My son, Christopher, has been in Heaven for almost 10 years, and as I think about the parents and family members of those who were murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, my heart breaks.

It calls to mind an interview with Billy Graham that I watched on “Larry King Live” some years ago. Larry King asked his guest about the rash of violence taking place on our high school campuses. Billy Graham pointed out that one thing that was being missed by many people was that the devil is at work.

Larry King then asked him if what he really was saying was those who did the killing were not really responsible at all – that it was the devil who made them do it.

Billy Graham rightly responded, “No, they had to yield to the devil for it to happen.”

The devil is at work. Just as surely as there is a God in Heaven who loves each and every one of us, there is a devil from Hell who hates and loathes us. Jesus summed it up succinctly when He said, speaking of Satan, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10 NIV). In contrast, Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (verse 10 NIV). There is your choice in life.

A lot of people might say, “I don’t choose either.” In reality, by not choosing God, they choose the devil by default. There are no other choices.

One the most effective strategies Satan has managed to pull off in this world is to convince people that he doesn’t exist while he manipulates their lives. He is active. When you get down to it, it is the only logical and plausible explanation for the madness humanity is capable of.

I’m not just talking about the violence on our high school campuses. I’m also talking about things like genocide that we see in other parts in the world, terrorism and all of the horrible, depraved acts of wickedness people commit.

If you believe that humanity is basically good, then I have to tip my hat to you and say you have more faith than I do. I cannot believe how anyone actually could accept the premise that humanity is basically good. Humanity is basically bad. And it is the devil who works through the fallen nature of people, getting them to do the evil things they do.

God has given us something called free will, which is the ability to say yes or no. Everyone has it. The Bible tells us, “Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living” (Romans 6:16 NLT). God gives us a choice in life.

Tragically, there is so much demonically inspired junk out there that people – young people, especially – are buying into. The name Marilyn Manson has come up a few times in the midst of discussions about teen violence. In fact, he has been quite outspoken in his hatred for Christianity.

The devil is pulling in a whole new generation of young people, and we need to be aware of it. I remember when a friend of mine who worked in a surf store invited me to a surf show in San Diego. We walked around looking at the latest boards and surf-wear. The skateboarding industry was represented as well, taking up half the show. As I started wandering the aisles, I was amazed at the demon-like images openly displayed on their shirts and boards. It was quite shocking.

Some people would probably say, “Hey, lighten up. The kids are just having a little bit of fun.” But I am not going to lighten up, and I’ll tell you why. These kids don’t have the defense mechanisms to deal with this stuff. These kids, in many cases, don’t even have a value system to guide them. They are buying into this. It opens the door to darkness, ranging from the Marilyn Mansons of the world to demonically inspired video games to graphic images of the devil and demonic symbols on the decks of their skateboards.

Again, the devil’s greatest rip-off is causing people to think that he doesn’t even exist while he manipulates them.

It’s like the boxer who was being badly beaten in a match. He leaned over to his trainer and yelled, “Throw in the towel! This guy is killing me!”

His trainer yelled back, “He is not! He’s not even hitting you! He hasn’t even laid a glove on you!”

The dazed boxer yelled back, “Then I wish you would watch that referee, because someone sure is hitting me!”

Our culture is getting hit. And like that battered boxer, kids are being hit and don’t even know who is hitting them.

We’re living in dark times, and the devil is the obvious and even logical explanation for the evil that is running rampant in our culture and world today.

I don’t want you to underestimate the devil. He is a sly and a skillful foe, and he has had many years of experience honing his craft.

However, there is something the devil doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t want you to know that he had his teeth kicked out at the Crucifixion. I don’t use that term loosely; I use it intentionally. He doesn’t want you to know that a decisive blow was dealt against him and against his demon forces at the Cross.

Jesus uttered three words from Calvary: “It is finished.” You can be certain those words reverberated through the ears of every demon in Hell. “It is finished. Your stranglehold on humanity has been broken.”

Jesus Christ has paid the price for us. We no longer have to be manipulated by the devil. That is good news for the person who trusts Christ.

The Bible tells us, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12 NKJV).

The devil would like you to think that he is control and is running the show. But he knows his days are numbered and his judgment is sure.

Let’s be praying for all those affected by this horrific act of pure evil.