August 14, 2017

Charlottesville and Truth

By Earick Ward

Those who control the narrative, control the truth. Following Charlottesville, all must understand the broader context of current events -- the conservative movement (not to be confused with media created Alt-Right or White Nationalists) desires the restoration of America's founding principles, as documented in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

The principles of freedom are universal (all men), and are granted by God. Our Founding documents enshrined these rights, and were "exceptional" in their development and institutionalization.
There is a counter movement that seeks America's destruction, and the imposition of a new covenant, predicated on the wisdom of man, or more particularly, a select group of men, who seek to manage the affairs of all man.
These two contradictory principles are reflected as liberty or tyranny. Freedom or totalitarianism. Charlottesville was a "shot heard 'round the world" of the opening salvo in the final battle between these two worldviews.
What is remarkable (about our current culture), is the "virtue signaling" and "moral superiority" maintained by those that control the dominant (Leftist) narrative. It is not possible, as President Trump asserted that “all parties” are to blame for the violence perpetrated at the ill-named “Unite the Right” event in Charlottesville. The Left controls the narrative, and has a lock on what is determined to be “hate.”

Washington Post headline: "Trump lit the torches of white supremacy in Charlottesville. We must extinguish them."
The Media, local Authorities, and in this instance, Virginia’s Governor, Terry McAuliffe determined, before a word was spoken, and/or a step was taken, in the “permitted” March that “White Nationalists” (whatever that is) were haters. Disregard that countless prior Black Lives Matter events (sanctioned and unsanctioned) called for the murder and suppression of white people, generally, and white cops, specifically. And/or antifa events, where violence was perpetrated against, again, predominantly white people.
What is truth? Who determines truth? What if, what is true, is contradictory to the culturally approved "narrative" of truth? If the Left (or any entity) can control what is deemed hate, then they can control the populace.
Are we (you and I) prepared to stand on truth, if the "culturally accepted narrative of truth" contradicts "Universal truth?
"All men are created equal", by our Creator.
While man has not always fulfilled "this promise", America, and her people have worked towards this endeavor. Our humanity (and God's hope) dictates that we continue to pursue this truth.
There are forces that seek to tear this promise apart. It serves the Totalitarian to divide us by; race, class, gender, political affiliation, ad infinitum? A common people, striving towards a common, Universal Truth is a threat to those who seek to control. Fissures, wedges, lies, are inroads to destruction. Utopia cannot be fulfilled [seemingly], until America is destroyed.

It is up to us (you and I) to stand on the truth. (come what may)

A New (cultural) Revolution is upon us. The next 12-24 months will determine our future. Liberty or Tyranny. Lies or Truth.