Trump fires back after pathetic Obama claims credit for economic boom: ‘Con job’

By Geller Report Staff - on February 17, 2020

Nuts or evil?
The latter.
— Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) February 17, 2020

Gotta love our president. He hits back every single time. President Obama was perhaps the worst POTUS ever. He should not be allowed to take credit for the booming Trump economy. #Trump2020!

Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing. NOW, best jobs numbers….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2020

President Trump reversed every single failed Obama/Biden era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy.
THAT is why we are currently WINNING!

Oh, we also found that Magic Wand you were talking about!
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) February 17, 2020

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: ‘Con job’

By Fox News, February 17th, 2020.

President Trump fired back Monday after former President Barack Obama, in a subtle swipe at the commander in chiief, claimed credit for the economic gains in both their terms.

Obama tweeted Monday morning to note the anniversary of his signing the 2009 economic stimulus package.

“Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history,” Obama tweeted, alongside a photo of his signature on the bill.
Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) February 17, 2020

But, the Trump campaign, in a statement to Fox News, countered that the economy was recovering only because of the actions Trump took to undo his predecessor’s policies.

“President Trump reversed every single failed Obama-era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy,” Trump campaign national press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said. “Obama and Biden orchestrated the worst economic recovery in modern history.”

She added: “By contrast, though, deregulating, lowering taxes, and supporting free-market policies, President Trump has created the hottest economy on record, with unemployment hitting generational lows and all-time lows for African Americans, Hispanics, the disabled, veterans and many other hard-working Americans.”

“Paychecks are growing at the fastest pace in a decade and twice as fast for low- and middle-income Americans,” she continued. “It’s no wonder Democrats seek to take credit for the Trump economy after eight years of betraying blue-collar workers and inflicting pain upon the middle class as Americans everywhere suffered. But the failed days of Democrat stagnation are over, and the soaring Trump economy is here to stay.”