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    Dec 2007

    Thumbs up Via: John Leary

    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    Wednesday, December 28, 2016: (Holy Innocents)
    Jesus said: “My people, Herod killed the babies in Bethlehem to insure his kingship would not be threatened by the coming Messiah as King. In this time you have women killing their children for selfish reasons of convenience, saving embarrassment, or even financial problems. Life is too precious to be thrown away as human garbage. This is an act of killing, whether people want to admit it or not. It is against My Fifth Commandment, that you should not kill any human being, no matter what stage of life that person may be in. This growing baby is human, right from conception. There are many people who would want to adopt a baby, so even having the child for adoption is much better than an abortion. When you see the child, either born or in the womb, this child is too beautiful to kill. Continue praying to stop abortion, and pray for the mothers to have their children. Children should be born out of love, and not just out of lust for pleasure.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this gallon jug of water because many of you have stored water at your refuges. For those people, who have room, you can also store water in your food grade 55 gallon blue barrels. If you do not have a source of water on your land, I could multiply your water in your barrels. I could also provide a shallow spring well if you have pipes and a mechanical hand pump. Water is precious, and you cannot survive long without water. You can also obtain wash water from your gutters, sump wells, hot water tanks, and melted snow. I was reviewing a few points of how to store and obtain your water. When you are on your own at a refuge, you may not have the water line coming into your house. You also will need your outhouse without flush toilets. Trust in Me to provide for your water, food, and fuels to survive during the tribulation.”
    Thursday, December 29, 2016: (St. Thomas Becket)
    Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of St. Thomas Becket shows you a strong man of principle and faith who did not back down, even against the king’s wishes on his divorce. He stood up for the Church and My laws, and it cost him his life. In today’s world you also are faced with people who do not abide by My laws on abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia. So stand up for your faith, because you may be tested by others who think you are not politically correct in voicing your faith in public. Do not let the worldly people dictate how you should act and believe. For now you have a free country to voice your own opinion in following My ways. A time will come when you will be openly persecuted for living a Christian life of love. Continue in your belief to stand up against the pagans and atheists who defy you. You will eventually need to come to My refuges so you can be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you for obeying My laws. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, a resolution was put forth that would restrict Jewish settlements from being built on Palestinian lands. At the Security Council of the UN, your Ambassador to the UN voted to abstain on this resolution, instead of voting to stop it by a veto. This action was allowed against Israel by your President, and it was a change from your longstanding support of Israel. These Jewish people are still My people, and when you do not support them, you are calling down My judgment against America.”

    Jesus said: “My people, as you celebrate a Happy New Year, there is plenty of optimism that your new President will have a chance to improve and correct some of the problems facing your country. You still are seeing attempts by the one world people to cause riots and protests to try and stop the inauguration of your President-elect. You need to pray for your new President so he is not hindered from taking his oath of office. You could see some resistance to the plans of your new President as well. Pray for peaceful compromises so your government can move on with its agenda.”
    Jesus said: “My people, your new President will need to have his cabinet choices approved in the Senate. The majority of the Senate is the same party as your President-elect. The other party will try to stop some of these choices, but the Democrats set a previous precedent of only requiring a majority vote to approve candidates for the cabinet. This same precedent could approve your President-elect’s choices. There will be many complaints by your media, but the chosen people could still be appointed. Again, pray that this process will not be divisive in your new Administration.”
    Jesus said: “My people of America, you have a chance to change your socialist government, that is against Me, back to a God-centered Democratic Republic as you had at the beginning. You have seen Christian worship of Me repressed by your current Administration. Now, you will have an opportunity for more religious freedoms if you can change your current atheist mind-set of what is ‘politically correct’. Pray that your freedom to worship Me in public will be more fully accepted by your new Administration and your people.”
    Jesus said: “My people of America, your workers have not had any support to keep jobs here, and your corporations have sent jobs overseas for cheaper labor. Your new President is working to penalize corporations who send jobs overseas with tariffs on the products they send back to America. He is also trying to lower corporate taxes so our companies can be on a better competitive playing field with other countries. It is difficult to see how these plans will be carried out, but pray that your workers could have some good paying jobs as a result.”
    Jesus said: “My people, as you consider some new resolutions for the year, try to make some resolutions that are achievable, and that you will be able to keep. Your best changes could be to change your bad habits, and pray more for conversions and for the souls in purgatory. By improving your spiritual lives, you will be better prepared for your judgment when I call you home.”
    Jesus said: “My people, it is up to your political leaders if they really want to change the evil laws on your books. You need to pray for your leaders to change your atheistic ways back to My ways of love. If there is no spiritual renewal, then you will see more disasters befall your country. You still have the one world people controlling your lawmakers, so you need to pray hard and long for a renewal to take place. You will be seeing events move toward the coming tribulation, but I will protect My people at My refuges. Trust in Me to watch over you in all of your needs.”
    Friday, December 30, 2016: (Feast of the Holy Family)
    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the greatest example to follow in My Holy Family of Me, My Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph. Your society today is destroying the family which should be the basic unit for bringing up children in love. You have listened and tolerated the devil’s call for same sex marriage, divorce, and couples living together in fornication without marriage. You know it is a mortal sin against the Sixth Commandment to commit homosexual acts and for having sex outside of true marriage in fornication. Yet by society tolerating these sinful actions with no shame, you are accepting the tearing down of marriage as an institution. If you wanted to destroy America in its love of God, love of country, and love of family, like the communists planned, you would destroy the family. The communists have planned to use sex exploitation in pornography, hard rock music, liberal teaching without God in the colleges, and drugs to destroy your country. You are seeing it happen before your eyes. Your country needs a spiritual renewal to put Me back into your society by coming to church every week, repenting of your sins, and praying more. You need to see sin and call it for what it is, without any ‘political correctness’. By restoring your morals, you can save America. If you do not change, America will leave the face of the earth as you know it.”

