the most germane insight of our time right now. It portends the dirty cold war being waged against us dirt people, and the phenomenal growing conundrum the globalist scum are saddled with. It’s a pickle for them in no uncertain terms. Andrew Breitbart in his uncanny wisdom pointed ot two dynamics the clowns face. One is culture is upstream of politic’s, the second is we have guns…lots of guns, which when you get down to the nitty gritty are inextricably intertwined, they may as well be components of the same thing.
Are we not, at least us Freemen, us armed self determiners and self reliant individuals a culture, and the most heavily armed civilian culture in history, where our numbers constitute the a legion which is beginning to realize it is Legion.
This is existentially the most dangerous thing possible for the globalist power elite to face. There is no threat comes close to what we and our rifles represent. t is the defining dynamic now. Everything else is a side show. The clowns can not permit this state of affairs to exist. Or they are toast. I been collecting everything regarding the Yellow Vest’s and their grass roots insurgency I come across that makes it past the thought police. The parallels to Macaroni and his Brussel’s globalist tyrants and the deep state elitists here are highly apparent.
These two factions approach the strategy and tactics of suppressing dissent and defiance differently. Our rifles and our willingness to use them against such tyrants is an entirely different dynamic than our highly dis-armed cousin Patriots on the continent. I think it would be a very inspiring and motivating thing for us if our dear leader elites of the deep state where to sic the US Military on us here. Maybe this is the basis for why they are so convoluted and cunning with the circumspect methods of social engineering, using cultural marxism as a proxy, and the politics of plausible deniability the swamp employ’s against us.
In many ways our rifles are far more powerful a symbol of who we are as Freemen, than their actual use as weapons, at least till that changes, when they are indeed weapons we use against the bastards as more than symbols of our defiance and resistance to their tyranny.
The Yellow Vest’s are using their non violent redress brilliantly, they being a much smaller nation of people are able to organize a level of solidarity, at this stage in their revolution, because of that intimacy of population, like the Pole’s and their Solidarity movement, that is more difficult do here due to our much larger geographic and cultural size, at this stage in the evolution of our growing open source grass roots insurgency. This nascent legion is beginning to evolve into an entity which is on the threshold of awareness it is a legion. Still some more events and time need to pass until such a plurality becomes one. But it is close, and getting there. The power elites are in a pickle of their own creation, and Macaroni and his Brussel’s ilk exemplify to a T, the wannabe western hemisphere totalitarian’s great conundrum, how to go full raw naked power over the people, while maintaining control and not destroying the wealth strip mining and debt enslavement system they created.
No matter how it is perceived, the simple truth is they can’t, it is the analogy of the light switch now, they go full tyrant on our arses or they back off and run a subtle ground game. There isn’t a middle strategy now, too many dirt people know what the sonofabitches are up to. The Honorable Resistance is growing daily, and they can not be conned or herded, they have withdrawn total Consent, gone “Gault”, avoid the globalist’s system at every opportunity, they reject the statist-quo. You could say The Honorable Resistance is the secessionist movement of today. They at the least have succeeded in heart and mind, while seceding by living an “off grid” out of the Matrix way of life so to speak.
But we are talking about psychopaths and sociopaths, really, megalomaniac’s, such as Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and others within their factions who have caused untold death tolls and misery here and abroad in their quest for raw naked power over the West. They are a legion unto themselves in a sense, who have over the last century titrated so to speak into a maximum solution, which because of the hubris of their greed and envy, and their addictions for ever more power, they can not help but crystalize into a full blown hemisphere spanning totalitarian oligarchy who employ threat of force and use of violence as their want to rule unopposed over the Christian West. This is the goal. To rule with impunity over the rest of us, and by any means necessary.
Macaroni, the Brussel’s tool he is has called out the French Army and directly ordered them to use lethal violence to put down dissent. This not only a serious escalation, it is an open overt dry run to see what cause and effect takes place. They don’t give a rats ass about 100,000 French dirt people protesting, they could sit in Brussel’s for ten years and it would hardly effect their crime syndicate, its simply operating costs. What these mandarin’s can not risk is this open bold defiance spreading by example and inspiration across the European Union. This would destroy these banksters and their crime syndicate in no uncertain terms. And because they are utterly illegitimate usurpers to start with, the only power they have ever possessed is the power to hurt dirt people their money and influence buys them. The barely sufficient consent, tacit mostly, they garner from the population, derives itself from the ultimate power to hurt, the ultimate threat of hurt hanging over the people if they refuse to comply, it is threatened as never before.
Part of the conundrum for these clowns, is soon as just enough people recognize that is all the power they have, then using threat of force and application of violence is all they have to control people who are suddenly beyond their control of threat of such power they enjoyed prior.
It is the tyrants conundrum.
And its even worse a pickle for the clowns here. People have guns. And lots of them. Can they risk open armed rebellion? Do they have the physical resources to quell armed violent open source 4th Generation warfare? And how do you control dirt people you have already proscribed and made “outlaws” who understand what their prized precious property in the form of their arms represent, who know who and very well what they are about.
And being those rifles are an especially legitimate symbol of the manifest destiny of us Freemen, our history of legitimacy to use them in defense against just such tyrants to begin with, and us dirt peoples legitimate power to throw off the yoke of tyranny, for whatever cause we care about.
