John Leary
(yet to be approved)

April 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, at the Last Supper in the Upper Room, I told My apostles that it was Judas who would betray Me to the Jews. He did this for thirty pieces of silver. Judas led the band of people to take Me away at the Garden of Gethsemene. I spoke of Judas as it would be better if he had not been born. But I used him for My purpose of saving the souls of the people. You are about to have the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Remember to make your Good Friday oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m. Try to be present for all of these services. I love all of you, so now you can show Me your love by following Me in the most important week of the Church Year.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many rich people in the world and they are behind the scenes, but they are using their money to control the world. This is why you are seeing many gold coins hanging from top to bottom in a room, and there were ten men in black controlling countries. You are aware of secret societies like the Masons who are behind many events going on in the world. These men are controlling countries through the elections and their currencies. You have such people controlling your own elections and the dollar. When these evil ones threaten your lives, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the Apollo trips to the moon back in the 1960’s by American astronauts. Now you are planning another series of manned trips to the moon, and eventually to Mars. Man wants to explore space, and some countries even want to colonize the moon and Mars. You are even seeing competition between China and America. Many inventions resulted from your previous exploration of the moon. Pray that you will learn more about My creations in the universe so you will be drawn to love Me and see My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have made the Good Friday oilbefore, and I asked you to anoint this oil especially on those workers who were forced to take multiple Covid shots, which have caused heart problems on them. You make the Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. Put virgin olive oil in a bowl with a wick of cotton through a plastic lid, and light a flame on the wick in the oil. Pray 33 Apostles’ Creeds and 7 Hail Holy Queens in a holy hour. You can let the flame burn through the night. Put the flame out in the morning and place it back in a bottle with the name ‘Good Friday Oil’ with the date.”

Jesus said: “My son, you bought an Easter Candle for your chapel and you burned it during your prayer group meetings during the Easter Season last year. You could change the year and burn it again at your meetings. If it should burn too low, you could buy another one. This flame represents My Presence and that of the Holy Spirit. This is a celebration of My Resurrection after I died on the cross to save all souls who accept Me. All of heaven rejoices during this Easter Season, and you are blessed with the beautiful readings from the Acts of the Apostles.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had the opportunity to visit a communist country in China, and you saw a little of the restrictions the people are suffering. Open public Masses are not allowed. You only had a private Mass for your pilgrims in your hotel. The Chinese people could only have Mass in the underground church in secret. Communists are atheists and they limit any worship of Me. I am warning your people in America that you are losing your rights, and you will be seeing more persecution of Christians. The refuges that are being prepared, will be your safe havens where you will have faithful priests offering the Mass with the proper words of Consecration. Be prepared when I will call My people to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones want to change your money to a digital dollar that will be controlled by your government. They will convert your dollars to a new digital currency, and then they will remove the paper dollars from circulation.If you buy anything that is not according to a liberal agenda, you could have your bank accounts brought to zero and you could even face prison. They will follow this with the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body that you should refuse to take. Your faithful people will be threatened if you worship Me. This will be when I will call you to My refuges because the men in black will try to force the chip in the body on everyone by going house to house. You will be safe at My refuges by being invisible, so be prepared to come to My refuges when I call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Gospel how I suffered at My scourging, carrying My cross, and being crucified on My cross. Take time to reflect on how I suffered in My death on the cross. This is why I have you pray the Stations of the Cross on every Friday throughout the year. I also ask you to refrain from eating meat on Friday in remembrance of My death on the cross on Good Friday. I was in the tomb after My death for three days, and then I rose from the dead with My greatest miracle of My Resurrection. This astounded My apostles, but they finally believed in Me when they saw My wounds and I ate some baked fish. I sent My apostles out to preach My Good News of My Resurrection to all the people so they could be converted to be believers. Rejoice, My people, because all worthy souls will be resurrected on the last day, as I will welcome you into the glory of My heavenly kingdom. Alleluia, I have RISEN.”

April 6, 2023: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, tonight you remember My Last Supper when I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at the first Mass. You saw the priest and the deacon washing the feet of some of your people, as I washed the feet of My apostles. You also had a chance to visit several churches as part of your tradition. This is a sign of how your churches are joined together in your belief in Me. You were able to pray several rosaries and a Divine Mercy Chaplet in the quiet of the night with other people. I was captive in a prison as they prepared to crucify Me on the next day, Friday. Give thanks that I offered up My life to help save your souls.”