    (Leonard Farnand Funeral Mass) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is visiting you today because I had to come to celebrate this life of Leonard, who was so dedicated to his God throughout his whole life. Leonard was always watching over his family in their faith for many years. He loves all of his family so much, and he will be praying for them, and watching over them as well. Today is the feast of The Holy Family and Leonard was a great family man, and he was a good example of faith to his family members. He is with Me now, and he will be a continual model of faith to all of you. He thanks all of you for coming to his funeral, and he wants you to remember him by posting his picture in your homes. I bless this family for having such a beautiful patriarch to lead all of you to Me.”
    Saturday, December 31, 2016:
    Jesus said: “My people, you read from the Gospel of St. John that says: ‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.’ This Word refers to Me, and how I would reveal Myself in the words of the Gospels of the four evangelists. As you will be starting another year tomorrow, you all could have a new beginning in how you live and proclaim your faith to people around you. Many of you have read the Word of My Gospels, and you could sum them up in My Commandments that call you to love Me, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is what you should be pondering in your hearts for the New Year. How can you better express your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions, and not just in your words? It is your actions of helping people that speak much louder than your words. If you want to know if someone is a Christian, it is by the fruit of their actions that you will know if that person is living a Christian life. Can people tell that you are a Christian by your actions? You all could work on expressing your love for people, because you are loving Me in each person.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your country is about to see some major changes, as long as your new President is allowed to have his plans carried out. There are still many people in Congress who do not want so many changes. Just as your current President penned many Executive Orders, you may see your new President also use Executive Orders to get his agenda going faster. Every President has a particular style of governing, and it will take a while to see how many new laws he can get passed. There will always be disagreements among your parties, but the incoming Administration should not have many restraints. Keep praying for your President-elect and your leaders in Congress to put forth the laws that are needed to change your current socialist government back into a democratic republic.”
    Sunday, January 1, 2017: (Solemnity of the Blessed Mother)
    The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are blessed to have another year of opportunity to change your lives, and your country into a better spiritual life. As the angel Gabriel came to me, I did ‘ponder’ these things in my heart. You have had a year of mercy, but
    this year, you will see my Son’s year of justice, because of all the sin in the world. You will need to pray more rosaries than ever for what is about to occur. Very few people are praying, and I am depending on My prayer warriors to increase their prayers to make up the difference for those people who are not praying. My Son asked you to pray to have your prayers doubled, and you need it for the conversion of sinners and to help the souls in purgatory. Keep your focus on my Son this year, and keep your souls pure with frequent Confession.”

    Monday, January 2, 2017: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
    Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about how St. John the Baptist prepared the way for Me by calling Me the ‘Lamb of God’. Even as you are preparing for the Magi coming at the Epiphany, the readings are focusing on My public ministry that is about to begin another phase of My earthly life. There is very little written about My youth, except when My parents found Me in the Temple teaching, when I was twelve. Now, in the vision I am reminding you of another coming, when you will see Me in My Warning experience that is followed by the tribulation of the Antichrist. It is during this trial that I will bring My faithful to many refuges that will be protected by My angels. You are seeing a small refuge building, because I will use the most out of the way place that you have, even as I used a stable for My birth. Your refuges may be rustic, but My angels will supply shelter, food, water, beds, and fuels to keep you warm. Do not worry about what you are to eat, drink, or where you will stay, because I will provide for your needs, even for daily Holy Communion. You will rejoice when I will come in victory to cast all the evil ones into hell, as I will prepare an Era of Peace for My faithful as your reward.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your President-elect has carefully chosen his Cabinet as a team like a football team. They are all in position and ready to be approved by the Senate. You still are being controlled by your current President, who is trying to throw as many roadblocks as he can in front of your President-elect. Continue to pray for your President-elect’s safety, and that there will be no martial law to stop the inauguration. You have been waiting many years to get rid of your socialist government. Your current President is afraid that all of his programs will be torn down, and that your President-elect could write his own Executive Orders. Beware of the one world people’s last gasps at stopping your President-elect from becoming President. They still are planning disruptions to the inauguration. Pray for My intervention in the evil one’s actions, so I can have My angels win the day for your country.”
    Tuesday, January 3, 2017: (The Most Holy Name of Jesus)
    Jesus said: “My people, when you have the start of a new year, it is a chance to make some good changes in your life, and in the life of your country. You have seen many restrictions on your religious beliefs, and your Republic in your country’s governing. Soon you will not have socialistic control over you, and it will be a true beginning of a new chapter in the life of America. It is not right that atheists and Muslims should control your public expression of your faith. It is time for many changes in your tax codes, and even more concern for the people’s voice to be heard, instead of the one world people’s control of your government. There is still a concern for those people who oppose the old leaders who could still threaten your new Administration. Pray for your new leaders who are trying to restore your government back to its original roots of a Republic for the people. You will see what principles that will come forth from your new President and Congress. You have a new opportunity to follow My ways or the devil’s ways. Pray for your new leaders to follow the right path.”

    Jesus said: “My people, there will be hired thugs who will try to disrupt the inauguration of your President-elect with riots, paint, and snipers to kill the police. Your police, who will be protecting this event, need to have good numbers, and well dressed with riot gear and bullet proof vests. It will be dangerous even for your President-elect who should also have body armor, and be watchful of any assassination attempts. Your police may need to make any arrests of those people who are using violence to get their way. You may need to know who the groups are, and who is funding them. These are communist tactics to try and take over your government with martial law by a planned riot. Your people need to be prepared to even call out your National Guard if the rioters are too many for your police to handle. Keep praying for the safety of your police, and the safety of your President-elect.”

    Wednesday, January 4, 2017: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
    Jesus said: “My people, you all have been given various talents to succeed in life. Many of My saints have started schools, hospitals, or orders for men or women. Everyone is expected to do what is necessary to provide for themselves, however they can manage, so they do not have to depend on others. In the Gospels on the talents, I did not have good words for those people who buried their gifts, and did not want to work for a living. Even among My faithful, those people who did not work, did not get supper. There are some disabled people who need help, but there is no excuse for those people who are healthy and do not look for work. You see others with addictions, or people who do not know how to manage money, and they will always be begging for money. These people are those who need welfare help. People, who do not want to help themselves, can cause stress on the people around them. Pray that these people will make more of an effort to help themselves, and call on My help.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have heard that I am the Master Potter, and I form people out of the dust and clay of the earth. When I form a person, and I put My life spirit into their soul, as I have a plan for that life. This vision of a broken piece of pottery represents your abortions when you kill My babies, and cancel the plans I had for these lives. This is a serious mortal sin to abort a baby, and it offends Me and defies My plans for all the babies of abortion. Those people, who favor abortion, are upset with the possibility that Planned Parenthood may have its funding cut off from the government. Your people are being forced to pay taxes to assist in aborting My babies. If your new Administration cuts off this funding, it would be one means to help discourage abortions, and not force the taxpayers to fund these abortion clinics. The blood of these babies is on your hands, so stopping this funding of abortion clinics would be a good thing. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion, which is weighing America down with this killing of My babies.”
    Thursday, January 5, 2017: (St. John Neumann)
    Jesus said: “My people, My angels were always around Me when I was on the earth as a God-man. They supported Me many times, especially in My agony in the Garden of Gethsemene. They ascended with Me in My Ascension into heaven. Even now, My angels are present at Mass, and around My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration and in My tabernacles. You remember how Carol’s father also saw the souls being ushered by angels going down into the newly conceived babies, and other angels ushering the deceased souls to their judgment before Me. My angels also usher souls to heaven from purgatory, and some who come directly to heaven from their earthly lives.”

