I've taken this as my own and pass it on. We are in "interesting" times. Things will probably not end well. We had all better be prepared. Prepared for what, I don't know.

"This can't end well. If you have eyes to see then you know that inch by inch, we move toward the inevitable. The wicked left is every single thing that they protest against. Frauds, every last one of them. They are like rabid animals that ultimately can only be stopped one way. The virtuous part of the right take it on the chin until they won't take it any more. Trump's win was the first act of what's to come. Forget compromise. Those days are gone. Prepare accordingly and then brace for impact!"

Indeed, "forget compromise. Those days are gone." Arm up, prep up. Get in shape. Really rough times are just over the horizon. It's coming at us like an out of control freight train.