly reward in heaven. My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you are receiving the Gospels of the end times. In today’s Gospel it speaks about how the good people were separated from the evil people. In Noah’s time his family was separated in the ark, and the evil ones were killed by the flood. Lot and his family were taken out of Sodom, and the evil people were killed by fire and brimstone. Now in today’s world, My faithful will be separated from the evil ones at My refuges during the tribulation. The Comet of Chastisement will strike the earth and during the three days of darkness, the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell.
    I will raise My faithful into the air, and I will renew the earth like the Garden of Eden all over the earth. I will then bring My faithful down into the Era of Peace where they will live a long time without evil. My faithful will then be taken up to heaven as saints when they die. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My faithful who are written in the Book of Life, for they will be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

    Saturday, November 17, 2018: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
    Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about the unjust judge who finally gave a proper decision for a woman who was constantly requesting a just decision to settle her case. This persistence in prayer is what is required to help save souls who are away from Me. You know how your wife prayed many years for her father’s conversion. He was kept alive until he could receive Confession, as he had a deathbed conversion. So it is with your family and friends who need conversion.
    You can save souls through your deliverance prayers, especially using the long form of the St. Michael prayer.My mercy is upon all repentant sinners and even those people who are away from Me. I will honor your prayers to save them. Give praise and thanks that I forgive you of your sins, and I will accept My faithful into heaven.”
    (7:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing the signs of My coming to the earth. When you see the fig tree putting forth shoots, you know summer is near. When you see a red sunset, you know the next day will be sunny. So it is with the signs of My coming. You will see the faith decreasing in the people, and I will ask: ‘Will I find any faith in the people when I return.’ My faithful will be protected at My refuges. You will see My Comet of Chastisement and the three days of darkness. I will be coming on the clouds to judge the people, and I will send the evil ones into hell. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace for their reward, and when you die, you will enter heaven with Me. Give praise and thanks to Me for being My chosen elect who are written in the Book of Life.”

    Sunday, November 18, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, one of the end time signs is a decline in the number of faithful people who are coming to Sunday Mass.The faith is getting weak, and the parents are not encouraging their children enough to follow their good example. My older faithful are dying off, and they are not being replaced by young people who have a strong faith. When you look at the demographics of the Roman Catholic Churches, you are seeing a higher average age and the youth numbers are declining as well. The decreasing numbers at Sunday Mass is a sign of a declining number of faithful in general who are falling away from their original strong beliefs. This decline in numbers is also causing a decline in the money collected, which will result in a decreased budget to help the spiritual life of the parish. You need to encourage more youth to be strong in their faith, so less people will stop coming to Sunday Mass. To have a vibrant parish you need more new members and less people leaving. Bible study groups can help improve the faith of the people, but the people must have a desire to increase their faith. Call on Me in prayer to help increase your numbers.”

    Monday, November 19, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, in the Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 1) it spoke of how My victorious people will be fed by the Tree of Life. This victory is when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to end the reign of the Antichrist during the tribulation.All the evil people and the demons will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth all over, as in the Garden of Eden. There will be many Trees of Life all over the earth that will feed My people, and they will live a long time. This Tree of Life is also symbolic because it represents Me in how I feed you Myself in Holy Communion. I am the Vine and you are the branches. Without My graces you would have much difficulty in living a fruitful life. It is by My graces in the sacraments that I allow you to be strengthened to do your mission. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My gifts to help you in this life, and in the life of the Era of Peace.”

    Jesus said: “My people, when I call you to My refuges, it will be a time of persecution of Christians, and your lives will be in danger. When you receive My inner locution, then it is time to come to My refuges. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Grab your backpack of your necessities and be ready to leave in twenty minutes. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you and your vehicle, as you leave your home from which you will not return. It may take some time to come to a refuge, so you could sleep overnight in your car or in your tent. Do not be afraid because you will not need a gun for protection. My angels will put an invisible cross on your forehead so you will be able to enter My refuges. When you enter a refuge, you will see the angel that is protecting that refuge. You will also see the luminous cross in the sky. When you look upon it, you will be healed of your infirmities.”

    Tuesday, November 20, 2018:
    Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large missile taking off, is a real possibility from several nuclear powers. North Korea and Iran are especially possible suspects who could launch a missile on America. It would only take a few missiles that could explode at high altitudes that could destroy your electric grid with an EMP attack. It is difficult to shoot down multiple missiles. Your people are unprepared to handle the loss of your electricity and chips. This again is why I have encouraged your people to have one year’s supply of food for every member of your household. Some reports claim that if electricity was stopped for a long time, you could see 90% of your people die of food starvation. Many people do not store enough food for such a disaster. It does not cost that much money to buy freeze dried food or MREs. You want to buy food that does not require refrigeration. By having a food storage program at your home, you could endure various disasters where other people would not have enough food to survive. Even at My refuges, I will multiply the food for those who come. Trust in My providing for your needs, but you need to have some food that I could multiply.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

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