    (Adam Andresky’s Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you heard some beautiful words about Adam in his eulogy, and he was thankful for that kindness. He passed early in the morning, as many people would like that choice. He was a great family man, and he cared and loved all of his family. He is united with his wife in heaven with this Mass. He is grateful for all the family’s help in his later years. He will be praying for all of his family, and he will be watching over them. He was sorry that he did not say good-bye in person, but he loves all of you so much.”
    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a few more earthquakes than normal that are occurring along the Pacific Rim. Some of your earthquakes have been a result of your fracking for oil and gas. This may not be a good practice in areas that are susceptible to earthquakes. It is hard to warn people about earthquakes, because they are very unpredictable. Because several areas are long overdue, it is possible that you could be on the verge of some serious earthquakes.”

    Jesus said: “My people, this program of your Health Care was forced on your people with penalties if you did not join. It is impossible to try to have your government pay for everyone’s health care. This was later revealed as a tax by your Supreme Court, and it was never proposed this way when it was passed. It was intended to fail by its planners, so single payer socialist medicine could replace it. It is failing because not enough people joined, and insurance companies were backing out of these exchanges. Many people are paying huge premiums with higher deductibles that are becoming a burden to finance. The incoming Administration is being saddled with a losing program that is impossible to implement, and some people could lose their coverages. Pray that a better program could be phased in.”
    Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of many issues that were debated in your election. It will be difficult to handle immigration, and an increase in defense spending, and still keep your deficits from expanding. As you see budget proposals debated, there will be many debates over what budgets get cut, and what budgets are increased. Your Congress will have to make some hard decisions for how you are to carry on with your country’s needs. Pray that your leaders can make some compromises that are best for your people.”
    Jesus said: “My people, your new Administration is trying to reduce corporate taxes so corporations can justify keeping jobs in your country. It is hard to force companies not to out source, unless they can make savings on taxes. There are still questions on how lower taxes will affect your deficits. By allowing your companies to have a fairer playing field with other countries, then they could compete with more jobs staying in your country. Pray for your new Administration to help your businesses to succeed in providing more good paying jobs.”
    Jesus said: “My people, financing your National Debt will become harder to finance, especially if your deficits continue. Your deficit of payments from more imports coming in than exports going out, is draining capital out from your country that cannot be sustained. Unless these financial problems are turned around, your country is headed into bankruptcy and a crash of your dollar. Pray that your leaders can change these trends, or you could see some major financial disasters.”
    Jesus said: “My people, you have been enjoying the beauty of this Christmas Season. Once you celebrate the Magi on the Epiphany, many will start putting away their Christmas lights and decorations. This Season will end with the celebration of My Baptism by St. John the Baptist. Christmas is a joyful Season as you shared gifts of love among your family and friends. You will return to your Ordinary Season, and later on your Season of Lent will begin. Every Season has its own beauty, even though you repeat the same themes every year. Rejoice while you still have your decorations to enjoy.”
    Jesus said: “My people, many of your faithful are eager to come to the Right to Life March on January 27 as you protest your abortion decision at your Supreme Court. You will be getting more support from a President who will support your cause. You could also see some help in choosing a new conservative Supreme Court justice to fill the current vacancy. If your Supreme Court can change some of your abortion and other decisions, you could ease some of your sinful laws that are pulling your country down. Pray for a good Supreme Court justice to put Me back further into your public lives.”
    Friday, January 6, 2017: (St. Andre Bessette)
    Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed with My very Presence in the gift of My Blessed Sacrament. At the Consecration of the Mass, you have the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. You have this miracle at every Mass, and you can receive My Real Presence when you receive Me in Holy Communion. No other churches have this blessing that you have in your tabernacles. I am with you always, and in St. John’s chapter 6 it states: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He, who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ (John 6:54,55) When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you need to have a soul free of mortal sin, or you commit a sin of sacrilege. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the graces and gifts that I bestow on you every day.”

    Jesus said: “My people, today was another set of killings by a gunman who had several clips of bullets for his handgun. This occurred in an airport with many people around. His killing of five people and wounding eight more, was a planned indiscriminate act that has not yet been explained why he did it. This person had psychological problems, but he appeared to have no value for life with such bloody killings. It is hard for your security to be everywhere in your airports, but some security should be present in your baggage areas after this incident. This person and the weapon and ammunition need to be investigated to see if other people helped him to secure this weapon. It may be difficult to find out the real reasons for this attack, but having so much ammunition, points to a planned event. Pray for your airport security to be on guard for suspicious people, especially people with a psychological history.”
    Saturday, January 7, 2017: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
    Jesus said: “My people, I was not ready to start the miracles of My ministry, but at My Blessed Mother’s request, I changed the water in the six water jars into wine. I also made it into a better wine than at the beginning of the Wedding feast. My apostles became true believers in Me when they saw My miracles. I am still performing miracles when you pray, like the victory of your President-elect. This Wedding feast miracle was water being changed into wine. I perform miracles at every Mass when I change the bread and wine into My Body and Blood of My Eucharist. You have seen other miracles, but My Eucharistic miracle is special, because this is how I remain with you every day in My sacramental Presence. Treasure this miracle that you share with Me, when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me after every Holy Communion.”

    Jesus said: “My people, when you have more than enough money to live a good life, some people strive for fame, power, or more money. Your Hollywood people lead different lives than most people, and they have different goals. Some share their wealth, while others want more fame, more money, or more power over people. It is the greed for things that can become an addiction. All of your money, fame, and power are fleeting, and they are passing away. My people need to focus your lives on love of Me, and being with Me in heaven for all eternity. Your lives need to be centered around Me, and not around what you can achieve in this life. Financial success or fame, will not buy your way into heaven. It is by being humble and sorry for your sins that you could be on the right path to heaven. So do not worry or strive for earthly things, because they will rot or get outdated. All things on this earth are temporary, and it is better to strive for spiritual treasures that will bring you close to Me in heaven. Give thanks and praise for all the gifts that you have received, and be grateful for your gift of faith.”
    Sunday, January 8, 2017: (The Epiphany)
    Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Epiphany is a manifestation of My Kingship when the Three Kings brought Me gifts as if I was royalty. They followed My miraculous Star that led them to Israel. They were in search of the infant King, and they went to King Herod to see where the child was to be born. The Scriptures spoke of Bethlehem, so I would be called the Son of David. After visiting Me, they left for home by another route according to a dream that they had. Herod then wanted all the children of two and younger to be killed in Bethlehem. St. Joseph had a dream by an angel to take Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt to avoid Herod’s attempt to kill Me. I have warned My faithful that when your lives are in danger, I will send a dream to My faithful to leave their homes for My refuges of protection from those evil ones who want to kill you. Just as St. Joseph had a dream when to leave, so My faithful will also have a dream to leave. My angels will be My messengers, and they will warn you, and shield you with invisibility so no one can harm you. Rejoice in My Epiphany feast just as you will rejoice in My protection of My faithful at My refuges.”

