I see rumblings around the web of the coming "civil" war. I see posts often discussing weapons, ammunition, even training's and tactics. What I don't see is every bit as critical as anything I have mentioned, maybe more.

Do you have an Individual First Aid Kit?
With the help of eBay you can build one, a pretty good one in fact, for less that the cost of a day at the range.
In the event of excitement breaking out it might mean all the difference to you, or someone you know.

Here's what to get:

This is a basic kit that has several of the necessities- rubber gloves, CAT Tourniquet, Compressed Gauze, Tape, a Trauma bandage, shears, and a nasopharangeal airway.

To that add a chest seal. The twin pack is good for a through and through. These are what I carry:

In order to help with body shots that are heavy bleeders add some Celox. It comes in various forms, packets or treated dressings:

Cravats and space blankets are also advised

Abdominal Bandage can be added to a larger kit, as well as burn dressing and SAM splint. But these items are too bulky for a personal kit.

The whole thing can be stuffed into a IFAK pouch. This one is on eBay for under $7 shipped.

None of this will keep you alive for very long. But it will give you a chance to get to medical care instead of dying where you stand.
Think about it.