April 7, 2023: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much that I took the time to be incarnated as a God-man, so I could suffer and die to save those souls who accept and believe in Me. I love all of you, but some people will refuse to love Me. Pray that they will change their hearts at My Warning. I thank you for praying your 33 Apostles Creeds and your 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. Do not worry if you have to keep relighting your flame in the virgin olive oil. Your prayers are beautiful to Me, but your personal prayers in talking with Me from your heart, expresses even a sweeter love to My Heart. Take time to give Me a personal prayer of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have paid the ransom for your souls with My death on the cross. People, who are crucified, die a slow agonizing death as you keep trying to lift your body to breathe. I died for all souls, past, present, and future. You inherited Adam’s punishment of death and a weakness to sin. I paid the price to free you of original sin, when you are baptized. Once I died, I freed many souls to come into heaven when I opened the gates to heaven. Some souls are taken to heaven also after Holy Week from purgatory. You start your Divine Mercy Novena today that ends on Divine Mercy Sunday. Pray the prayers from St. Faustina and try to get to Confession next week. This will give you a plenary indulgence which removes the punishment due for your sins. Remember to pray your Stations of the Cross on every Friday in remembrance of My death on Good Friday.”

Saturday, April 8, 2023: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles several times that I would be crucified, but I would rise in three days. My disciples did not understand about rising from the dead. They did not know that death and sin had no hold on Me, but I have conquered death and sin. I have died to bring salvation to all those people who believe in Me. The empty tomb is the answer to all of their questions, because I resurrected and now I am appearing in My glorified body. I met Mary Magdalene at the tomb and I called her by name, Mary. She was grateful to see I was alive. The other disciples went to the empty tomb, and they heard an angel tell them I was among the living and not the dead. I told Mary to tell My apostles that I would see them in Galilee.”

April 9, 2023: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, some of My apostles remembered how I told them I would rise from the dead in three days. I love all of you so much that I offered My life to bring salvation to all of mankind. It is up to each person whether they want to accept Me or not. But those people, who love Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins, can be with Me forever in heaven. I visited My apostles on the road to Emmaus, at the Upper Room, and on the beach at Galilee. I called all of My faithful to go out and share My Good News of My Resurrection. You have a beautiful sunny day, and you witnessed a beautiful Baptism of Emma Lynn. It is good that you have your children baptized and brought into My Church. Happy Easter to everyone.”

Monday, April 10, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I met the women who came to the empty tomb and they were surprised to see that I rose from the dead. I told the women to tell My apostles that I would see them in Galilee. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, but they did not yet see My risen Body. They all had a hard time believing the women that I rose from the dead. It was only later when I appeared to My apostles in the Upper Room, that they believed in My Resurrection. All of you are also happy with My Resurrection because all of My faithful will be resurrected on the last day. My son, I have helped you with your back and you are rejoicing.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world that disperses the darkness of sin in the world. As you light your own Paschal Candle for 2023, this is a sign of My Presence and the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice in this flame of love that focuses your attention on My Resurrection from the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, My first encounter after My Resurrection is when I met Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. She wanted to touch Me, but I told her that I had not yet gone back to My Father, so she should not touch Me. In one reading you heard the Pharisees conspired with the soldiers to have them report that My followers stole My Body from the tomb. The Pharisees gave them a good amount of money to give the report of the followers stealing the body to explain why I was missing at the tomb. The Gospels tell the real account of My Resurrection as I appeared to My apostles several times.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles did not understand what rising from the dead meant. They did not accept that I resurrected until I appeared to them in the Upper Room. I call on all of My faithful to proclaim My Good News from the rooftops that I resurrected from the dead, because death had no hold on Me. I conquered death and sin, and I have brought salvation from all of your sins. This is such a glorious moment when the gates of heaven are opened to all worthy souls to enter. By loving Me and seeking the forgiveness of your sins, you will be worthy to enter heaven on the last day. Some souls will need some time in purgatory to be ready.”