    Monday, January 9, 2017: (Baptism of Jesus)
    Jesus said: “My people, normally you would celebrate My Baptism on a Sunday, but you had My Epiphany to celebrate this last Sunday. You are concluding the Christmas Season with My Baptism. You had My manifestation of My birth, the Epiphany with the Magi, and now My Baptism with My Blessed Trinity. You had Me as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit as the dove, and God the Father speaking when he said: ‘This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ You could add one more manifestation at My Transfiguration when My apostles saw Moses, Elijah, and they heard God the Father say: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ All of these events were to witness to My Divine nature, as well as My human nature. I came into the world so I could offer up My Blood Sacrifice for all of your sins, and so you could come to heaven when I opened the gates. Rejoice in all of these feasts, as now you will be going back to Ordinary Time.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several major snow storms recently, and now massive rains on the West coast have been causing some serious flooding. I have told you before that the HAARP machine could be used to cause bad weather and earthquakes. Many of the unusual weather patterns and frequent earthquakes that you are seeing, does fit what the HAARP machine could do. These are some of the natural disasters that I have been talking about, and the one world people control the use of the HAARP machine. Continue to pray for the victims of these storms, and you are praying and fasting already for the souls who could die suddenly in any large earthquakes. You have been praying your Reparation Masses for the souls, so they could be saved. I have answered your prayers also to finish your latest book and your latest DVD.”
    Tuesday, January 10, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, when I went to Capharnum, I immediately went into the synagogue and I began teaching with authority, that was different from the Scribes. There was a man there with an unclean spirit, and the spirit called Me the ‘Holy One of God’. I ordered the spirit to be quiet, and come out of the man. The spirit left, and the people were in awe because I could order the evil spirit to leave with authority in My voice. The people came to respect My teachings and My healing gifts. It was by My miracles that My Apostles also came to believe in Me. There are some people who have strong faith and healing gifts. I told you if you had the faith the size of a mustard seed, you could heal people and deliver souls from the demons. Remember that you need prayer and fasting to cleanse the more powerful demons.”

    What is Coming and How to Prepare:

    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Is This the Comet of the Warning?!
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  3. #3
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    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    February 23, 2017: (St. Polycarp)
    Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuges are in rural areas on dirt roads. Even if refuges are located in the suburbs, where they are close to other houses, My angels will hide them with an invisible shield. I have asked My refuge builders to have everything in place, but now they have been given some extra time, because of your President’s miraculous win. Do not squander this time, but you can use this time to finish up any jobs that were left undone. It would be a good time to check all of your fuel burners to make sure they are in working order. Check your batteries and oil lamps that they are available and working. Trust in My help and My angels to keep you safe and supplied with food.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I do not want My people to lose hope, and do not be concerned that the time for the tribulation has had an intervention of My hand. The tribulation is still coming, and you will see My Warning at a time of turmoil. My faithful still need to be ready to leave their homes when I call you to come to My refuges. You are just seeing the beginning of a movement by the one world people to try and overthrow your President. Pray for My protection in the chaos that is coming.”

    March 7, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will be seeing an increase in natural disasters that could cause some power outages. When these incidents become severe, as with major earthquakes, you will see a national martial law declared. When your lives are threatened, I will call all of My people to My refuges, and you will not return to your homes. My refuges will be protected by My angels from any physical harm. When the one world people plan to take over America, they will find a way to turn off your electricity. This is why some of My refuges will have some electricity from solar power and generators. This is also why you will need some sources of heat during the winter, and means for light at night, that do not require electricity. You may want to look into a relatively inexpensive backup generator, so you could have some electricity during the winter months. You may have to see how you could add something to your current solar system, or use separate wires.”

    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    July 4, 2017: (Independence day)
    Jesus said: “My people, there are occult meetings going on where humans and animals are sacrificed to Satan in a black mass. You may not see this evil going on, and it is causing bad things to happen from their curses and hexes that they place on people. People are drinking evil potions, and they are causing demons to possess them. I know there is a lot of sin going on, but the evil sacrifices and curses are spreading worse evil among your people. I will be bringing down punishment on America for its sins, but I could destroy these covens with fire before I bring a general disaster on all the people. If you start seeing fires burn up places of black masses, do not be surprised. You will see My wrath pour out on the evil ones because I have limits where evil can only go so far. Trust in My protection from the worst evil among you.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary(yet to be approved by the Church)

