The Remnant, faithful to the Historical teachings of the Catholic Church, will be run out of Rome, soon; and will go underground at the Refuges.

We are reminded of the words of Pope St. Leo XIII in The Original Prayer to St. Michael:

“… These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.…“

via John Leary (yet to be approved by the Church)

August 20, 2004:

Jesus said: "My people, you have seen schism in My Church back at the time of the Reformation when division came in many Protestant Denominations. Today, there are many informal schisms going on with disobedience to what My pope son [i.e. John Paul II] is teaching in upholding My Church laws and My Commandments. You will see a formalized schism coming in My Church as a sign of the tribulation taking place. There will be another division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Those, who will remain faithful to Me, will be in the minority. I will describe the schismatic church so that you will be able to recognize it when it happens.
There are three main tenets that will be upheld in the schismatic church. First, they will be supporting a New Age religion which worships the earth, the moon, and many gods and goddesses of the earth. Second, they will teach that fornication, adultery, and masturbation are not mortal sins. That is they will teach that living together heterosexually or homosexually without proper marriage is not sinful. Third, this evil church will take away all reverence for My Blessed Sacrament and say the bread is only a symbol and not My Real Presence.. I am describing this schism because you are already seeing these signs coming into your churches and you should know that this is an evil influence led by the masons in My Church. Pray for your priests, bishops, and cardinals that they remain faithful to My teachings as the apostles taught, and not as some are misinterpreting the Gospels to their own liking. My people need to be strong in your faith by daily prayer and frequent Confession, and visits to My Blessed Sacrament. This evil age will test everyone dearly in what you truly believe."

Note: It has been reported (by at least one priest who appears routinely on TV and a host of others) that the carved idol in the pictures at the links below is that of the Amazonian goddess, Pachamama (aka Gaia, by other pagan cultures).Goddess of the Earth and the cosmic mother. In Quechua her name translates as our mother in space and time. To the Q'eros she is a living being on whom our physical lives depend. She also represents the element of earth. Pachamama is also the Goddess of earthquakes.

Amazonian 'Way of the Cross' prayed during Vatican's Amazon synod

Analysis: A pink dolphin, a carved image, and inculturation at the Amazon synod

Amazon spirituality events organized by network of Latin American and European groups

Vatican communications official: Carved figure at Amazon synod not Virgin Mary