Jesus said: “My people, each day on earth brings you closer to your judgment and eventually to your entrance into heaven. The gates of heaven are now open for all worthy souls. You know how many souls need to be purified in purgatory before you are worthy to enter heaven. You are aware of Mercy Sunday and the plenary indulgence you can receive to take away all punishment due for your sins. This is a gift of My mercy given through St. Faustina which you can have by praying the nine day Novena and coming to Confession within a week before or after Mercy Sunday. Take advantage of this grace to cleanse all punishment due for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, have your people pray for your safe travel out and back from California. You know well how you are attacked by the evil ones, especially on your return trip. You remember well on your recent trip to California how you were caught in the water of a flooded stream. Your friend had to get a neighbor to pull the car out of the water just in time to get to the airport. That is why you need to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for safe travel both going to and returning from California. Trust in Me that I will have My angels protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a beautiful time to work on improving your spiritual lives. You show your love for Me when you fast between meals and refrain from meat on Lenten Fridays. You even refrained from eating sweets and candy during the whole week. You proved to yourself that you can use your will power to control the cravings of your body. You can also use your will power and self-denial to avoid sin and the near occasions of sin. By obeying My Commandments, you are coming closer to Me out of love, and you avoid insulting Me with your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been suffering sciatica pain, and you have been trying several ways to reduce your pain. You just tried some cooling cream on your back and you got some relief overnight. Pray to Me for a healing of this pain as you are about to take a trip to California. Many people suffer from chronic pain, so you are not alone. Remember how I asked you to offer up your pain to help souls on earth and even souls in purgatory. Do not waste your pain, but offer it up to Me for My intentions and all souls who could benefit from your offering.”

April 11, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, today in St. John’s Gospel I appeared to Mary Magdalene near the empty tomb. She was so happy to see Me, but she did not recognize Me until I called her name, Mary. She responded: ‘Teacher’. Then she ran to tell My apostles that she had seen Me. The apostles did not believe her. St. Peter and St. John went to My empty tomb and they believed that I was not there, but they did not yet understand what rising from the dead meant. Because of My Resurrection, it is up to My faithful to spread My Good News to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, with such a weak leader as Biden, you will always have a threat of war from Russia or China. Your biggest threat is if the one world people are allowed to have control over everyone’s money with the digital dollar.If your people do not rebel about taking your money, then you have already been taken over. Such a controlled digital dollar will allow the left to zero all the accounts of your conservative opposition.You will have a communist dictator in Biden.If this is allowed, you will soon need to come to My refuges that are protected by My angels. You will see a take over by the Antichrist for a time, but then I will destroy all of the evil ones, and they will be thrown into hell. So trust in My protection from the evil ones, because they will soon be cleansed from the earth.”

Wednesday, April 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the midst of a coming battle between the good people and the evil ones. I am calling My faithful soldiers on earth and My angels in heaven as they are all preparing to do battle against Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. You will see there will be a great battle on the grounds of Armageddon.This will be a battle between My faithful remnant with My angels against all the evil angels and the evil people. It will be a physical and a spiritual battle. You know in the Scriptures that I will be victorious over the evil ones at the end of the tribulation. I will bring My Comet of Chastisementagainst the evil people, but I will have My angels protect My faithful at My refuges with a shield of protection. The evil demons and evil people will be cast into hell at that time. Then I will lift My faithful up into the air, as I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace.This will be a reward for all of My people who are faithful to Me in all I have asked you to do in My service.”

Thursday, April 13, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all happy to get together with Juliet and Fr. Michel R. and you may not have another such opportunity with Fr. Michel again. You are taking everything in faith to have this Conference, so enjoy your retreat. I have warned My people recently to stock up on food for possibly the last time. Now your time for coming to My refuges is drawing near. So I am calling all of My refuge builders to make one last check that all of your preparations are working.Remember not to have fear of the evil ones’ plans because I will have My angels protecting you and making you invisible. Always trust in Me that I am with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep telling My people to have no fear of what is to come. You hear the evil ones with all of their threats, but in the end you will be protected. Some may be martyred for their faith in Me. You are seeing a coat of arms on a shield as My army will be raised up to fight the evil ones. You are familiar with the power of My angels when one angel killed 185,000 enemy Assyrian soldiers in a short time. My angels will show their power in front of you, and the evil ones will fall back in fear. When you see the wrong words used at the Consecration of the Mass, I will not be Present, and I will call you to My refuges. When you see the men in black trying to force the mark of the beast on everyone, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.So rejoice, and have no fear because My angels will lift your shields against all of the evil things the demons will bring against you.”