    August 23, 2017: (St. Rose of Lima)
    Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My faithful to go out and work in My vineyard. During your lives you need to find jobs so you can support yourself and your family. It is not easy to toil day after day at your job, and put up with any inconveniences to keep your job. You appreciate your employers who keep paying you for your work week after week. Your jobs give you an opportunity to be creative in coming up with new products to help people. You may work to help charities in your spare time. In a spiritual sense I give everyone an equal opportunity to gain heaven, even if they are converted in the last hours of their lives. This is My true generosity to give people the grace to save their souls from hell, and to be with Me in heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I told you that Satan’s time is running out, so he is making one last push to get the world under the control of the Antichrist. I will allow him to go only so far, so My faithful are protected. Your President has tried to stem the tide of evil from the one world people. He is fighting even NAFTA and the North American Union. This is why you are seeing so many attacks on your President, as the evil ones are trying to cause a martial law takeover to stop your President. You will be seeing natural disasters and more severe wars as part of a world takeover by the Antichrist. I have been warning My refuge builders to finish up their projects, because you are seeing signs of a coming takeover. You have seen communist takeovers before, and these evil ones are poised to take you over. Once your lives are in danger I will warn My people to leave for My refuges. Before the Antichrist comes into power, I will send My Warning to all sinners, to give them one last chance to convert their lives to My ways. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you My sign.”
    August 24, 2017: (St. Bartholomew)
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of the earth from space, and you are seeing it as a dark globe without light, because a shadow of evil has come over it. You are about to see the evil ones take control of the earth for a short time, under the reign of the Antichrist and the one world evil people. You will be seeing more natural disasters, wars, and governments taken over. This shade of evil will endure throughout the tribulation. This is why many people, as refuge builders, have been rushed to finish their preparations. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will kill people, and cause the three days of darkness. The evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be raised up to protect them from this destruction. I will then recreate the earth, and it will be under My white Light again, as I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the strongest hurricane to strike your country in over ten years. You have many oil rigs and refineries in this area. You could see major flooding that could kill some people and cause great damage. It will take a while for your refineries to recover. Pray for the victims who could be harmed or killed in this storm. You may want to contribute to help any homeless people.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you have done well in fulfilling My suggestions for your refuge. You just purchased some propane tanks for your generator, and you repurchased two carbon monoxide meters that were lost. Your prayer member helped you in cutting up your wood, so it would fit in your fireplace. You also put some finishing touches on the inside of your outhouse. You may need to buy another chainsaw for cutting up any wood for your fireplace in the future. Trust in Me and My angels to multiply your food, water, and fuels.”
    Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you are going forward with your plans for a practice overnight trial to see how you could adapt to refuge living. You will try to use your stored water, food, and your bedding supplies. Living together in a group will take some getting used to, but you can trust Me that you will have all that you need to survive. Keep in mind in the tribulation, that My angels will be protecting you from the evil ones with a shield of invisibility. You will be praying in front of your monstrance, without the Host for now, around the clock. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers.”
    Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have had their plans of a United States takeover thwarted by your current President’s actions. The one world people wanted to form the North American Union between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This is why they are doing everything to overthrow your President. You are actually seeing an almost communist style revolution against your government. Many of the paid radicals are causing riots in your streets. You may be on the edge of a civil war or martial law. Once you are taken over, the Antichrist will soon declare himself, and you will need to seek the safety of My refuges.”
    Jesus said: “My people, part of a punishment that will come upon your country, will be a collapse of your leadership when all of your leaders will be captured or assassinated by the one world people and their minions. It will be at that time that the North American Union will be brought about. After the Warning, you will need to seek out My refuges to protect your lives and souls from the evil ones. I will shorten the Antichrist’s reign, and I will bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace. Do not fear the evil ones because their reign will be brief.”
    Jesus said: “My people, after My Warning, you will see several events that will lead up to the Antichrist coming into power. One of these events will be a division of My Church into a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It will be the faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell. My faithful will leave the schismatic churches, and you will be protected in My refuges. Keep close to Me in your prayers and home Masses where I will be with you always. Trust in My angel protection during the tribulation, and you will be saved for My Era of Peace and entry into heaven.”
    Jesus said: “My faithful people, do not be afraid of the evil ones in this coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Evil may appear to be winning in some ways, but the Holy Spirit and I will be giving you the graces to endure the coming trials. There may be some martyrs for the faith, but My faithful will be given the courage as My apostles had in order for My Church to survive. Trust in Me because I will bring My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and all the demons and evil people. The evil ones will be separated into hell, and My faithful will see My Era of Peace, and heaven later. I am with you at all times, so have no fear.”
    August 25, 2017: (St. Louis)
    Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see the devastation of the Texas shore from high winds, rain, and storm surge waves. The people in this area have not seen such flooding in a long time, and many have had to prepare quickly. The people in vulnerable areas need to evacuate quickly. If people heed the warnings of your weather people, you could see fewer lives lost. These people need your prayers, and they will need some financial help to restore any damage. You have seen what water damage has done to your shores on Lake Ontario, but this coming storm will continue for days. Flooding and wind damage will be the worst. This will be one of the big natural disasters that I warned you about.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two incidents portrayed by a clock. In the first scene you are seeing the minute hand and the hour hand rotating around at a fast pace. This represents your Warning experience and how fast time is passing by. As you look close at a time line of your life, you will see every action you did during every year of your life. At the end of your life review, you will see how you would be judged, as if you were to die today. You will be placed back into your body in time, and you will be given another chance to improve your life, as you learned from your mistakes. In the second scene you are seeing the clock move slowly to twelve o’clock. This is a sign that you will see a war, and the tribulation that is about to start as the Antichrist declares himself. I call on My faithful to have no fear, and be prepared to come to My refuge for your safe haven. The Antichrist will have a short reign before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Those people, who are faithful to My Word, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”
    August 26, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have prided yourself with all kinds of rich buildings without much concern for natural disasters that occur in this area along your coastlines. You have many refineries and deep water oil rigs where you know historically that hurricanes come in there in the Gulf of Mexico. You have become complacent with your storm preparations, because you have not seen any major hurricanes recently. Because of your pride and complacency, you could be seeing some serious damage and loss of life with this latest hurricane. You have made some changes to prepare, but you were not ready for a 130 mph hurricane on the Texas shore. You are praying for these people in your storm prayer, and your government may have to help with the flood damage. Even donations may be encouraged to help those people who lost their homes. This storm could be a shared punishment, if your gas supplies are threatened for any length of time. Let this be a lesson for all of your Southern coastlines that could be struck by such a storm. You could see more such natural disasters in the future. Trust in Me to help you through your daily trials.”

    Jesus said: “My son, I could see you trying out your new chainsaw, once you charged the batteries and put oil in it. You also were getting your new generator ready for running with your propane tanks. You have also ordered some more food cans when you saw how one of your cans only fed thirteen people. You need to be able to use all three kinds of your food to have a variety. Having a large kettle of soup may be easy for serving people. You may have to limit yourselves to two meals a day so your food will last longer. You also need to limit your water usage for the same reason. You will be planning how to use your cots and beds for when people have to sleep. You may want to get twenty wind-up flashlights so people could move around at night. Trying to supply enough water and food will be a challenge, so you need to have Me multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Trust in Me and I will provide for your needs. You could also survive with even just receiving daily Holy Communion as some of My saints have done in the past. Do not worry, because you will have enough of what you need to survive.”
    August 27, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many events going on around you, as this current Hurricane Harvey. I told you that you would be seeing serious natural disasters, and struggles in various countries, along with threats of wars. The vision today relates to the swirling events of your lives, that you will see in your individual Warning experiences. The vision of dirt means that you will see great changes in the earth that will occur when I recreate the earth as it was in Adam’s time. You are living in the end times, and My Warning will come before the events leading up to the Antichrist’s declaration. Not long after the Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges. It is good that you are practicing with an overnight stay with your water and stored foods. You will need to assign jobs, prepare bedding, prepare meals, and plan your prayers and Adoration hours. I will be giving you messages to help calm your people in the time of tribulation. I will be sending you to various refuges in bi-location, as you have seen some people experience. You will learn a lot of what is needed by making this effort to experience refuge life. Trust in My angel protection, and My multiplication of what you will need.”

