February 20, 2020

The Democrat debate, a bonfire of their vanities

By Patricia McCarthy

It was interesting to see what Michael Bloomberg added to this latest Democrat debate -- not much because they did not give him much time. He did get off a few good lines that almost made him seem to be the most grounded in some version of reality. For example, in response to Bernie’s attack on capitalism, he replied “This is ridiculous! We’re not going to throw out capitalism. We tried that. Other countries tried that. It was called communism and it just didn’t work.”

He is right about that but he’s not very likeable and Warren made him squirm when she asked him to release all the women who have sued him from their non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). He declined. The man may be rich beyond belief but he is behind the times if he thinks his record of racist and misogynist comments will be forgiven. And his insulting comments about farmers? He can be assured he will not get a many votes from great American farmers. Bloomberg thinks he can best Trump but he is the anti-Trump. Bloomberg connects with no one, Trump connects with his supporters as if he is family.

YouTube screengrab

Aside from Bloomberg, the rest of them seem never to have taken even an Econ 101 class. They pander and promise all manner of free stuff for anyone and everyone who, like each of them, trembles with resentment over income inequality. Not one of them mentioned the $23 trillion existing national debt, though not one of them can say how much more their plans would add to that figure. Each of them is a bundle of resentment.

But most Americans do not resent their fellow citizens whether or not they have more money, privilege or power than they do. They just don’t. It is the Left that for over a hundred years has vigorously promulgated race and class hatred in order to further their agenda, but it has not worked beyond the usual suspects that make up their “progressive” base. Thanks to President Trump, Americans are pretty happy and content because they have jobs and their wages are up. Millions of them are no longer on welfare because they have jobs.

Trump’s rallies are joyous events attended by thousands and thousands of happy people. These Democrat candidates have all campaigned like the end is near. They are mad that Obama’s “managed decline” has been upended by this President.

All of the candidates on the stage are, as usual, disturbingly negative about the country, as if Trump has brought us down when in fact it is this president who has brought the country back from the edge to which Obama took us. Bloomberg seems to be clueless about everything but his own wealth and his recent purchased bid for the presidency. He was really out of his depth, but for realizing the rest of them have no clue about how to run a business, the government of a city, let alone a nation.

It is a mystery how Bernie’s supporters can put up with his relentless hectoring, his whole-arm finger-jabbing and his hatred of any and all persons who have worked hard and succeeded. He despises the people who make the country function: Bernie hates them all, from our truck drivers, plumbers, electricians, mechanics to self-made billionaires like President Trump and Mike Bloomberg. Bernie means to raise taxes on them all because they need to be punished. They need to pay for the free medical care for illegal immigrants, free college for all, and welfare for all the oil industry workers whose jobs they intend to destroy. It was clear that all but Bloomberg are on the same page.

Poor, pathetic Biden had a few moments of discernible speech but was overshadowed by the petty back and forths between Bernie’s and Bloomberg’s heart conditions and Klobuchar’s having forgotten the name of the President of Mexico. There was a lot of time wasted on nonsense. Their arguments between each other on health care plans are ridiculous because none of their pie-in-the-sky plans to provide healthcare for everyone are remotely workable without serious rationing and tax hikes no one would be able to pay. Why do they think Canadians and Brits come here for medical care if they can afford it? Because American doctors are finding all sorts of ways to circumvent the disaster that was Obamacare.

As for Buttigieg, the red diaper baby, what is there to say? He is young, smart but not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. When he was asked the other day about the 180 million who would lose their health care under his plan, he replied “I don’t care.” He is catastrophically arrogant, he foolishly lectures others on their Christianity as not as legitimate as his own if they support Trump. He relies on his few months at a desk in Afghanistan for credibility as military hero. That he is not. His stint as the mayor of South Bend was a disaster. His constituents there are glad to be rid of him, especially South Bend’s African Americans. As someone on Stephen Greene’s Drunkblogging the debate at PJMedia said, “Buttigieg is lawyerly but not presidential.” Well said. He’s like a candidate for student body president at a high school. Nothing he says is meaningful or relevant and his claims of African American support are untrue. That he actually considers himself presidential material is both amusing and fanciful.

And Klobuchar? She does love to toot her own horn louder than the rest of them. Her I-did-this-ism was tiresome. Voters are not very interested in their past accomplishments because, except for Bloomberg’s massive wealth, they are all meager. Biden has virtually nothing to show for his thirty-seven years in Congress but the vicious nastiness he displayed toward Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden is thug in an empty suit.

The time wasted on climate change was just that, a waste of time. That climate change is man-made is nonsense, a hoax meant to rob the US of its wealth in service of a global government. Every poll shows it is not a great concern to most Americans; it’s nearly last on every list of issues they care about. Trump was right to exit the Paris Accord; it was a joke. The ten billion dollars Bezos has just put up for this cause is like throwing $10 billion in the trash. How much good that money could do spent elsewhere; cancer or Alzheimers’ research, for example.

This debate was a sad commentary on the quality of the Democrat candidates. There is not one who can threaten Trump’s re-election. No matter how many millions Bloomberg lavishes on his attempt to buy the presidency, he will not win. None of them will win. Yes, Sanders has a vibrant base of disaffected citizens who hate America as founded and, like Bernie who never had a job until he became mayor of Burlington, VT. They are angry, hate-filled and tend toward violence which Bernie is hard pressed to disavow. Bernie is an example of everything wrong with the hard Left and the tenured radicals that have controlled American education for the last two generations. Bernie’s supporters are those who bought into the nonsense they were taught in school and the anger they were told they should feel, even though they live in the greatest democracy on the planet.

True to their leftist bent, the NBC audience was packed with Marxist socialists who cheered the five radicals and booed Bloomberg. Chuck Todd was his usual buffoonish self; the moderators had no control over the participants. This debate was not just a bonfire of these candidates’ vanities, it was a “dumpster fire” (Paula Boyard). What is tragic is that any of these candidates have supporters, because each of their agendas would effectively destroy the American economy in one fell swoop. Each of them intends to shred the Constitution as a worthless document written by old white men. They will lose because the American people are so much smarter than they are. They will each go the way of Mondale and be soon forgotten while Trump further restores America to greatness.