For those with ears to hear: The following is excerpt from a letter I wrote to someone with a national ministry of some import on 11/2/16, asking their hearers be warned. Please, should it strike fire in your spirit, distribute it widely.

Were I able to bring them this message in person, it would be entitled “Dagon Falls”. The parallels are clear, in that the Ark, the Holiness of God, was set before their idol fish-god, whereupon the idol fell face-first before it. Being set up again by the idolaters, the idol then fell once more, shattered, and plagues ensued.

God has spoken to me for decades concerning this illustration in its application to American idolatry, with regard to the corrupt debt-based U.N./I.M.F/FED macro-economic engine at the temporal root of the real-time overthrow of the U.S. (de jure, constitutional), and the false prosperity, with the dependency, it was designed to spawn. What is at issue here is first that we, American Christians, cannot possibly have meaningful, lasting reform, any return to first principles, or hope to reverse Marxist social and economic policy, while we approve and propagate this abomination of dishonest weights in the bag, enacted to enslave US. Second, (and the thrust of this warning), is:
A. The vast majority of American Christians have made this Babylonian system of commerce an idol, in increasing reliance upon it, and decreasing reliance upon Our God, determining that its survival is “essential” because their material prosperity is at issue.
B. While God is presently answering our prayers to expose corruption to provide opportunity for restoration of righteous governance and spiritual awakening, far too few of US understand He must expose and judge this very Beast in response to those prayers, and, (most importantly), we must prepare our hearts not to set Dagon back up again when it falls, or more severe judgments are certain.

There is no contradiction in knowing God, in His infinite mercy, has conditionally stayed final, terrible judgments on our Nation, and in knowing our Omniscient Sovereign God answers our prayers on His terms according to the immutable dictates of His Word. That God has instructed us to fulfill our mission here in no way precludes the fact God must overturn and expose this corruption to grant us time. Our fellow watchmen who continue to prophesy judgment are simply completing the picture, and, (as you know), God often gives us a two-dimensional view of future events, as to timing, sometimes with an optional outcome conditioned upon our response.

It has been stated repeatedly this election is only the beginning of a chapter, a fresh encounter in this spiritual war, and that the enemy will be enraged. This past day or two in prayer, I have felt the Beast snarling and arousing itself as more evil comes to light. We must pray God will restrain it in these days ahead. 2017 may well be another prophetic financial “bookend”, which dovetails perfectly with God judging our national idols even while He grants us a reprieve for repentance. You know as well as anyone with a meaningful voice that popular, visible American Churchianity is compromised, fat, lazy and happy, with Pillow Profits at the helm, expecting God will bless and sustain the prosperity idol even while the wicked are judged. “Know ye not that judgment must first begin at the house of God?” As our esteemed late Brother Wilkerson so aptly stated, “The towers have fallen but we have not heeded the message.”

So let them know it is still coming like a night train, Brother. “A man cannot serve two masters. He will love the one and hate the other.” We cannot serve both God and mammon. “The love of money is a root of all evil.” “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world…” There is still a judgment and a stark choice coming. May God grant it is not the final choice between the Mark and the stuff, but we desperately need voices warning of the dire consequences of reviving or preserving this wicked macro-economic system when it comes under judgment in earnest, because the solution which will be proposed is pre-engineered, according to the Hegelian Dialectic. This engine assuredly is the funding mechanism, the heart and blood of the Globalist Beast in power, built with the substance, labor and property of the once proud and free American People. It is mathematically designed to implode at critical mass for the express purpose of the consolidation of the corrupt power it has purchased, and God may well be about to make them desperate enough to attempt just that.

Please warn our People, my brother, to prepare their hearts to graciously accept God’s dealing with our national idols, knowing that godliness with contentment is great gain; that He alone is Provider; that we may state in truth once more, “In God We Trust.”

In His Service,