    August 28, 2017: (St. Augustine)
    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in all of My glory, much like I showed Myself to My apostles at the Transfiguration, before My crucifixion and the persecution of Christians. You are about to see another time when all of My faithful will be persecuted for believing in My Name. At first the evil ones will attack the priests and religious, and all those people who openly profess My Word.All of your prayer groups will need to be conducted in the secrecy of your homes. This means the evil ones will close all the public churches of worship. It will be nearly impossible to go out and give your talks, or you will be placed in prison. Your website will be closed down, and you will need to stay at the safety of your refuge. This persecution will also signify the time of My coming Warning experience. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

    Jesus said: “My son, before you consecrated your chapel, you saw an attack of Beelzebub with thousands of flies. Once you got rid of the flies, you had your priest friend exorcise any remaining evil influence. You have had a few problems that could have been the evil one trying to upset your peace. You are being protected by My angels from any natural disasters, as you survived your heavy winds without any damage. You also need to pray that no evil is brought in on people who come into your refuge. You are praying daily as you have followed My directions. Praying before My monstrance and your Adoration DVD is needed, especially during the tribulation to protect your souls from any evil influence. I told you that your chapel is holy ground, as you have seen several miracles on your walls. Continue to follow all of My recommendations for what you will need for your refuge. Your time for making preparations is almost over, and then you will have to rely on My angels and My multiplications. Keep praying for My protection from the evil ones.”
    August 29, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I chastised the Scribes and Pharisees for being hypocrites and blind guides. I told the people to listen to their words about My law, but do not follow their actions. I made the outside of your body and the inside of your soul. Many times the Pharisees did things for show, but the intentions in their hearts were just the opposite. So be humble in your actions, and sincere in the intentions in your heart. If you are fasting, do not tell people, but keep it to yourself, and My Father will reward you. When you greet people in love, do not talk about them behind their back. You need to love everyone all the time, even if they mistreat you. You also need to be willing to share your wealth and your faith with people. It is not easy to live a good Christian life, because you will be criticized for believing in My Name. When you follow My ways, they are not like man’s ways. So continue to follow My commands to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself.”

    (5:00 p.m. Mass) (Passion of St. John the Baptist) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how Herod had St. John the Baptist beheaded by an executioner to satisfy his wife’s daughter’s request, because of Herod’s oath in front of his guests. Even in your world today you are seeing jihadists beheading Christians, because they feel justified to kill infidels. These are brutal killings that are never justified in My eyes. You see these killings in Arab countries now, but during the tribulation, there will be demon led people who want to kill all the people who believe in Me. When you read Chapter 20 in the Book of Revelation, you are reading about those people who will be beheaded for My sake as martyrs. They will be raised up from the dead, and they will join My people in My Era of Peace. So do not have any fear of these evil ones, because even My martyrs will be raised up from the dead during the tribulation.”
    August 30, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, I could hear some of your people speak of the floods in Texas as in Biblical proportions. One place had over fifty inches of rain which set a national record for four days of rain from a hurricane. This slow moving Hurricane Harvey has brought destruction over a huge area of Texas that will take a long time to clean up. This event has definitely got everyone’s attention, but not everyone understands this event as a punishment for the sins of your country. There will be lasting effects of this storm, similar to the destruction in New Orleans years ago. The difference is that there were a lot fewer deaths in Texas than with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Your storm warnings were able to allow people to reach higher ground, but many did not leave soon enough. You are seeing many acts of kindness with neighbors helping each other to reach shelters. My refuge builders will also be helping My faithful to reach places of safe havens, and My angels will be protecting you from the evil ones. As you see the flood problems, you will see worse persecution from evil people. Trust in My help to overcome your problems, and supply your needs.”

    Jesus said: “My son, I understand your concern to practice moving your outhouse, and possibly seeking other sources of water. You have prepared to lift your outhouse onto your new platform truck. You will see if your plans are successful. You have stored a large number of 55 gallon barrels of water, but you are seeing how much water you drink and use for washing. You will have some water for sponge baths, but not enough for showers. You will use your individual pails with a small amount of water for washing and brushing your teeth. You need to look into acquiring other sources of water, even if it is for only wash water. I will multiply your water, food, and fuels, but you need to have faith that I can do this for you. You will need your little wind-up flashlights for light, as well as your oil lamps, especially if you need to go to the bathroom in the dark of night. In the winter you will be concerned with burning your wood, and using your kerosene. You may need your new saw to cut up any available wood. You could use your generator for some electricity, and to recharge your saw and solar batteries. Trust in Me to help all of you to survive the coming tribulation.”
    August 31, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel from St. Matthew (24:44-45) you have: ‘Therefore you also must be ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man will come. Who dost thou think, is the faithful and prudent servant whom his master has set over his household to give them their food in due time?’ This Gospel is encouraging you to be watchful for the signs of the end times. I am also warning you to be ready for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. My coming will occur at the end of the tribulation time. It is during the tribulation that I will be having your guardian angels lead you to My places of safety at My refuges. I have asked My refuge builders to store some food, water, and fuels. I will multiply what you have so many people will be able to survive during this time of evil. My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility. This reading is very timely for your practice run in feeding your people from your stored food. Refuge life will have more time for prayer, because it will seem like an extended retreat time. All of you will be responsible for preparing meals, helping with the bedding to sleep at night, washing yourselves with proper hygiene, washing clothes, and providing water and fuels for heating in the winter. You will be assigned your hour of Adoration that will run all the hours of day and night. Your preparations will not be in vain, meaning that you will need to use them at the proper time after My Warning experience. Trust in My protection, and have faith in My multiplication of the things that you will need to survive.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen reports of some deaths and over 100,000 homes that were destroyed in Texas. You are still seeing many rescues from flooded homes. The rivers and bayous still are rising in some areas. You have also seen some refineries closed as gas prices will be rising for a while. Many are forecasting over one hundred billion dollars of damage. You also are seeing huge losses for those people without flood insurance. Your government will donate flood aid, but it may not completely restore people’s homes and cars. Keep praying that no more people will die from this hurricane. Pray also that the people will find shelter, food, and water for their survival. You may want to donate to some authentic aid groups to help these victims.”

