I have been accused of being cage stage new Christian, for 3 yrs.
Well, i have gone to ever elder christian i know asking for Bible answers, help understanding grace and repentance and how to be like Christ
No one ever has any answers. They all seem to be bothered by my constant need to learn more about Christ, they tell me not to judge while clearly judging me for my starvation for knowledge, they ignore me or give me 5 yr old child answers, they never bring up Christ themselves, and i am frustrated

Everyone says to go to church, but what church? I have found more Biblical knowledge on youtube with John Lennox and Macarthur, and spergeon, and the like

I am unequally yoked so i cant get any answers at home and honestly there is anger most of the time if i bring up anything about God.

I am frustrated and exhausted

I also have no support for issues that come up

My family says they are saved but they judge me the most and ignore me and belittle me
I get extremely anxious to be around them with my unsaved husband. They call their actions forgiven , but all i get from it is "what did Jesus die for if you dont sin"
This time of year is the worst
I know Jesus says dont be just a hearer of the word but a doer, but i dont want to go anywhere or talk to anyone anymore. I have better and deeper conversations with my unsaved friends about Jesus than i do with any christian i know for years

What am i doing wrong? Do i just have to be quiet while this need for everything Christ is burning inside? Seems really problematic

Anyone made it through their cage stage ?

Literally no one in my family that claims christ will even talk to me anymore
Or if they do they keep it to the most boring mundane topics but they basically avoid me at all costs

I am super sad