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Thread: Ken Starr joins the other side

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time." (Dn 12:1)

  2. #12
    Laura19 is offline Tree of Liberty Supporter
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    You know, the more time passes, I like Trump but not most of the people surrounding him.

    I am for Trump but I'd be a fool to stand up for any of these lawyers. I knew about Ken Starr and Epstein. Has he ever told us why he was involved?

    I have a pit in my stomach. I think we Trump supporters may be happy with dirt coming out on democrats, but I have a sinking feeling that we will be sick to our stomachs with conservatives being exposed.

    That's God though, isn't it? When He exposes, it's going to be everyone. Maybe I'm wrong. Pam Bondi has never enthralled me either. (In post with lawyer's names, it said Pat Bondi, but it's Pam.)


    The problem is not global warming – it is moral cooling.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    The Tree of Liberty


    Don't worry Laura.
    The Father has it all planned, even if we can't see it.

    So far Trump has made these vermin into fools at every opportunity.
    He's like the new company president who found out the entire senior staff has been embezzling the company profits...
    And their jig is up.

    Let them have their day.
    Even satan gets out of the pit for a time..
    A warrior lives by acting, not by thinking about acting, nor by thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting.

  4. #14
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by solderguy View Post
    A rundown from another site on Starr and others on the defense team:

    Ken Starr: (Fired for not addressing sexual assults at Baylor University)
    In between being really pro-impeachment and really anti-impeachment, Starr spent some time as the president of
    Baylor University, **a job he lost after report demonstrated that his administration showed a “fundamental
    failure” in responding to sexual assaults**, including an epidemic of cases involving players on the school’s
    football team. Presumably, Trump hired him for his gravitas and to lend historical perspective to the case, but
    it also could be because he just has a thing for defending sexual predators.
    Also worth noting is that Starr is the Epstein lawyer that argued against notifying the victims as required by law

    Robert Ray: (Arrested Stalker)
    Ray went on to be arrested for stalking in 2006. As the New York Times reported at the time: “Mr. Ray had been
    sending e-mail messages to and visiting a 40-year-old Manhattan woman against her wishes after she broke off
    their relationship about four months ago, the police said.”

    Jay Sekulow: (The Trump direct connection to Lev Parnas)
    Sekulow got the president to **approve an arrangement for the president’s former lawyer, John Dowd, to represent
    Lev Parnas,** an indicted associate of Trump lawyer Rudy Guliani. Parnas has since started cooperating with the
    impeachment investigation and publicly implicated the president.

    Pat Cipollone: (Mr.Obstruction)
    Cipollone, who worked as an assistant to Attorney General William Barr in the early 1990s, has been stalwart in
    his defense of the presidency during the impeachment saga. Most notably, he crafted the strategy of absolute
    non-cooperation with the impeachment inquiry, penning what has to be the most unhinged letter in the history of
    the OLC, a legal argument that basically amounted to “witch hunt!” Cipollone’s strategy, which entails refusing
    to comply with every single lawful subpoena the impeachment inquiry has issued for the White House, **resulted in
    a second impeachment count against Donald Trump, obstruction of Congress.**

    Alan Dershhowitz: (Accused Pedophile)
    In recent years has come under scrutiny for **his work representing now-deceased serial sex trafficker Jeffrey
    Epstein**. One of Epstein’s accusers also accused Dershowitz of sexual assault, a charge he denies. Dershowitz
    has said he received a massage at Epstein’s house, which was one of the bases of Epstein’s trafficking, but
    insists he “kept my underwear on during the massage,” and that the massage was done by an “old, old Russian

    Pat Bondi: (The corrupt Florida AG)
    In August 2018, **while still serving as Attorney General, Bondi co-hosted Fox News' The Five three days in a row
    while also appearing on Sean Hannity's Fox News show.**
    The Florida Attorney General's office received at least 22 fraud complaints about Trump University. In 2013 a
    spokesperson for Bondi announced that her office was considering joining a lawsuit initiated by New York's
    Attorney General against Trump regarding tax fraud.Four days later 'And Justice for All', a political action
    committee (PAC) established by Bondi to support her re-election campaign, **received a $25,000 donation from the
    Donald J. Trump Foundation, after which Bondi declined to join the lawsuit against Trump University.**

    Getting a little desperate are we..

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Trump has to have an A team vetting all the other A team groupies......if you get my hint.
    Seems the deep state has total control of most A team players, setting someone up could be done with multiple level A team players........
    Remember, all A team players have dirt on themselves......dirt others have proof of.
    I pray Trump is sincere, and he has his own vetted A team working overtime.
    Educate others to grow our base of informed citizens, it's tyranny. Spread the Gospel.

    Prepare wisely individually. An army runs on it's stomach.

    Network with those who prepare wisely and take advantage of the strength in numbers and the economy of scale.

    Then, when the curtains come down and the truth is evident to an informed citizenry, we unite and fight the new world order.

  6. #16
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    Understand one thing about a Lawyer, if you need one, hire the most miserable SOB you can find, the one that would sue his own Mother for not showing him enough love.

    Too many people fail to understand that a Lawyer is there to win, and nothing else.

  7. #17
    Laura19 is offline Tree of Liberty Supporter
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    Quote Originally Posted by HouseWolf View Post
    Don't worry Laura.
    The Father has it all planned, even if we can't see it.

    So far Trump has made these vermin into fools at every opportunity.
    He's like the new company president who found out the entire senior staff has been embezzling the company profits...
    And their jig is up.

    Let them have their day.
    Even satan gets out of the pit for a time..
    You are so right, HW, The Father has it all planned. I so hope Trump is re-elected and if so, I believe we will be surprised at how that happens. And, if not...well the Lord will still be with those who love him.


    The problem is not global warming – it is moral cooling.

  8. #18
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    The Sanctuary


    Quote Originally Posted by HouseWolf View Post
    Don't worry Laura.
    The Father has it all planned, even if we can't see it.

    So far Trump has made these vermin into fools at every opportunity.
    He's like the new company president who found out the entire senior staff has been embezzling the company profits...
    And their jig is up.

    Let them have their day.
    Even satan gets out of the pit for a time..
    In this we can rest, no matter what happens.
    Pastor Guest

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    "Steps Toward the Mark of the Beast"
    The Christian's Guide to the How and Why of
    the Coming Cashless/RFID Economic System

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laura19 View Post
    You know, the more time passes, I like Trump but not most of the people surrounding him.

    I am for Trump but I'd be a fool to stand up for any of these lawyers. I knew about Ken Starr and Epstein. Has he ever told us why he was involved?

    I have a pit in my stomach. I think we Trump supporters may be happy with dirt coming out on democrats, but I have a sinking feeling that we will be sick to our stomachs with conservatives being exposed.

    That's God though, isn't it? When He exposes, it's going to be everyone. Maybe I'm wrong. Pam Bondi has never enthralled me either. (In post with lawyer's names, it said Pat Bondi, but it's Pam.)
    I agree Laura. When Pam Bondi was AG here in FL, she seemed to me a power crazed individual seeking political prominence as opposed to treating people fairly. Her frenzy to stop the opiod crisis effected many people here, like my wife, whom do not abuse their meds, but need them for chronic pain issues. Her campaign to further her political career hurt many without cause.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laura19 View Post
    You know, the more time passes, I like Trump but not most of the people surrounding him.
    If the president's instincts tell him to surround himself with scoundrels, who are we to object?

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