'With Red Sky, War is Nigh'

Louise Tomkiel (yet to be approved by the Church)

December 5, 2008:
Vision: Louise saw the sky become filled with flames jetting out in hues of blue, red and yellow.

Then God the Father spoke,
"When the sky becomes flaming red it is the sign that A GREAT WAR is extremely near!!!"



And the sky suddenly turned blood red: Huge sandstorm engulfs southern Iraq changing day into night

Strange Sounds -

May 12, 2018

A strong dust storm engulfed Muthanna Governorate in Iraq, changing day into night and turning the blue sky into a biblical blood red color on May 11, 2018. Very impressive pictures and videos:
A powerful sandstorm engulfed southern Iraq on May 11, 2018. The blue sky turned blood red over Muthanna Governorate, Iraq after biblical sandstorm engulfed the region on May 11, 2018. Another biblical sandstorm in Iraq. It is unknown if there are any injured or damages. Heavy winds accompanied the dust storm in Iraq Due to the high amount of sand travelling, many residents had respiratory problems. The visibility was reduced to less than a few meters during the sandstorm in southern Iraq.

The sandstorm turned day into night on May 11, 2018 in Iraq. This deep red color is really scary… As if blood was falling from the sky!