    Jesus said: “My son, you are about to test your people with an overnight stay in a refuge practice run. You have laid out some cots, and you will be using your dehydrated food and MREs for your food. You also are planning how to move your outhouse, and you are looking into obtaining more water sources. You have more food that will be coming in a week. With this experience, you may learn of any more needs that you may have to buy so you are fully ready to receive My faithful people. Remember that I will finish any projects that you may not get done, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”
    Jesus said: “My people, you can see how fresh water was one of the most needed items for the people to survive. Having a secure place to sleep is another need that My angels will help you with. If you need to expand your living accommodations for more people, My angels will provide for your building. Food also is another need for your flood victims. By seeing other people’s needs, you can see what you will need. Trust Me that I will tell you whatever other projects that you will need.”
    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen abortions, euthanasia, homosexual marriages, adulteries, fornications, and many other mortal sins as pornography and prostitution. It is because of your many mortal sins that you are seeing My punishments come upon your people. You still could see more hurricanes and possible earthquakes to test your people. You also are seeing continuing wars that could get worse. Pray for your people to convert their lives before My Warning will try your souls.”
    Jesus said: “My people, you have a dictator in North Korea who is threatening to bomb your country and your allies as he is seeking recognition as a nuclear power for his own fame. As each side tries to outdo the other, you could see a possible EMP attack from North Korea. You have some anti-missile defenses, but war can only make your world a more dangerous place to live. Pray to stop any war that could kill a lot of people.”
    Jesus said: “My people, soon your students will be returning to school and college. Every year the tuition and board are increasing, and it is getting harder to finance a college education. Some states are trying to pay tuition for your state schools. Taxpayers are supporting more ways to educate your children and young adults. You need to pray for your students and teachers to be successful in their studies to gain a good education.”
    Jesus said: “My people, I appreciate all those people who have given of their time and physical effort to help build My refuges. All of My refuges could use some physical labor in completing the refuge building that is needed. Some refuge builders have sufficient funds, but physical labor could be most useful. My refuge builders should not be embarrassed to ask for help when they need it. Time is getting close to end all of your projects. After your completion, My angels will need to finish any remaining projects. Trust in Me to help all of your refuges to succeed in helping My faithful in their needs.”
    September 1, 2017: (First Friday)
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing another message to be watchful and be prepared for the tribulation that is about to come. You are familiar with the parable about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins who were waiting for the Groom at a wedding feast. The five wise virgins prepared their oil lamps by buying extra oil. The five foolish virgins did not buy extra oil, and they were locked out of the feast when they went to buy the oil. This is similar to your practice refuge run when you filled your lamps with enough oil for light at night. The main message of America’s natural disasters is to ‘Repent’ of your sins. You are being punished for your sins, because you are not converting your lives to following My Commandments. You have seen how the people of Noah’s time suffered the flood, and the people of Sodom were punished by fire and brimstone. I will allow the Antichrist to punish the world with a brief tribulation, while I protect My people at My refuges. This is why I wanted My prayer groups to have a practice run to see what your refuge life would be like. Have no fear of this time, because I will not leave you orphans, but My angels will protect you, and I will multiply what you need.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have someone signed up for each hour of the day and night, because you will have My consecrated Host with you in My monstrance during the tribulation. You will also receive Holy Communion, every day from a priest or My angels. I will be Present with you all of the time in My Host. Where you have My Presence, you will also have the Holy Spirit and God the Father. The flames of your candles and oil lamps represent the power of the Holy Spirit, and He will be strengthening you with His gifts. During your tribulation time, you will be praying more, and learning how to live together as a Christian family. I will be helping you by multiplying your food, water, and fuels. You are seeing the events around you that could easily lead into a martial law. Some people may criticize you for your preparations, but when you lose your electricity, you will be like the wise virgins who prepared for the coming of the Groom in Me. Pray for the souls who need to be saved, especially those souls in your own family.”
    September 2, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the expression of the Promised Land being a place of milk and honey to describe a place of plenty. My people, when you are at My refuges, you will be thankful to have any food, let alone if it is to your liking. You are seeing which foods work best for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You are even seeing how to make bread in your propane oven. You had some trouble trying to safely move your outhouse, so you will need some professional movers, and see what kind of equipment for jacking it up on wheels that you would need. You also should further investigate how to have a well drilled for your wash water. Many of your problems should be listed so you have better lights for the night. Trust in Me that this experience was useful to see your needs.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have many scenes of destruction from Hurricane Harvey in your memory, and you can imagine how difficult it will be for your people in Texas to recover from such a loss of homes and cars. This is the first major storm to hit your mainland in a long time. This is not the end of the destruction that will befall your nation. You are at the peak of your hurricane season and more storms are on the way. Your government has been restrained from making much progress in any of your legislation. Your agenda will be changed to one of restoration from all of your destruction. With all of your ongoing problems, you may be facing some activists or terrorists who could be causing further destruction. They will be taking advantage of the divisions between races, immigrants, and liberals vs conservatives. Because many people are not coming to Me in prayer and love, they are choosing man’s ways which are sinful lifestyles. All of the destruction that I have shown you, is the punishment that your people are reaping from your lives of mortal sin. You will first be tested by My Warning experience. Then you will endure an evil that you have yet to see, when My faithful will be grateful to have My refuge for their protection and survival. You will be happy to have any food when you may be faced with starvation. You will be living a modern day Exodus, and you will be facing a trial of faith in how I will provide for you. Thank Me for all that I do for you every day.”
    September 3, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, you have just learned of how the North Korean leader has directed a test of a hydrogen bomb which caused a 6.4 earthquake. They now have the capability of delivering such destruction with their ballistic missile tests. If a conventional war breaks out in Korea, it would be difficult to use nuclear weapons to stop the North Korean soldiers, or they could retaliate against America. This capability could embolden North Korea to attack South Korea, or they could strike first against Japan or America with EMP high elevation atomic weapons. EMP attacks would devastate all of your electric grid, and there would be more deaths by starvation. Keep praying that war does not start, because millions of people could die if nuclear weapons were used. Keep praying your reparation Masses for the souls that could die suddenly, because they are not prepared for their judgment.”

    Jesus said: “My people, in the Exodus, Moses had to deal with complaining people who had to have faith in Me to give them water, manna, and quail for meat. My people of the modern day Exodus will also have to have faith in Me at My refuges to supply water, food, shelter, and heat in the winter. I thank your prayer group for being faithful to all of your plans to use your stored food, and no lights using electricity. The food was acceptable, and you used your cots for sleeping, and your wind-up flashlights to see your way at night. You even baked some bread in your propane oven. You used your buckets and wash water from your bathtubs. You were fortunate to have summer weather without any heating. If you want to be prepared for the rest of the year, you could plan another practice run during the winter, if time permits and people are available. A winter practice run will test how you could endure the cold with your wood burning stove, your kerosene burners, and your electric heater when you have electricity from your solar panels, or your propane generator. This will require that you use all of your preparations. You will have to trust in Me in prayer to multiply your water, food, and fuels during the whole tribulation.”
    September 4, 2017: (Labor Day)
    Jesus said: “My people, you had a discussion about when I would take people up into the air. Some people believe that they will be taken up before the tribulation, and they would not suffer the trial of the Antichrist. I have given messages before that I will send My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation. This will be My victory over Satan and the Antichrist, and all of the evil ones who will be cast into hell at that time. In order to protect My faithful from being killed by this comet, I will raise up My faithful into the air, and you will still be alive. This taking of people up into the air will be at the end of the tribulation. This is described in today’s reading: (1Thes 4:17) ‘Then we who live, who survive, shall be caught up together with them (raised dead) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord.’
    This rising up is also spoken of in (Matt. 24:37-41)‘And as it was in the days of Noah, even so will be the coming of the Son of Man….Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the millstone; one will be taken, and one will be left.’ In both of these readings the live people will be taken up at the end of the tribulation. After the evil ones are removed, I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace. At the end of this era, you will have the last judgment, and My faithful will be brought into heaven for all eternity.”
    Jesus said: “My people, your hurricane season is continuing to form major hurricanes that will cause more destruction to your cities in America. Your southern coast of Florida is in line for the next attack. America is being punished for its many sins with a constant barrage of natural disasters that includes earthquakes. Many of your sins are bringing these punishments upon you. It is the HAARP machine that is being used to enhance and strengthen these storms. Many of your coastal cities are not prepared for the coming devastation, nor are the souls prepared. Pray for the victims’ souls, and for the reparation of their sins.”
    September 5, 2017:
    Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you earthquakes before on the San Andreas Fault and on the New Madrid Fault. Even some of your fracking is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma, and you had some serious earthquakes in Idaho recently. This latest vision is showing you some skyscrapers falling over in a city from an earthquake. You are seeing disasters from your hurricanes, but even more disasters will be coming in America from earthquakes. These disasters are a result of your mortal sins, but your people are not seeing the connection between your punishments and your sins. Your country needs more than just a day of prayer. You need to change your sinful lifestyles, or you will see even further destruction. America needs to repent now for its sins, or suffer the consequences.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Via John Leary:

