Video: Shortages coming go

The Freemason Globalists will do whatever it takes to keep Trump from serving another 4 years.....lie, cheat, impeach, burn, loot, destroy, kill, trigger a fraudulent application of the 25th Amendment, overthrow the government, etc. The Globalists are using the Anarchists in ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (funded by Soros, the front man for the self-anointed 'Elite') to challenge Trump, and to completely erase our historical make way for their atheistic regime.

United Nations 17 Goals for Sustainable Development (aka, one-world Communist government, where the government owns and controls everything, weath is redistributed, and the people are impoverished serfs. Trump has interfered with their 2030 deadline. (the one-world currency was supposed to be implemented in 2018.):

You will recall that the premier motto of Freemasonry is: 'Order out of Chaos'.

Trump has been fighting the Globalists' and their New World Order, while his team is working towards indictments of certain of the Black Hats. Their NWO calls for the bankruptcy and complete overhaul of the USA. (you can't have a Superpower existing if your goal is one-world government. It is not coincidence that the bioweapon, COVID, surfaced just as the Repurchase Market collapsed.....can't have an economic depression resulting from Central Bank larceny and fraud.....need a convenient excuse....and COVID also serves many other purposes.

A few years ago in an interview, Soros stated that 'we will bring down the economy on Trump's head' [paraphrased]. Recently, he stated that 'Trump would be removed in November, or maybe even sooner'. The people behind Soros, the Illuminati, are pentillionaires. They own the Central Banks who finance countries, own the military industrial complex (gotta have continuous war to generate those profits.), and own controlling interests in the major companies of the world.

Listen carefully to whom Trump is fighting (from 2016):

Time is short!

Buckle up! We are living through The Civil War, it is not coming....It has arrived......and much more. Don't expect the disorganized Bubbas with their deer rifles and 3 boxes of shells to protect you.

Behold, the 4 horsemen....