Throughout human history the lords, kings, aristocrats, tyrants, otherwise known as the establishment elite, have hurt the advancement of civilization by playing power games. When our founders set up this system of government, we had a chance to overcome the mistakes of the past and live in a freedom loving society where the rule of law guaranteed a level playing field. No sooner was the ink dried on the Constitution then things started to go back to control by the greedy and powerful. I would argue that America was at its best in the early colonial period before 1750.

Today the model seems to be that the politicians promise all kinds of things to get elected, then nothing gets done because of childlike games of twisting the law to undermine the opposition. People get the shaft and the current result is that phony wars abroad to please globalists, along with a complete disregard for securing our borders is destroying this country like never before. A clear majority elected Trump (electoral votes) on his platform to build a wall and axe Obamacare. This simple mandate has been sabotaged, and we endure two years of circuses instead. The monster has gotten too big. Unfixable in my opinion because the people in this country is brain dead, ignorant and lazy.