Quote Originally Posted by Sherree View Post
Well, WR, I have to say I agree with you, I think......Just look at you and I. You know as well as I do that we disagree on some issues. We still can talk and share with each other, though. Neither of us are perfect, and we don't have all the right answers, yet, but we are working towards that end, I believe. I'm not gonna try and pick apart your comments. I'll just say that we all need a good lesson in unity, especially where it concerns minor differences in the "Body of Christ".

I'm all for discussion on differing issues as long as we can agree to disagree, being civil about it, having respect for each other. Usually one side or the other can't do that, whether it's about religious topics or any other topic here on TTOL.

Then there are some who are so far off in left field that one has to "contend for the faith" here in The Chapel. It should still be done with respect.
Thanks Sherree. I pledge to do better....