Friday, April 14, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, I love you even more than you love Me. A faithful soul is a real treasure to Me, and it is such a soul that I can use to spread My message of love to everyone. You are all coming to confess your sins for your Divine Mercy Novena. I am more than happy to share My graces with every repentant sinner. I have given you glimpses of heaven and being with Me is your constant goal. I want My faithful to pray for all souls to be saved. You can also help the souls in purgatory with your prayers. Most of all remember to pray your four rosaries for your family’s souls. I love all of you and My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Covid pandemic you saw empty chairs on the altar when your churches were closed by your government edicts. A time will come again when you will see a new Mass brought forth when the words of Consecration will be changed.This will be a time when My faithful should not come to such an evil Mass when I will no longer be Present. This will be a sign to My faithful that it is time to come to My refugesso My faithful priests can have a proper Mass when I will again be Present among you. Trust in Me and have no fear, because you will see My victory come over the evil ones.”

Saturday, April 15, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing Myself as the Infant of Prague and I love you just as much as when I am full grown. My purpose is to show you how much I am offended by your abortions of My unborn babies, and also about all the children who are being abused, even by their parents. You also are offending Me by your sins of the flesh when you use contraceptives and sterilizations. Also you are to avoid prostitution, adultery, and fornication. Many souls go to hell for all of these unforgiven sins. You rarely hear the priest talk about these sins in the pulpit because they are afraid of insulting people and they may threaten donations in the church. So I want My faithful to be humble and innocent as little children because this is how you need to be in order to be allowed into heaven. Yes, you are to seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession, but you need to be child-like in your actions and prayers before Me.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I want to affirm I had only Jesus as my Son by the Holy Spirit, because I was forever virgin. Those people, who think I had other children, are badly mistaken. I love all of you and my Son gave me the gift of my Immaculate Conception, and I was without sin because I lived in God’s Divine Will. I am the Blessed Mother of the Divine Mercy. Give praise and thanks to my Son, Jesus. Jesus I trust in you.”

Sunday, April 16, 2023: (Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are nothing without Me, and you need to feed on the Bread of My Eucharist for your physical and spiritual strength. Your daily prayers are your means to show Me your love for Me, and I know you want to follow My Will and all of My instructions. This vision of traveling in a boat upstream is a sign to you of how you must suffer persecution when you preach My Word of love for everyone. The evil ones try to control your mind with their lies and mandates of the vaccines. Tell My people they need to pray more and trust in My protection without fearing the plans of the evil ones. When you have courage in following My Ways and not the ways of the world, you will have constant joy in sharing My Word and evangelizing souls for Me. In the end it is the saving of souls that should be your most important mission. Just as I sent out My apostles to spread My Word of love, so I send My faithful out to help bring the lost sheep back to Me. So ask the Divine Shepherd in Me to send out more laborers in the midst of wolves to pray for more vocations to the priesthood.”

P.S. Offer up our pains and troubles for the poor souls and for the souls in purgatory. Jesus loves our personal prayer that comes from our heart.

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in this image how I pour out My mercy, My graces, and My Living Water of the Holy Spirit on all of you. You live in My Sacred Heart and you are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. I also showed you the Shroud of Turin that covered My Body in the tomb.You have seen and heard from an old, deceased friend how you are all present in the blood of this Shroud when it is magnified. I died for all of you to bring you salvation. So trust in Me to guide you through life.”

Jesus said: “My people, after you have come to Confession and you prayed the Divine Mercy Novena, you are receiving your plenary indulgence. This is why you have so much joy in your heart and soul because you have been healed of all the punishment due for your sins. You have your trust in Me to accomplish the spiritual mission I have given each of you. Rejoice, rejoice, My people, because you have been set free of all of the bonds of your sins. Love one another as I love you every day.”

Monday, April 17, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass when the priest uses the proper words of Consecration, you are witnessing a miracle of the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. This is called the Real Presence of My Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. You are only able to receive Me when you do not have any mortal sin on your soul. If you do have mortal sin and you receive My Host, you would be committing a mortal sin. So only receive Me when you are worthy in your soul. There are a good number of Catholics who do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. You, My son, have been to Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela where you saw such miracles. You even saw a person have such a miracle on His tongue. So believe in faith that I am truly Present in every consecrated Host. Give praise and thanks to Me whenever you see such a Eucharistic miracle.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling My faithful to be born again in the Spirit. You are baptized in the flesh when you are born and you receive the sacrament of Baptism. Later in life you are baptized in the Spirit when you receive the sacrament of Confirmation. At a certain point in your life, you understand how you can do nothing without My help. It is at that point that you give everything over to Me and you let Me lead you in everything you do. You let Me be the center of your life, and this is truly when you fully appreciate how much I do for you every day. Give praise and thanks to Me when you see My Light to guide you through all of your troubles.”