The War to Destroy Christianity in America

Written by Troy Anderson

In his new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, New York Times best-selling author David Horowitz wrote that the liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a “godless, heathen American society” in which Christianity is banished.
Their success, he argues, could destroy the very fabric of America’s political order and culture. He warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans — including Jews such as himself — because these are attacks on the founding principles of America.
“Since its birth in the fires of the French Revolution, the political left has been at war with religion, and with the Christian religion in particular,” wrote Horowitz, a former 1960s radical-turned-conservative and president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
“In a symbolic, revolutionary act, the Jacobin leaders of the French Revolution changed the name of the Cathedral of Notre Dame to the ‘Temple of Reason.’ Then, in the name of ‘reason,’ they proceeded to massacre the inhabitants of the Vendee region of west central France because its citizens were Catholics.”
Considered the first modern genocide, it was far from the last. Inspired by this hatred, revolutionaries have regarded religion as the “enemy of progress and the mask of oppression” ever since, Horowitz wrote.
In Russia, socialist revolutionary Karl Marx’s followers scrubbed religious teaching from the schools, forbade criticism of atheism, and burned over 10,000 churches. When priests demanded freedom of religion, they were executed. Between 1917 and 1935, 130,000 Russian Orthodox priests were arrested, 95,000 of whom were shot by firing squads.
“Radicals in America today don’t have the political power to execute religious people and destroy their houses of worship,” Horowitz wrote. “Yet they openly declare their desire to obliterate religion. In their own minds, their intentions are noble — they want to save the human race from the social injustice and oppression that religion allegedly inflicts on humanity. ‘Religion must die in order for mankind to live,’ proclaimed left-wing commentator and comedian Bill Maher in Religulous, the most-watched documentary feature of 2008.”
Frank Gaffney, president and chief executive officer of Save the Persecuted Christians coalition, told The New American that the coalition has been making the case since it was formed in January 2018 that the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world is a “precursor to what can happen closer to home if we’re not careful, and if we don’t do a better job than we have to date in trying to stop” persecution around the world.
“That said, obviously what’s happening in the United States at the moment is nowhere near what is taking place in Nigeria or China or parts of the Middle East where people are being routinely brutalized, tortured, raped, sold into slavery, murdered, even on a genocidal scale,” Gaffney says.
“But I’ve been in any number of meetings where public interest law firms have described what is happening in case after case after case after case that is clearly on the leading edge of kind of a targeted effort to make the lives difficult of people who are practicing Christianity. They are doing things that their faith calls them to do but are not approved of by whoever it is that is suing them or getting the government to prosecute them.”