Osama bin Laden porn stash will not be released

September 12, 2017 3:58 pm By Christine Douglass-Williams

It is no surprise that the chief of al Qaeda would have a stash of porn, which is not to say that benign folk also possess porn. They do, but in the case of jihadis it is often paired with cruelty and sadism against infidels:
Michael Flynn, former chief of staff for President Donald Trump and ex-U.S. intelligence chief, revealed in 2016 that laptops seized from jihadists were filled with as much as 80 percent pornography, alongside videos of beheadings and other gruesome footage.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo said that the “documents retrieved from the 2011 Navy Seal raid that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden would be released in ‘weeks’—with the exception of one particular part of the haul, his pornography stash.”
The Newsweek article below indicates that “while these documents are considered operational, his porn collection is not, and will likely remain classified.” Whatever that means. There is an aspect of jihadi depravity that should be publicly disclosed, considering that jihadis routinely victimize women. The Daily Mail reported that according to doctors in Syria: “ISIS fighters are desperately trying to obtain Viagra, spending money on kinky underwear for their ‘wives’… then subjecting them to ‘brutal, abnormal’ sex acts.” The article also pointed out that the same is done for “the hundreds of young women and children they kidnapped and now keep or sell as sex slaves.”
So how is this information considered not “operational” or unimportant about “holy” head of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden? Also, the professor, author and feminist Phyllis Chesler wrote in the New York Post:
Not only did jihadists use porn for pleasure, they also embedded secret coded messages into shared pornography and onto pedophile Web sites….In 2011-2012, German police found more than 100 al Qaeda documents concerning terrorist plots embedded within a porn video hidden in suspect’s Maqsood Lodin’s underwear.
Chesler further noted that Anwar al-Awlaki, “the American-born imam who fled to Yemen in 2004 and was later assassinated by a US drone, ate a lot of pizza and visited a lot of prostitutes in the months after 9/11.” This warped perversion, along with beheadings and the sadistic torture of infidel women, is being swept under the carpet in yet another attempt to protect the worst perpetrators, all in the usual name of political correctness. “Cast terror in the hearts of those who disbelieve” however you can, and then call the disbeliever “Islamophobic.” This is the madness of the world today.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo said documents retrieved from the 2011 Navy Seal raid that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden would be released in “weeks”—with the exception of one particular part of the haul, his pornography stash.
In a wide-ranging interview on the anniversary of 9/11, Pompeo said told Fox News’s Bret Baier: “There’s some pornography, there’s some copyrighted material. Everything other than those items will be released in the weeks ahead.”
In the operation on his Abbottabad compound in Pakistan, U.S. special forces retrieved a wide-ranging stash of documents, including family letters, documents relating to Islamic history, and notes about the group’s operations.
While these documents are considered operational, his porn collection is not, and will likely remain classified.
After his death, inquests were made into the final stages of the most wanted man in the world’s life at the compound. Was he planning more attacks? Why was he not caught earlier? All of these questions remained at large. One thing that was clear, however, is that he was watching his collection on “modern electronically recorded video,” or VHS, according to Reuters.
Michael Flynn, former chief of staff for President Donald Trump and ex-U.S. intelligence chief, revealed in 2016 that laptops seized from jihadists were filled with as much as 80 percent pornography, alongside videos of beheadings and other gruesome footage.
British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson in 2015 famously called male fighters from the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) “porn driven losers,” men who have “low self-esteem and are unsuccessful with women.”
One man, the founder of online jock news site BroBible, even petitioned the CIA to release the information under a Freedom of Information Act request in 2015. The CIA quickly shut him down. “We are not going to release these materials due to the nature of their contents,” Jeffrey Anchukaitis, a spokesman for then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said at the time.
Pompeo instead said on Monday that it was imperative for the American public see the documents that matter to national security, in order to prevent another plot of the likes of 9/11, the worst attacks in U.S. history, leaving almost 3,000 people dead.
“Once we are sure that there’s not classified material and that there’s not things that we can’t release, I want to make sure the world gets to see them so that we can have lots of hands touching them and making good judgments about how to make sure that we don’t have a 9/11, that we don’t have this kind of risk again,” he said.
As the 9/11 anniversary passed, Al-Qaeda released an image of the burning Twin Towers with a picture of Bin Laden’s son, Hamza, superimposed into one of the buildings. The jihadist group is lagging behind ISIS for the mantle of the global jihad and appears to be seeking a resurgence……
