Finally, got the cardiac tests completed. I have cardiac myopathy and athrosclorosis..50-60% blockage in carotids. But I've been having horrible pain in my leg for a year, but a very sudden turn for the worse, extreme pain, and then overnight, my right foot went totally numb. I got up, the numbness subsided, went back to bed and the foot blinked off again. That happened several times and then it just stayed numb.

So, after a couple of days, with the pain going from bad to worse, I went to the ER.

They checked veins fro clots, none found. But when they went to check arterial pulses, they couldn't find any in the afflicted foot.

Told me to follow up with primary doc, I did. She sends me back to the cardiologist who blows me off with the wrong diagnosis of neuropathy..I am diabetic, but I know that this isn't neuropathy. Set up for arterial a month!

In the mean time, my prary calls with an appointment in 2 days. I just returned from the study...blocked artery in upper leg..they want to send me back to cardiologist...nope. I don't trust him, he's insulting, pissed because I wanted him to look deeper. Nope, find me another cardio please. So, I'm waiting for a call.

Looks like I need roto rooter surgery and only God knows what's going on.

What I've done to help things along is started on a Keto diet a few weeks ago. The immediate result was blood sugar control..I'm so thrilled about that! I feel tons better. I am trying to ween off cigarettes. Physically, beyond that, I don't know what else to do.

So, I ask for prayer for safe surgery and for God to mend my broken heart and vessels. To give my family comfort, strength, and wisdom.