We just received a phone call from a lady in the church I pastor who has an urgent prayer request.

A young lady who was raised by her good friend is enrolled in a local college and is required to take psychology. The class was being taught that, before they are born, babies are just tissue, blood vessels, etc.. They were also being taught that there is no difference between the sexes, we are all the same.

The Lord moved in the heart of this young lady and she stood up in class and challenged what was being taught and told the entire class they were being taught lies. Several others in the class then stood up with her.

She has been suspended from the class and must go before a board this week (in fact she might have had to do this yesterday) to account for her actions.

Pray that our Lord will give her of his grace and that he will give her the words to speak.

I will try to post further comments about this later and I will share updates as soon as I can.