    September 25, 2017:
    Jesus said: ‘My people, a war with North Korea is about to break out, andNorth Korea’s intent is to take out the electric grids in Japan, and America. They know America could overwhelm North Korea with nuclear weapons, so their best chance to defeat you, is to take down your electric grid with an EMP attack. You have not protected your grid, and if your anti-missiles do not take out multiple missiles, you could be devastated without electricity. There is also a possibility that your forces could try a pre-emptive EMP attack against North Korea before they could launch their missiles. The aggressive talk from both of your countries will result in a war, and your people should be ready for an attack of some kind. There could be a spread of war if China and Russia come into this conflict. You have been weakened with hurricanes, but war could take many more lives. Keep praying to stop any war with North Korea, but the forces of evil are preparing for war. Trust in Me to protect My people, even if you are called to the safety of My refuges.”
    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by The Cub View Post
    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    July 4, 2017: (Independence day)
    Jesus said: “My people, there are occult meetings going on where humans and animals are sacrificed to Satan in a black mass. You may not see this evil going on, and it is causing bad things to happen from their curses and hexes that they place on people. People are drinking evil potions, and they are causing demons to possess them. I know there is a lot of sin going on, but the evil sacrifices and curses are spreading worse evil among your people. I will be bringing down punishment on America for its sins, but I could destroy these covens with fire before I bring a general disaster on all the people. If you start seeing fires burn up places of black masses, do not be surprised. You will see My wrath pour out on the evil ones because I have limits where evil can only go so far. Trust in My protection from the worst evil among you.”
    LMAO!!! The way this one reads is hilarious!
    "In times of change, the Patriot is a scarce man; brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Mark Twain

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    LMAO!!! The way this one reads is hilarious!
    It's just sad, to me. The fake jesus is made to be a sinner by catholicism and protestantism. This particular jesus apparently loves to break this commandment"

    Exo 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you take ye heed: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.

    Christianity really doesn't care. The Scriptures ON THEIR TERMS ONLY.
    "The one who says he stays in Him is indebted to walk, even as He walked." 1Jn 2:6

    Without Torah, His walk is impossible - it's Rome's walk without Torah.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Down the Rabbit Hole


    Quote Originally Posted by The Cub View Post
    Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

    Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this gallon jug of water because many of you have stored water at your refuges. For those people, who have room, you can also store water in your food grade 55 gallon blue barrels. If you do not have a source of water on your land, I could multiply your water in your barrels. I could also provide a shallow spring well if you have pipes and a mechanical hand pump. Water is precious, and you cannot survive long without water. You can also obtain wash water from your gutters, sump wells, hot water tanks, and melted snow. I was reviewing a few points of how to store and obtain your water. When you are on your own at a refuge, you may not have the water line coming into your house. You also will need your outhouse without flush toilets. Trust in Me to provide for your water, food, and fuels to survive during the tribulation.”
    Really? The garbage you post from that guy gets more and more ludicrous every time. "Trust in Me to provide your water..." unless of course you don't have your own pipes and and hand pumps.

    I've never seen so much nonsense in the years I've researched cults and false doctrines. Ever. This is much, much more.

    Matthew 24

    See anything in there about making your own water pumps or 55 gallon barrels?

    *Jesus answered and said unto her, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” The woman said unto Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.” ~ John 4:13-15

    *Only valid in states and locations with operating pipes and hand pumps.
    ¤ Loose Change

    I have set the LORD always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. ~ Psalm 16:8

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Hmmmmmm......well, the following is not inconsistent with Our Lord's messages via John Leary. We shall see what develops....

    J.R.’s Alert November 27, 2017

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I’ve been discussing the clear and present danger of an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack on the USA for a number of years.

    I’ve read authoritative books by experts like Dr. Peter Pry (the former hear of the now defunct U.S. Commission on EMP). I’ve interviewed Dr. Pry on my radio show.

    Until recently, I felt that the failure of the Federal Government to protect the national power grid was just another example of an inadvertent result of our very dysfunctional swamp in Washington D.C.

    However, upon further reflection, I have concluded that the failure to protect the national power grid is by design and with intent. I have recently learned that officials in the Obama administration were actively blocking any possibility of the recommendations of the EMP Commission becoming successful. The report (208 pages, released 2008 ) is a free download at my web site:

    As most of you know, I’ve been a homicide detective most of my adult life and an Intelligence Analyst before that. By both education and profession, I’m trained to find evidence, analyze it and make conclusions based on that evidence. Based on the evidence I’ve found, I can come to no other conclusion other than the complete failure to protect the national power grid is by design and with intent. The goal being to prepare the USA for a successful invasion by our enemies i.e. the Russians, Chinese and their allies.

    With all of the above in mind, there are a couple of unknowns (at least to me they are unknown):
    1.) Does President Trump plan to move forward to protect the national power grid?

    2.) If so, will he be able to do so in time?

    Absent having answers to the two above questions, I advocate the following:
    1.) Prepare for both a grid-down scenario and invasion.
    2.) Pray for God’s healing and protection.


    I know all to well the enormity of what I advocate. I also know that failure to do so could result in serious injury, or death. My recommendation of becoming part of a hobby farm that’s self-sufficient 100 miles (or more) from a major city and 800+ feet above sea level holds true.

    May God Bless and Save America!

    John Moore
    November 27, 2017


    ​I believe that it is the following John Moore:

    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

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