This has a kind of light switch analogy to it also. Us dirt people have withdrawn our Consent in such numbers, we are on the verge of that inflection point, where we change from a mass of unconnected disenfranchised people into a true grass roots movement that controls the dialectic. Ripping that control of the dialectic from the tyrants hands alone causes the change in power which presaged the first war of secession which created this republic.
A similar paradigm is building, for the power elites the sea change it will cause in no uncertain terms must be stopped before it is too late. But how does a self respecting tyrant accomplish this without causing this burgeoning legion from using their rifles? We see some of the strategy, as the tactics of a thousand papercuts via defacto law and out of whole cloth diktat, attainders of writ, and proscribing the white race and our Christian western culture and precepts. Which isn’t going to well, because the clowns are pissing off more dirt people than it is making afraid.
And remeber Hubris always before the fall.
Those Yellow Vests are defining everything right now. The power elites have lost already if they believe the French Army killing Yellow Vest insurgents will work for them.
How many of us dirt people are not fully cognizant of this yet? How many of us are? Its a difficult concept to wrap your head around. But the nuts and bolts of it isn’t. Shooting peaceful protesters in the Western hemisphere is never good optics. You can’t spin that no matter how much you believe your own fake narratives and fake media. Dead unarmed White Europeans at the hands of a group of unaccountable money changers violates so many Western Christian codes and precepts you could not pick a more efficient method to really piss off at an educated guess, 10 – 50 million European and Baltic men who probably have been stashing and caching infantry combat rifles and materiel since WWII. There is no way all the battlefield drops and weapons that “fell” off trucks since WW1 where returned to government depots and armories. The Continent has been awash in infantry small arms twice, including weapons which fell out of state control the sudden breakup of the Warsaw sattelite com-block states.
The fact the Yellow vest are 5 months into their color revolution, and our own on 11-8-16, are still standing, having survived this last stage of the ongoing palace coup, and rumors of resistance occurring all over the Union, speaks volumes that the globalist syndicate of factions are in serious threat of losing power. If they had the power to silence dissent and put down defiance they would have used it to effect already.
What strikes me as so fascinating, is what do these clowns think will happen if they “win”? The good old days are kaput. There is no going back to how it was for the last century and those gravy days they had operating virtually unknown. How are they going to go back into deep cover after all that has been revealed, all they have done and vile acts they committed against us dirt people?
They have just about strip mined the wealth of the dirt people, there’s more of the bastards every day, each wanting a slice of the pie that is on a diminishing return spiral to less and less that can be divided. We are talking the ultimate free shit entitlement class here.
Everything is been mortgaged to death 6 times over to these loan sharks. Seriously, its not a joke, sometime in the not distant future it becomes leg breaking time. But it’s past that stage, what legs do you break for what reason when you made everyone broke already? It gets to the point you are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
So whats left, Right? Go full ****ing retard tyrant and employ targeted genocide on as many threats as physically possible in order to balance the equation towards favor of a small group of absolute tyrants, with a population of serfs reduced to numbers it can then manage? Use Neutron bombs? Be real easy very cost effective and quick. Kill a lot of birds with that stone. And leave the infrastructure with which to build the perfect State?
A pandemic?
How about precipitate a specific economic collapse event, like Venezuela, the tried and true marxian strategy of order out of bloody chaos? Within cover of this turmoil you can get real target specific, and employ all sorts of proxies and useful idiots. Like putting to use all those Jihad solder invaders you created by ravaging the middle east then imported by the millions?
Really makes you wonder, history of this oligarchy in the twentieth century proves these sonofabitches are capable of the most foul acts imaginable. At the height of WWII a million civilians a month died just in the European theater alone. Don’t need a world war today, with everyone thinking TEOTWAWKI a societal collapse is way more cost effective with the same plausible deniability features, even more so in some features of creating such an event. Talk about crisis as a means.
Something is uniquely different this circlular come around of history.
The only way it can be described it is an inflection point in perception which has taken place amongst the dirt people. We know we been had, and been used as cannon fodder thru all the leviathan state and marxian madness wars and conflicts, pogroms and genocides, pawns, toys in the globalist tyranny which has dominated the world for at least since WW1, getting its legs under it beginning in 1860 with Lincoln and his marxists.
That at long last us dirt people have cottoned on to the grift of the large nation state and its purpose to corral large populations into a system of State slavery. This Zeitgeist, it needs not even be historically specific, its enough you got that sixth sense, something is very wrong, the unmistakable gut feeling you been a sucker, somehow the same con artists and political grifters have made an unmitigated disaster out of everything, and just why may you ask is this true, and its starting to feel like its getting ready time to put paid to the sonofabitches for once and for all. They plainly have gone too far. It is totally unacceptable, no reasons our excuses need thank you very little. Its a raw deal and we know it.
The last dynamic is how fast the political class folds, how hard it is at first to rip the power elites grasp from the levers of power, and how quickly they fold once it begins to unravel, a trait they hopefully all share in common, so when they fold it is so complete there is no chance for them to pull some Apocalyptic Ragnorak on us in a last ditch attempt to save their foul hides..
That last is one so important reason what the Yellow Vests open source 4th G war against the globalists is about. There’s tells that globalist ilk got in the game of brinkmanship, which is very instructional, much more difficult to cull out of the actors in the non stop clown show here in America with all the idiots and proxies employed by the deep state and its leadership.
I think this is one of the best pieces published on the Yellow Vest’s so far:
Globalism’s Last Disgrace: The Army vs. the Yellow Vests