Microsoft Patent to connect body to cryptocurrency payments
April 30, 2020

The following is a video by Kevin Shipp, former Counterintelligence Officer of the CIA. It addresses the new Microsoft patent to connect human brain and body function to cryptocurrency payments as part of a digital economy. Patent # WO 2020/060606 A1.

You will recall that Microsoft was started by Bill Gates, Eugenicist and now self-proclaimed vaccine expert…..and son of the former Director of Planned Parenthood. Gates is barking now into every microphone that will listen to him that the complete population of the planet must be vaccinated with [his] vaccine and a system needs to be implemented in which recipients of the vaccine can be identified vs. non recipients.
Think: 1. Population reduction 2. Control.

WARNING:Shipp includes a segment in the following video (29:14-32:25) discussing some Microsoft advertisement promoting the Satanist Abramovich (of Wilkileaks, Podesta emails and Comet Pizza fame) and her Satanic rituals of cannibalism. Shipp states that the images are cake in human form….not so sure. He does speak of her rituals of cannibalism providing disgusting details. I SUGGEST YOU AVOID VIEWING THIS SECTION.
Such section excepted, the content of the video is too valuable to miss.
I have been unsuccessful in locating a digital copy of the patent application presented in Shipp’s video.

The Mark of the Beast – the Subdermal Microchip

"It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads, so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast's name or the number that stood for its name. Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Rv 13:16-1